I feel like crying

So this morning, after a few weeks of doing really well, I convinced myself that it would be fine if I took a day off to cheer myself up a bit. You can guess what has happened..... I have gone out of control and eaten everything in sight! I feel so sad, why did I do it? The positive energy I have had recently has gone and I have gone from feeling really positive, to really really negative. I could honestly just cry.

To those of you who have reached your goal, did you have setbacks along the way? I guess I'm looking for a ray of sunshine to reassure me that this isn't the end of the world and that I can do it!!


  • bejizzled
    bejizzled Posts: 7 Member
    Hey don't cry!!! I've done the same ie lost then gained and am back to where I started but am looking for friends to buddy starting today. My problem is I'm good all day and then binge at night on a nice huge lump of parmesan cheese or whatever. You can do this, and so can I . Lets start today and not give in to those binges.
  • seekingstrengthX2
    I havs a setback every 3-4 days. Just keeo going!!!!!!! :happy:
  • sassafrascas
    sassafrascas Posts: 191 Member
    I am not at goal, but I know you can do this! its a minor set back. Now you know that when you feeling down taking a day off from diet and exercise isn't going to help. I suggest getting a pedicure or reading a good book these things help me forget about my problems and recharge me. Cry then wipe the tears away and go for a walk . You can do this.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Have you been logging regularly? Most days you don't even eat half of your already minimal calories! Your body needs nutrition. If your diary is accurate, this wasn't so much a binge as a refeed.
  • dovetail22uk
    dovetail22uk Posts: 339 Member
    If you didn't have a setback, you couldn't have a COMEBACK!!

    maybe get some more excellent friends to keep you going when you're struggling. I have cheat days and bad days but as long as you keep going, you'll get there in the end!

    Log absolutely everything.

    And start capitalising - it's AWESOME and makes you feel EMPOWERED.
  • Markwells01
    Snowy - Firstly CRY…Get it out of your system!…..Then

    Secondly, go back look at your goals and pre baby photos and the reasons you are doing this....

    Thirdly, do not beat yourself up about one day off the rails....if it makes any difference at all it will be temporary. A straight line graph to your ideal weight/shape is simply impossible.

    Though I may be a chap, I hanker after a smaller body and to fit in a pair of black Levis I keep from when I used to have a 34” waist...... I have added 2Llbs over the past weekend....and only this morning pulled a muscle in my back which will side-line me for a while……but I will not be deflected from my overall goal because of it…disappointed in myself, yes but de-motivated…no.

    MFP helps us focus on what I eat and how much we exercise…..4 stone will not just fall off overnight, it will take time….Keep the faith, focus and re-commit….one tip I read on this forum was to put some money in an pot as a reward for weight loss instead of eating. When you reach your goal, that little black dress will be that bit more affordable !!!

  • LeonnieH
    LeonnieH Posts: 209 Member
    I looked at your diary, some days you've logged only like 600 cals. Is that all you ate or did you not log the rest of the day? I ask because if you've been living on 600cals some days then it's only natural that when you have a "day off" your body will be screaming at you to eat, eat, eat!
  • BeccaBollons
    BeccaBollons Posts: 652 Member
    I think everyone does it now and again. I certainly do!
    Did you used to binge quite a bit before starting your new healthier way of life? I did that too. So now if I have a binge, say, once a fortnight, I think to myself- I used to eat this much most days!
    You're doing ok, don't let it hold you back. Try upping your daily calories a smidgen so you feel less like you're denying yourself anything.
  • daniellemm1
    daniellemm1 Posts: 465 Member
    We all have setbacks. Cry and feel bad for a bit and then pick yourself up and remember that tomorrow is a new day. Start fresh tomorrow :) Maybe write down how this setback made you feel as a reminder the next time that you are feeling like splurging.

    It is ok, you can do this :)
  • MG_Fit
    MG_Fit Posts: 1,143 Member
    I havs a setback every 3-4 days. Just keeo going!!!!!!! :happy:

    ^ Agree. Just keep pushin on. It's when you completely give up, that you should want to cry.
  • To those of you who have reached your goal, did you have setbacks along the way? I guess I'm looking for a ray of sunshine to reassure me that this isn't the end of the world and that I can do it!!

    No worries, we all have setbacks, all the time. The difference with our 'before' is that we pick ourselves up again this time and get back on that horse!

    Life's to short not to enjoy donuts and chocolate with hazelnuts hun!!
  • mlclarke22
    mlclarke22 Posts: 551 Member
    We all have set backs...Just get back on track and push on through! You are doing great! We all need a little break sometime!
  • Faintgreeneyes
    Faintgreeneyes Posts: 730 Member
    "Defeat is not the worst of failures. Not to have tried is the true failure."

    I had this posted on my wall today. We all have bad days, its called life. The true test of character and endurance is what we do with ourselves after these bad days. *YOU* have the ability to make today a good day. We start each and every day fresh, with no mistakes in it. So why bring the past into it? Yesterday is done, learn from it, and make today better.
  • ademiter
    ademiter Posts: 176 Member
    Girl it happens all the time! Don't worry about it. Today is a new day! :)
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I binge once a month, it's a thing of beauty, always while I'm pmsing . . . I learned a long time ago that one day doesn't make or break a pattern and it's just one day. The only time I get upset about it is when I eat something that isn't as yummy as something else I could have eaten.
  • RockstarJ
    Happens to the best of us. I try to eat pretty well for the most part but the last few days have been horrible. If you have a bad day....don't sweat it. Just try again tomorrow. Don't beat yourself up too much over it. You can do this!
  • ASkinnyGirl713
    ASkinnyGirl713 Posts: 3 Member
    Believe me everyone of us has had down moments like that but do not beat yourself up. I actually have had great success by occasionally taking a day off. It is usually followed by a weight loss because you are more determined. When I am having one of those days I try to drink two glasses of room temp water before I eat anything fattening. Wait five minutes then eat. You will be surprised how much less you will eat once the water fills you up. Most important thing to remember is "It's not what you do all the time, it's what you do MOST of the time. Treat yourself to a beautiful salad for lunch and relax !
  • pamelalk
    pamelalk Posts: 70 Member
    Oh my!! don't cry its all good, I have done that soooooo often.. I finally had myself at the point where i was determined that being thinner was better..lost the weight kept it off and than last December, decided to indulge (cause I was good and i deserved it) well its going on March and I am still struggling to get back on, but I am doing it. I find each time I learn a lesson, this time I know I can go out and still eat low cal, and I am starting to do just that. but i also know there will be times that temptation is just too much, so i eat and than get right back on it. just stay determined and instead of having cheat days try having cheat snacks or meals and get right back on it. :happy:
  • lisam625
    lisam625 Posts: 30 Member
    I havs a setback every 3-4 days. Just keeo going!!!!!!! :happy:

    ^ Agree. Just keep pushin on. It's when you completely give up, that you should want to cry.

    Glad i'm not the only one!!! I have one of "those" days about once a week it seems like. Remember that tomorrow is a new day!
  • tami2tami
    tami2tami Posts: 6 Member
    I too woke up this morning after having taken a Bod Pod test last night wanting to cry. Only to find out that what I thought was my hard work over the last 6 weeks, equated to a loss of 3lbs of muscle vs. the fat I so desperately need off my body. I am really fit. Work out religiously and have been trying to chisel the fat % off my body down to at least 25%. It does not get any easier the older you get. Especially as women...it is even tougher. Hang in there. At least you are aware. And YOU ARE doing something about it! Don't be too hard on yourself. Temporary set-backs are all a part of the equation. Use it as a motivating tool to ramp up your efforts. You can do it