Anxiety and depression= Lack of motivation :(

Hi everyone..
Im currently struggling to keep myself motivated at the moment due to my current battle with anxiety and depression. I did say from today I will change and refuse to let this current obstacle stop me from reaching my goals but I kinda overate..(wishing i was a person who didnt eat through stress lol) I am going to try and do some form of exercise soon. Does anyone have any tips for me?? Or has anyone been through this and could help?? Any advice would be really appreciated.
BTW please feel free to add me if you like



  • Game8
    Game8 Posts: 442
    Start working out and join a gym. It will help with your stress and make you look great.
  • Id love to honestly, but my personal problems wont allow me. Im not making excuses honestly lol. New year I tried going back to my local sports centre, and couldnt stay :(
  • If this has been going on for a while consider seeing a doctor. It may be seasonal depression (SAD) from insufficient sunlight. Try to get out as much as possible and get some exercise. If you crave carbs when you're depressed have canned fruit (no sugar) and maybe oatmeal. It will provide the comfort you're looking for without causing dietary harm.

    I've been treating for depression for over twenty years. Many people recover when their situation changes but some of us need meds to feel normal. Even still I will have days when getting out of bed is a challenge. Your kids will get you up and moving, and maybe you can have some silly dance time each day - great cardio!
  • otterish
    otterish Posts: 50 Member
    Dealing with these issues myself. The best advice I have is to handle everything one day at a time. I know it sounds trite, but we cannot change the past or predict what will happen tomorrow. All we can really control is the day, the moment.
    Also, a bit of exercise in the morning helps me find my happier face. Even a few jumping jacks, sit ups, pushups really help.
  • hannahpark3r
    hannahpark3r Posts: 50 Member
    I also struggle with anxiety and depression. I'm on medication right now, so it's suppressed, but it's still a battle. For one thing, definitely try to exercise. You don't even need a gym. There are plenty of exercises that you can do from your own room. Exercise increases endorphins and makes you happier. I got tired of hearing this, but it really is true. Also, try to stay away from greasy/fried foods. I found that those just ended up making me feel worse. I started eating clean and my overall mood has improved a whole lot.
    Best of luck to you! If you ever need anyone to talk to about it, I'm here <3
  • Rose_bee
    Rose_bee Posts: 226 Member
    Hi me, nice to meet you! :)

    I have SAD plus regular clinical depression, and severe anxiety (GAD & Social Anxiety).

    Cymbalta (90mg 1x/day) has been my savior!

    It's so hard to get the motivation to exercise when the depression is going on. I bought an elliptical to use in my garage, so I wouldn't have to find & go to a gym (where I would have anxiety issues).

    When I can't get to the elliptical (like when I'm at work), I'll go for a nice brisk walk on my breaks or at lunch. I find that really helps with my anxiety. Also walking outside gets you sunlight which helps with SAD (& regular depression, too).

    Feel free to friend/message me.
  • The only thing that will help is actively working on your anxiety and depression. Saying "I'm not going to let this stop me anymore!" doesn't do any good. You have to get help, whether it be from a book, therapy, group support, or other form of support.

    I'm speaking from personal experience here - acknowledging lack of motivation doesn't get you anywhere unless you slowly start to work on these issues. Building blocks, you know? :)
  • 4_Lisa
    4_Lisa Posts: 362 Member
    I have suffered (and still do) from depression and anxiety issues. I found what helped me with the anxiety issue and getting into exercise, I hired a trainer, someone to help me so I wasn't so self-conscious, started working outside and at a private gym. It wasn't open to the public so only people who had appointments with a trainer were there, often just me and the trainer. Once you get going, you realize people aren't watching you, and even if they are, it's cause they are impressed!
  • Seaglass1123
    Seaglass1123 Posts: 500 Member
    ((Hugs)) I struggle with this as well. I've been in a rut lately. I will say that exercise helps my mood so much it is crazy. I end up feeling 100 times better. Go for a walk to get things moving. Good luck!
  • BigDnSW
    BigDnSW Posts: 641 Member
    Yes, I've been through both years ago and now work with others with anxiety disorders, anxiety issues, and depression per my practice. You will get a lot of great advice here, but if you can afford it, try to find a professional that has education and experience in counseling. I did years ago and was able to climb out of it. Money well spent.

    Anxiety and depression are a form of "pain" themselves and if untreated can lead to a variety of physical/lifestyle challenges as well.

    I now have lived anxiety/panic/depression free for years. It is not only possible, but the success rate when treated is very high. However, if not...

    PM me if you want.
  • Serendipityunt
    Serendipityunt Posts: 120 Member
    While I've always been sufferer of some form of anxiety and depression, I'm going through a break-up so rough I'm having trouble getting through the day right now. That said, watching what I eat and logging my calories has become easier. I think it's because I feel like I have no control over anything in my life, except what I eat. MFP has been my rock, in a way. I have to tell myself, "Fine, my life feels like it's falling apart around me, but at least I can do this right." And I do feel a little happiness at the end of my day when my calories are around what I have planned for myself.

    So my advice is to focus on the one thing you can do right, even if it's just not putting a cupcake in your mouth.

    Best of luck!
  • morningmud
    morningmud Posts: 477 Member
    I have depression and social anxiety. Working out really does help alleviate the depression. I always feel better after a work-out. If you can't get to a gym, try some cardio at home. I found some zumba vids on youtube that are fun. I also feel a bit more confident after lifting so that helps some with the SA.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    I was in this place last year. I would say, start going on long walks outside, during the day if you can. Make them long, and on inclined terrain to get the most out of them. Supplement that with doing some at-home workouts with DVD's or on youtube.
  • ottermotorcycle
    ottermotorcycle Posts: 654 Member
    I'm 19 now, I've dealt with depression since I was 12 and anxiety for the past 3 years. I've been eating healthy and getting my sweat on for only a month. I don't know what your personal issues are, but it would be worth it to wake up early and go for a brisk walk and eat a good breakfast. It really changes the feeling of your whole day, as long as you don't wake up thinking "oh damn, i have to go to the gym today on top of all my stress and i won't even be able to eat the things i want because i'm on a diet..." it sounds a little silly, but you have to believe in it in order to be motivated. today WILL be a good day because you took care of YOU.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Id love to honestly, but my personal problems wont allow me. Im not making excuses honestly lol. New year I tried going back to my local sports centre, and couldnt stay :(

    you can workout at home

    I'm recovering from PTSD, so totally get you re how debilitating depression and anxiety can be. Personally, I found that doing strenuous exercise has really helped, and as hard as it can be to get motivated, it's worth it to push myself to do it. It removes the stress hormones from your system (i.e. you get rid of a lot of the symptoms of anxiety) and it releases endorphines that make you feel better. It only relieves the symptoms, not the cause, but in my experience it makes such a difference.

    If you can't get as far as working out in the gym, there's a lot of stuff you can do at home. I have my own weights and a treadmill and a punch bag, you can get a lot of stuff on the 2nd hand market (ebay, etc) so you don't have to fork out a lot.

    If you're not already doing some kind of therapy, I'd totally recommend that as well, but make sure the therapist is experienced at dealing with the exact problem that you have. All of what I said about exercise only relieves the symptoms it doesn't cure the cause. but the combination of therapy and lifestyle changes (the main one being exercise) has really helped.
  • Start with walking....30 minutes to begin with. just time yourself, listen to music or book on cd/tape to make the walk go quicker...I'm in your shoes and this is what I'm starting with again.:flowerforyou:
  • Hi.Try doing some yoga. Get a book or video on beginner's yoga and breathing techinques if you are unable to go to yoga studio or gym. I myself have anxiety and can tell you that doing yoga DOES help. They have books about yoga and anxiety. Yoga is much more than just physical. Once you begin to understand the basics of yoga and what it has to offer, you might find this will help you and also keep your mind focused on something other than your anxiety. Breathing is a big part of it. Don't give up on your journey... these are just little bumps in the road. You just have to push through these little bumps and look for something that brings out your motivation and dedication. :)
  • Krizzle4Rizzle
    Krizzle4Rizzle Posts: 2,704 Member
    I have battled with GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) and Social Anxiety disorder has far back as I could remember. In late 2012, when things got really bad and I found myself dealing with depression I knew I needed help. I talked to my doctor and we decided to try a low dose of Lexapro. I had no confidence that this would help me since I was always against depression and anxiety medication. But you know what? It did help. A lot. Life is too short to me plagued with anxiety and depression. It can really stifle you. My advice is to seek help. You are worth it.
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    In the same boat here (anxiety & depression... both a biproduct of a personality disorder) so I feel your pain. I find that the one exercise I can stick to doing even when I don't want to leave my house, see other people, be seen, or put forth any effort at all is my Wii Fit/Sports. I literally have not exercised in MONTHS because of both depression AND being physically sick since just after Christmas and last night I somehow managed to boot up the Wii for the first time and throw in the Sports disk. I did 20 minutes of boxing and my arms are actually pretty sore today... best part? I got to take out some of my anger and sadness by kicking the butt of an imaginary character! :laugh:
  • Strength2Succeed
    Strength2Succeed Posts: 126 Member
    Bump will send you a message and friend request later today. same situation as you.
  • Jewel0124
    Jewel0124 Posts: 119 Member
    I suffer from Anxiety and was treated for depression in the past. I do find that exercising helped to control the anxiety. I haven't been to the gym in a few months and I find that my anxiety is increasing. If you can't go a gym, find an exercise video that you can do from home. It might help.
  • anaquay
    anaquay Posts: 150 Member
    First off you really need to speak to a doctor. I spent a long time on anti-depressants but came off them a few years ago and although I still suffer from the occasional bout, it's nothing like as bad as it was and after having the breathing space that the tablets gave me, I think I'm better able to cope now.

    The thing that helps me get through the downtime is music, I put on the songs that I know cheer me up and I dance. I make it as silly as possible and just have fun. I haven't done it for a while as I've been feeling pretty optimistic, but after some recent bad news I'll be doing it every day, to cheer myself up and help lose weight - as you can really work up a sweat.
  • It helps me to remind myself to make one right choice. Protein over cookies, exercise (even a short walk) over couch sitting. Making a right choice makes the next one easier. Right choices snowball the same way poor ones do--and if your choices are 90% healthful, you are well on your way to sucess.

    I also agree with the poster who mentioned finding a professional counselor to work with. No shame in getting a problem treated. Depression is pretty common and treatable. Don't let it drag you down.

    Good luck and add me if you wish.
  • Chibea
    Chibea Posts: 363 Member
    Exercise will make a huge difference, but if you are seriously unmotivated, it's hard to get out and do it.....If that is the case start slow with long walks or dancing to your favorite music - that will boost your mood dramatically, then move on to more structured stuff like a gym if you can.

    I do go through this regularly, which is why I have gained so much weight over the years, so I commend you for getting to the root of it now while you are young and have your healthy life ahead of you!!!

    If it happens often, consider the possibility of a medical condition - mine turned out to be ADHD - undiagnosed for years. Once I got the medication, the anxiety and depression was gone. I still have left over bad habits from years of messy eating, but my mood and attitude are really amazingly improved, I guess because I now can focus for extended periods of time on the goals that matter to me:smile:

    That's just me. Really commit to get to the reasons for your own anxiety and depression and handle that, because it will continue to derail you if you don't.

    I am not adding friends right now, but I welcome messages for extended discussions:heart:
  • wtw0n
    wtw0n Posts: 1,083 Member
    When you work out, do you do that at home or somewhere else?
  • I know I can overcome this but I honestly thought it would be easier than this :( I want this weight gone so bad, once I learn to handle my problems better im hoping it will become easier x
  • momasox
    momasox Posts: 158 Member
    I suffer from pretty bad anxiety and depression. I recently started mindful meditation. This was suggested to me by my counselor. There are a whole bunch of these vidoes on YouTube that are guided for beginners.

    There are also a ton of videos on You Tube for yoga. I try to do yoga twice a week. If you can't get to a gym can you go running/walking? I find that when I incorporate some really good high intesity (for me) cardio that really, really helps.
  • Lib_B
    Lib_B Posts: 446 Member
    I also suffer. Exercise at home. You can buy the video/dvd/blueray or find some on Pinterest or youtube. It does help. As do proper medications if you are a chronic sufferer as I am. Also, consider investing in a 'happy light'. $60 - 70 US and they help during those gloomy months.

    motivation can be hard to summon for me with two kids and so much going on. but, i decided that for once in my life, i need to put 'me' first. i feel guilty as hell taking them from school/daycare and dropping them in the daycare at the gym, but i remind myself that by doing so, i am making a fitter, healthier mama for them on the weekends and a good example for them to look up to. i don't think any of us have the answer to what will motivate you -- you need to look inward and decide that for yourself. swimsuit season? maybe make plans for a vacation this summer and have an attainable goal to reach by that time? whatever works for you. but you can do it. :)
  • AmazonRDH
    AmazonRDH Posts: 203 Member
    i had probs with anxiety back in 2011 and had to take Ativan for a while, I had a lot of medical issues and wasn't sure I was going to live. Even afterwards, when I was on the mend, the shock from it all still shook me to the core. It took me a while to regain control of my life. Honestly, at that time in my life, there was no way i could focus on losing weight and all that. I had to let myself be ready for it. I will say though, that since I started jogging again and taking better care of myself, I have been off of Ativan, sleeping well, much better moods and outlook on life. I think I reached a point where I was just ready to take my life back, and then taking better care of myself sealed the deal. Good luck to you. :flowerforyou:
  • Coffeeplz_123z
    Coffeeplz_123z Posts: 29 Member
    Depression is a painful thing to live with, I lived it with it for years before going to a doctor. If it's a clinical depression you really need to see a dr. No amount of exercise or positive thinking will help lift the cloud that hangs over you. Those things will help you to feel better once you're on the mend of course! Don't leave it too long, there are many ways to treat anxiety and depression and no one needs to live feeling so awful.