Wanted: Geeky active buddies. Area not of import



  • Reza151
    Reza151 Posts: 517 Member
    found this joke on tumblr:

    John Barrowman and Nathan Fillion walk into a bar.

    And every other man goes home without a date.
    :laugh: :laugh:
  • Krinaia22
    I'm a Doctor Who (David Tennant all the way!) fan, cat lover, and total geek (currently reading Storm of Swords :). I'm also a lover of firefly, buffy, tea, wine.... ok the list gets longer. But you should add me and I'll be a supportive geeky friend.
  • Andaisy1
    Andaisy1 Posts: 306 Member
    Whovian and Game of Thrones fan! & I think I saw The Princess Bride up there somewhere! yay!! Anyone's free to add me :happy:
  • MrsSawicki
    Any friend of the Doctor is a friend of mine :) Feel free to add me! Wibbly wobbly, timey whimey :)
  • bara_rei
    Too bad about the PS2. :laugh:

    Since I'm jumping from temp job to temp job while I wait for my medical interpretting cert. course to start, I can't afford to upgrade. But with the God of War pack and the new prequel coming out IM SO TEMPTED TO SPEND MY NEXT PAYCHECK AFLKASAFHDKSL

    Ahhhhhh! Can't wait for the GOW prequel!!!!
  • Sunny_fit4life
    Sunny_fit4life Posts: 157 Member
    Favorite Doctor GO GO GO

    FOr me, David Tennant. Hands down.


    I don't really think of myself as "a geek" but I like a lot of those things... so who knows.
  • thelastcenturion
    thelastcenturion Posts: 28 Member
    you guys. i like you guys.
  • mc54iznit
    mc54iznit Posts: 26 Member
    All hail the King in the North!

    <3 game of thrones, i used to be really big into video games too but now I'm mostly just a WoW nerd =/
  • LannaLifestyle
    LannaLifestyle Posts: 21 Member
    hey add me too :o)
  • Cinnamonie
    hey guys - definitely a doctor who fan, I was raised on it haha :) though to be honest, I don't have much of a recollection of the early days beyond playing Ace and Mel with my sister ;) feel free to add!
  • elissiara
    elissiara Posts: 28 Member
    Hello fellow Doctor Who and Game Of Thrones Fan here :)
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Hi! From the Seattle area. Sci-fi, comic book, fantasy, gamer geek. Feel free to add!
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 814 Member
    I read all the Game of Thrones books and watched Season 1 of Game of Thrones, but I stopped because I refuse to relive the frustration and pain of liking my favorite characters only to have stuff happen.
  • elissiara
    elissiara Posts: 28 Member
    I read all the Game of Thrones books and watched Season 1 of Game of Thrones, but I stopped because I refuse to relive the frustration and pain of liking my favorite characters only to have stuff happen.
    Its the worst!
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I read all the Game of Thrones books and watched Season 1 of Game of Thrones, but I stopped because I refuse to relive the frustration and pain of liking my favorite characters only to have stuff happen.
    Its the worst!
  • Snipsa
    Snipsa Posts: 172 Member
    Fellow scifi fan here! Love me some BSG; SG1; SGA; Firefly; Eureka; GoT; etc, etc...

    Love Ender's Game, Dune Series, Anything by S. King, and well almost any book that most 17 year old girls have never heard of ;)

    Ooh and comics... DC, Marvel, anything ;)

    Just not much of a gamer - don't have the time...

    Anyone can feel free to add me :)
  • Kiska77
    I read all the Game of Thrones books and watched Season 1 of Game of Thrones, but I stopped because I refuse to relive the frustration and pain of liking my favorite characters only to have stuff happen.

    Me too! I could hear it in the other room and had to leave the house. Now my boss has 'discovered' GoT and I'm having to relive it all over again. I warned her, do NOT get attached to anyone.

    Used to be real active, moved across the country and got a smidge geeky. Now I'm trying to get the active back while keeping my geek on. Loved the Night Angel Tril, preferred the Alvin Maker series to Ender's Game (though the 1st ender book was good), WoW, Dark Tower, BBC Sherlock, (some of you are going to write me off in 3..2..1..) couldn't get into Who and can't stand T.Pratchett. Loved Firefly!! Can't help but squee a little when bits of Firefly leak into Castle (2x2, hands of blue), more quilting than knitting/crocheting etc Happy to find other active alts.
  • LeahRandom
    LeahRandom Posts: 34 Member
    Love horror and scifi. I bought a black Borg brand scale, I compared various new and vintage models to pics of the Borg and bought the one that looked the most Borgish to me. It makes me happy every time I weigh myself. I am getting my exercise this weekend selling sci-fi and horror t-shirts at the Emerald City Comicon. I can't say mostly without saying it a second time. Mostly. Sometimes I let some one else add the second one. Not real big on gaming, mainly because I'm not good at it, but I wish I still had my Atari, and maybe an old Sega system, I'm currently rocking a PS1 that everyone makes fun of. I also like to play Oh no... Zombies!
    Feel free to add me!
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    Continued from this topic, which was unsuccessful due to the constrained radius: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/907356-wanted-geeky-20-30-somethings-in-dc-metropolitan-area


    Looking for pen pals and friends with similar interests!

    *books (I love my kindle to the point where it might be inappropriate. I even fall asleep with it in my arms
    *Sci fi and fantasy (ESPECIALLY Doctor Who)
    --STar Trek, Star Wars, Game of Thrones, Firefly...
    *Video games! (I have a Ps2, gamecube, DS Lite, and PSP)

    Non-stereotypically geeky interests:
    *Cats (animals in general, but especially cats)
    *crossword puzzles, sudoku, logic puzzles, jigsaws...

    Let's be friends!!

    Feel free to add me! :-D

    Huge reader (former book shop worker where we got to borrow any books we wanted!) Mainly sci-fi/fantasy (Jaqueline Carey, Robert Jordan, GRRM) with some fiction (loving my Murakami at the mo)
    Not a massive Who fan but do like it, huge Buffy/Firefly fan, B5, Twin Peaks, GoT, that kinda thing.
    Also a comic book nerd, I have a monthly pull list, and have a massive collection in my spare room. If you don't love Dazzler get out!
    I am a big knitter and love dress making too, I find crochet incomprehensible...............
  • blytheandbonnie
    blytheandbonnie Posts: 3,275 Member
    I read all the Game of Thrones books and watched Season 1 of Game of Thrones, but I stopped because I refuse to relive the frustration and pain of liking my favorite characters only to have stuff happen.

    Me too! I could hear it in the other room and had to leave the house. Now my boss has 'discovered' GoT and I'm having to relive it all over again. I warned her, do NOT get attached to anyone.
    Spoiler alert! Get attached to Tyrion.