What diets have you been on & how many times?



  • Breizier
    Breizier Posts: 221 Member
    Atkins/weight watchers/south beach/protein shakes/weight watchers/south beach
    Weight watchers 360 and HUNDREDS of dollars.

    And the only thing that remains lighter is our pocket!
  • luckyjuls
    luckyjuls Posts: 505 Member
    I've dieted from a young age.

    Calorie restriction
    Pretended I was lactose intolerant and no longer drank milk or ate cheese
    La Weight Loss
    South Beach (twice)
    Weight Watchers (twice)
    Jenny Craig (once and never again--costly but works if you are STRICT)
    Wheat Belly (learned a lot, but can't cut it all out as of yet)

    South Beach provides the most whole way of eating so I do still consider the things I've learned from there--mainly, carbs, but in moderation, lean meats and cheese, nuts, moderate fruit and lots of veggies.
  • Breizier
    Breizier Posts: 221 Member
    IVe been dieting since i was about 17. IN retrospect you want to shake your young self and say why why why diid i ever start.

    I would agree that you do learn a little something from each of the sensible ones although how you fi t the bits together to keep you lean and healthy is another ithing..
  • Breizier
    Breizier Posts: 221 Member
    1200 calorie diet when I was 15-16 lost a ton of weight down to 101 pounds... got scared, stopped dieting.

    Now 10 years later... just watching my intake comparison to energy output going kinda by guidelines I've seen on these boards. When I had 40+ to lose I went for 750 cal daily deficit.
    20-40 500 cal daily deficit
    now <15 left to go 250 deficit... it seems sooo slow now lol. With a 250 cal deficit I will reach my goal in 30 WEEKS....

    Well done for approacing it so sensibly. Specially this latter phase. DOing it so slowly means longterm you will probably keep it off with far less effort.
  • Breizier
    Breizier Posts: 221 Member
    Atkins/weight watchers/south beach/protein shakes/weight watchers/south beach
    Weight watchers 360 and HUNDREDS of dollars.

    Yep, I think the £££ is the most consistent thing I have lost. Thank God this is free (even though I am back to paying for SW)
  • Breizier
    Breizier Posts: 221 Member
    Wow.... so many diets so little space...
    HCG (Drops) Worked well the first time
    Realacore Not so well
    Lipizor Not so well
    Atkins Not so well
    Starvation Not so well
    Weight watche rs Not so well

    And many others which didn't work so well...

    Yep I almost almost tried the HGC drops.
  • Breizier
    Breizier Posts: 221 Member
    OMG I just remember some more that I tried:

    Accai Berry tablets
    Houdia Gordie tablets
    Wu Yi tea - I wont even tell you what that tastes like
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    Herbal Life 1x - hospitalized bad ephedrine reaction
    Low fat 1x
    Mediterranean Diet 1x
    South Beach Diet 1x
    Weight Watchers 1x
    Atkins 2x - 1st time was induction only to get rid of water weight, doing all stages now

    Low carb and eating every 4 hrs works better for me, no hunger, fainting, binging. I get low blood pressure and low blood sugar at times. South Beach was working but added carbs back too fast for me to understand which foods and quantities I can handle.
  • Breizier
    Breizier Posts: 221 Member
    Herbal Life 1x - hospitalized bad ephedrine reaction
    Low fat 1x
    Mediterranean Diet 1x
    South Beach Diet 1x
    Weight Watchers 1x
    Atkins 2x - 1st time was induction only to get rid of water weight, doing all stages now

    Low carb and eating every 4 hrs works better for me, no hunger, fainting, binging. I get low blood pressure and low blood sugar at times. South Beach was working but added carbs back too fast for me to understand which foods and quantities I can handle.

    Hospitalized! What do we do to ourselves.
    SO long as you have no ill effects and are 'eating for life' healthily; I think what you have touched on is very important. All our bodies respond slightly differently and we have to get to know our body and its actions reactions and sensitivities as part of being health.
    Happy Healthy eating.