Crossfit Questions



  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member
    The best encouragement I can give you when it comes to Crossfit is to encourage you to avoid getting involved with it.

    I know some marathon and half marathon runners that tried Crossfit for a while, but they decided that the extreme Crossfit workouts were too hard on their bodies, and left them too sore to train for their races. Crossfit also has a very high rate of injuries, and as a runner, I cannot recommend it.

    Before you make a decision about the program, you might want to check out this article from the NY Times -- "Getting Fit, Even If It Kills You."

    "Mr. Glassman, CrossFit's founder, does not discount his regimen's risks, even to those who are in shape and take the time to warm up their bodies before a session.

    "It can kill you," he said. "I've always been completely honest about that."