I feel like crying



  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    You are human; we all are....falling down is part of life...it's not the falling down, it's picking yourself back up and moving on. This makes you stronger. My favorite quote:

    -Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.

    Obstacles can also be created by yourself....so pick yourself up, dust yourself off and GET BACK TO IT!!! YOU CAN DO THIS!!
  • Ilovevwgolf
    Ilovevwgolf Posts: 564 Member
    Have a really good cry then pick yourself up and get going again! It's just a small setback..not the end of the world...You can do it girl..! Get back on track and focus!

    If you think 1200 cal is unrealistic and you're always hungry..then raise it to maybe 1400/ 1500 then slowly get it down again...? Just a suggestion..
  • Songbirdcw
    Songbirdcw Posts: 320 Member
    If you didn't have a setback, you couldn't have a COMEBACK!!

    maybe get some more excellent friends to keep you going when you're struggling. I have cheat days and bad days but as long as you keep going, you'll get there in the end!

    Log absolutely everything.

    And start capitalising - it's AWESOME and makes you feel EMPOWERED.

    Love this! Absolutely right. Don't allow one day to keep you from reaching your goal. Reflect on what you did wrong, and capitalize on it by improving. I allow myself a cheat day/meal, and I allow myself NOT to feel bad about it. Let your mess ups motivate you! Have a great day!
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    first of all, i would say that you should be honest and log everything that you did eat today. You can't be held accountable if you pick and choose what to log. it might not be pretty, but it's a step towards the right direction.
  • abbyrae1
    abbyrae1 Posts: 265 Member
    set backs happen! Don't let it steer you completely off course! you can bounce back from this! Just get back on track and keep doing what you were doing. Also, I would try not to completely cut yourself off from all the "unhealthy" things you like. You are allowed to treat yourself once in a while, just don't make that your eating habit, make it the exception.
  • blpnana
    Oh my gosh - this is exactly what I was looking for! Your post really hit the nail on the head for me - I do well all day long, walking, eating right, all of it. Night time comes and BAM - I start eating everything in sight. I've decided I need a project to engage my mind and energy at night. This sitting in front of the TV stuff makes me want to do one thing - eat! I had turned off my cable for a few months and it was such a noticeable difference in my "nighttime" activity - then I went ahead and had it turned back on again and once again I'm back to the night binging. Time to cut it off again!!!

    And about wanting to cry - I'm right there with ya. But after you get done crying, try to just jump back to doing what you know are healthier things for yourself. Feel better, get back on track and just take it one day at a time. That's what I'm going to do and quite honestly, I need to make a better plan of what I do in the evenings. Have a wonderful day.:flowerforyou:
  • youngbarr
    youngbarr Posts: 1 Member
    I have lost 103 pounds in total. Trust me the set backs are only temporary. Don't beat yourself up, just pick yourself back up and jump on the treadmill!
  • slroggemann
    slroggemann Posts: 168 Member
    Have you been logging regularly? Most days you don't even eat half of your already minimal calories! Your body needs nutrition. If your diary is accurate, this wasn't so much a binge as a refeed.

    It does seem like you need to be eating more...I was at 1200 for several months, then discovered how unhappy I was and raised my calories to 1500. I'm much happier and I rarely, rarely binge. Gotta make sure you're getting all the nutrients you need!
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    The best way to spend a day off to cheer and motivate yourself - is finding the funnest way to plan your next week of workouts.

    Whether you write all over the walls, get a dry erase calendar or simply a classy little planner or techie app - color code it, research workouts, recipes, new foods, wash alllll your workout clothes, plot new routes.

    Shave, buff and polish your skin, moisturize and smell good. clean and tame your nails and fix your hair. pamper your skin and your body inside and out. Drink all your water. Prepare yourself a beautiful beautiful beautiful meal - and do the things you love and never have time to do. Then sleep like a princess and the next day - wake up refreshed and do what you planned for yourself til your next motivational maintenance day.
  • lissabee4
    lissabee4 Posts: 10 Member
    Definitely, you'll have days where you veer off your path. You just get right back on. I've known how to lose weight for a long time and I've gone up and down and up and down. Why? Because I didn't give myself a break when I got off course.

    I became so DISTRACTED and CONSUMED by what I felt was a devastating day that I never got back on course until weeks or months later.

    Tomorrow, get back on course. Don't let this day DISTRACT you from all the work, time and effort you HAVE put in and WILL continue to put in for your health.

    Just remember...you'll be offering advice to someone on their weight loss journey and no one wants to hear how easy it was or 'I did perfectly'. Just like yourself...they'll want to hear how you OVERCAME each hurdle.
  • JessicaBowlby
    JessicaBowlby Posts: 14 Member
    I think we all get to that point, not only once during our journey, but several times. First and foremost, cry. Let it all out. Then, you get your butt busy again. (I'm learning this too.) It was one bad day, but you have to keep trying. Sometimes it feels like it would just be easier to throw in the towel and deal with the idea that we can't do it. We can't keep going. It's too hard. It's too much. But, we have to brush ourselves off. You had one bad day, the next meal will be better. Throw in an hour walk those days that you take off. It helps.

    Don't beat yourself up over one bad day. Like someone said before, they fall off the wagon at least once every 3-4 days, I am the same way. You gorge on everything in sight, you feel like crap, your mood changes, but then you have to make that change in your head from bad to good. You can do it! Take a few deep breaths and remember WHY you want to get healthy and make these changes.

    Good luck!!
  • Maridar
    Maridar Posts: 164 Member
    I learned to let myself indulge from time to time, otherwise it may become depressing to control myself all the time:) But the next day it starting all over again and working out and trying to eat healthy.
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    For most people I think periodic setbacks are just part of this. The only way you would fail is if you give up rather than get back on board and realize one lousy day doesn't rule you. So smile and learn from it. If it happens again, you'll know you can move on anyway.
  • StacieHof
    StacieHof Posts: 97 Member
    Have you been logging regularly? Most days you don't even eat half of your already minimal calories! Your body needs nutrition. If your diary is accurate, this wasn't so much a binge as a refeed.

    Do you log all of the food you eat? I had the same problem when I was eating 1200 calories a day....my body was starving and I would have to rely on willpower (it will get very low over time). I feel great now and when I have those feelings for more than a few days (can be caused by other factors in the short term) I move my calories up again. My great MFP friends helped me and now I eat TDEE minus 20% and am doing much better. You don't need to feel this way to lose weight and feel great, hope this helps.
  • steflbrown
    Days like this will happen. You need to just move on. I find that if I don't treat myself every once in a while, it's very easy to fall off the wagon. But you can do it. Just get up the next day, forget about the past, and keep moving forward!
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    This was exactly me last week. It's ok, you'll be back on track, don't be too hard on yourself. We all have those moments. The people on here are really supportive and have a lot of great advise. Keep logging in and keep at it. No sense looking back.
  • clsxplor
    clsxplor Posts: 15 Member
    We have ALL had setbacks along the way. In fact, sometimes it helps to shake up your metabolism by having an "off" day (or a day off, if you prefer). The main thing is to not let it get you down to the point where you give up. Put it behind you and continue on with what you were doing the day before yesterday! You CAN do this, we all can!
  • jonesin_am
    jonesin_am Posts: 404 Member
    On days like this I remind myself that I haven't failed unless I have given up!!! We ALL have bad days, weeks, months...but as long as you pick yourself back up and keep moving forward you WILL reach your goal. You WILL be successful!

    I also read on the boards once that unless you ate 14,000 calories over your target in one day...you def did not gain 4lbs of fat! One day isn't going to determine your fate.

    Start making a plan today to help you with the rest of the week. That also helps me feel better after a bad day...knowing that I have a plan to keep me on track for the rest of the week helps my mood today. Good luck!!!
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    So this morning, after a few weeks of doing really well, I convinced myself that it would be fine if I took a day off to cheer myself up a bit. You can guess what has happened..... I have gone out of control and eaten everything in sight! I feel so sad, why did I do it? The positive energy I have had recently has gone and I have gone from feeling really positive, to really really negative. I could honestly just cry.

    To those of you who have reached your goal, did you have setbacks along the way? I guess I'm looking for a ray of sunshine to reassure me that this isn't the end of the world and that I can do it!!

    This happens to me at buffets when I rarely visit one. :devil: :laugh:
    OP honestly one bad day will not destroy the many great or good days you have achieved thus far. When you hit a pitfall wake up the next day and continue on with your positive path learning where your weak points are, and that allows you to readjust your eating methods.
    IMO you should not reward your self with food. Go get a massage or get your nails and hair done...go shopping instead.
    As long as you can pick your self back up and learn not to fall prey to old habits you will be fine. :drinker:
  • roiLEI1554
    It's okay' I'm sure we've ALL been there. It's hard to be perfect on the diet at all times, and sometimes we really do need the day off.
    What's most important is you re-evaluate your diet, figure a way to incorporate rest days a little more reasonably (maybe once a week so you won't go crazy), pick yourself up, and keep going :smile: