If you have lost 15lbs or more....



  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Ninja moves in my underwear listening to power ranger/ninja turtle music mix for 30 - 35 min then rest 10 min and repeat but this time dancing with my miley cyrus love doll and watching reruns of dancing with the stars
  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    portion control is number ONE!

    Healthy choices is number TWO!

    Moving is number THREE!!

    I lost 21 pounds in 2012 and intend to lose 30 this year. I started walking - throw in a couple squats and touch toes and twisty at the waist thingers here and there...moving makes you have more energy. once you see the scale move it gives you more motivation to keep going!

    Good Luck!!

    I've lost fifteen in about 2.5 months, and I'm doing the first two (with some occasional #3 as my body allows...if I could move more, I'm sure I'd be losing faster but it is what it is right now).
  • Juka80
    Juka80 Posts: 42 Member
    Count Calories + Gym + Log in to MFP app daily -- 60 DAYS -- 20 lbs less -- still a long way to go, but I am having fun doing it!!!
  • lockmand
    lockmand Posts: 90 Member
    Hello, I have lost 42 pounds since giving up wheat products, and eating foods (fruits, vegetables and fish, poultry, lean meats) from the healthy food lists. I cleaned out my kitchen of wheat products and any unhealthy snacks so that they would not be there to tempt me.
    I go to the gym daily (6 days) for a 60 min bike ride (12 to 14 miles), and take at least one gym class 5 days. Classes are Pilates, 20/20/20 mix, Hard Rock Abs, Taebow or Kickboxing, and Latin Zumba. I even tried the spin bike class, but only make it for 30 min of the 60 min class! The seat is so uncomfortable for me, even when I add a gel seat cover! I may work up to it but am not in a hurry about it, only go once a week for that.
    I have plans to get away from refined sugar and I hope to follow others suggestions about making a list of things to do besides eat when I am emotionally triggered toward food. I need to study my mind on this and have been reading a lot on it. currently reading what Bob Green has to say about this.
    Good luck, hope you find some good ideas on this thread to help you on your journey. We are all traveling the same journey but using our individual trails to get there.
    I have lost 42 and have 40 more to lose to reach my 155 goal.

    Donna 155
  • SDHudgins1976
    What I'm doing:
    *Tracking EVERYTHING I eat, and staying right around my goal in calories.
    *Riding a stationary bike twice daily Mon-Fri... (while watching Big Bang Theory...though I'm gonna have to either move to once a day longer... cause there are plenty of star treks I've never seen... or find another series as I'm running out and don't know that I like them well enough to watch them again hehe)
    *No "cheat" days, but I don't leave anything out of my diet. If I want chocolate, I'm gonna eat it, I just now eat a smaller portion.
    What I'm going to add:
    *I plan on adding in walking and some outside activities as it warms up... I'm a whimp so I knew I'd have to pick something I could do inside for now... I plan on adding a day or two of Zumba with my daughter and adding in Saturday for yoga eliminating one of my two current "rest" days.
  • mmowery31
    mmowery31 Posts: 23 Member
    i've cut out all red meat only eating chicken and fish recipes. wheat everything and a lot of turkey made substitutes. If i have anything (such as casseroles) with potatoes or rice in it i spoon it out with 1/2 cup measurer. if not i get a full cup. make sure you have two snacks a day (vegies and fruit). and never skip breakfast. i've found that i really like the egg whites in the carton. make sure to measure and log everything. good luck!
  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member
    Trying to be REALLY freaking patient. And NOT getting angry with yourself. That's a big one.

    And focusing on not putting any back on. That, for me, has been the hard part. I've been doing this for a few years now, & my start weight was 175lbs. My lowest weight since I started was 143lbs. That's about 3lbs away from my goal, by the way. I'm now at 151lbs today.

    I've been yo-yoing a bit. I admit it. It happens. It's hard sometimes. I fall off the wagon. I do. But I don't let it go on for too long. I think that's part of the key. Once you get to a place that's "better"... or "comfortable"... do NOT return to old habits, thinking... "hey, what's one big meal? I'm 143lbs, it's not like I'll be 175lbs from eating a little roast beef & yorkshire.

    That kind of thinking is dangerous. Backsliding can get you into trouble. Don't let it. If you spike for a meal, get back at it the next day.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
  • buffcleb
    buffcleb Posts: 150 Member
    Lost a little over 80 pounds so far... biggest thing for me has been eating less food... works like a charm...

    To eat less food track everything... weigh your food and don't ever say you will come back latter to enter your food... you won't

    When I have to guestimate either exercise or calories I do it towards workouts having fewer calories and food having more...

    thats it
  • Alissakae
    Alissakae Posts: 317 Member
    I have logged in to mfp for 225 days straight, tracking my calories and activity every day. So far I've lost 55 pounds by staying within my (not too low) calorie limit and exercising six days per week. It has not been easy, but I think that consistency is the biggest factor....consistently track and consistently get some activity. I've gone over calories a fewtimes but immediately put it behind me toget on track the next day.
  • KimLovesDon
    KimLovesDon Posts: 152 Member
    Pretty much what's already been said. Portion control, and move, move, move! Burn more than you eat!
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Please share what you are doing?

    1. Eat a little less.

    2. Eat a little healthier. Or a lot - just know that you don't have to make several wholesale changes at once. A little is fine.

    3. Exercise a little more - preferably incorporating strength training to maintain lean body mass.

    4. Repeat.

    5. Enjoy the results.
  • KylieJordan16
    KylieJordan16 Posts: 36 Member
    I've lost 15 pounds since January 2013.

    I pretty much have the same story as everyone else. I cook my breakfast, lunch and dinners, bring delicious, healthy snacks with me to work(so eating at least 6 times a day), drink TONS of water and I am lucky enough to have developed a deep love for running.

    I also don't deprive myself. Do I eat chips every week? No. BUT when I do, I totally enjoy it and move on :)
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    Calorie counting... portion control.

    Me and my husband don't eat out all the time like we used to. Maybe 2-3 times a week instead of 2-3 times a day. I am making more food at home, and trying to make it healthy too ;)

    Lost 34 pounds since last May. I have a "kinda" goal to make 40 pounds by this May 18th but not sure if it will happen.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Please share what you are doing?

    The first thread here that actually helped me was this one:

    Without the road map, I was starving all the time, eating a tiny calorie goal that MFP told me was necessary to lose 2 pounds a week. I lost 18 pounds those first two weeks and was so weak and hungry that I went over my calories on purpose and knew something wasn't right. After reading it, I averaged a loss of 1.8 pounds a week for about 16 weeks, then I increased my calories again and have averaged 3/4 pound/week for the past 16 weeks. ALWAYS remember that weight changes are over time, not overnight.

    This is a compilation of some great topics that make it easy:

    Honestly, this is the first time I have tried to lose weight by tracking my food intake. And I'm only halfway to my goal. The top three links listed are the place to start. The first few weeks were kinda hard because I was making it hard by trying to eat only "healthy" food and avoided refined sugar and grains and other things that I thought were necessary.

    It really is pretty easy once you educate yourself. Yes, some days I eat more than my calorie goal, but since I know my TDEE, then I know that I'll be ok eating over my calorie goal once in a while. (like on potluck days at work, or holidays) After logging for six months, I was able to calculate my true TDEE, which for me is much higher than the standard formulas. For some, it is much lower. REMEMBER that the formulas are based on averages. YMMV. Once your have logged accurately for at least 6 weeks or so, you can calculate a TDEE that is close to what you *truly* burn in a day. Be patient and persistent. If you don't hit your goals on a given day, work harder the next day to meet your goals instead of whining "woe is me" or pigging out in frustration or whatever. Life happens. Log it and move on!
  • jal16jal
    Drink lots of water and clean eating. I used to eat sweets all the time but I have been staying away from them. Now I hardly ever crave that stuff.
  • proudmommy_iam
    I found a health plan that taught me how to eat. I would usually try "diets" and eat less calories but wouldn't have a healthy intake. 10 chips instead of 20 isn't the healthy way to eat. I knew you needed to eat right but had no idea where to start. The health plan I started helped me to loose my weight (27lbs and counting) and now I have the tools to maintain that weight loss eating correctly. And if I choose to work out it's an added bonus! :)
  • indians1975
    indians1975 Posts: 29 Member
    I began my journey in March of 2011 I weighed at least 272 lbs. I honestly think that I was closer to 280 or 290 lbs. I was embarrassed to look at the scale. In the beginning of my transformation. I was very naive to what I was eating. I thought that it did not matter what I ate because I was working out. I will lose weight, right? Then I noticed that nothing was changing until I realized with the help of my wife of how important it was to eat the right types of foods. I don't have a diet as some say. I don't have any forbidden foods. I have taken this approach so that I can have this loss be sustainable. I just count calories. I eat approx. 2300 calories per day. My maintenance calories are between 2800-2900. I never eat my exercise calories back. My current goal is to loose body fat and get stronger overall. One thing that helped me keep focus is realizing that there are times when that # will go up slightly due to muscle gain or water weight. So my typical routine is Cross fit on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. I run or spin on Tuesdays and Thursday. Sunday is my recovery day. To this day I have lost over 75 lbs and have had it off for over 330 days and I weigh 196 lbs.
  • carolyn000000
    carolyn000000 Posts: 179 Member
    Log everything, even if you go way over. This forces you to live in reality.

    Work out 5 days a week for an hour. Include a couple of days of HIIT

    Drink lots of water.

    Weigh every day.

    Don't ever ever give up.

    Suck on Vitamin C chewables when craving sweets

    If you are going out, plan all other meals around what you are going to have.

    Eat at least 500 calories before noon. This keeps me from getting hungry at night.

    Don't make excuses but if you have a bad day move on.

    Eat what I like, not just "diet" food

    Leave some on your plate. Stop when you are no longer hungry, not necessarily when you are full.

    Everyone is different, this works for me. I have hit a plateau so I guess I will be looking at what others are doing and switch it up a bit.