When is 1200 calories appropriate? (hint: almost never)

if you are a sedentary 38-year old woman, who is 4'10" and weighs 115lbs and does not exercise, then your TDEE-20% would be approximately 1200 calories.

if you are:

more active than that...
and/or younger than that...
and/or male...
and/or taller than that...
and/or weigh more than that...
and/or engage in cardiovascular exercise, then

you should almost certainly be eating MORE than 1200 calories per day.

i would hazard to guess that 99+% of the people on MFP are in the category that should be eating more than 1200 calories. 1200 calories per day is almost certainly too low for almost everyone who does not have an unusual medical condition requiring a low calorie intake, in which case that person would have to be under medical supervision.

if you are new here or are trying to adhere to a 1200 calorie diet because you heard that's what you need to do to lose weight, i would urge you to read through Dan's Roadmap:


when you are done, join the Eat, Train, Progress group run by 2 knowledgeable members who are trying to provide a safe harbor where accurate, scientifically sound health, nutrition, and fitness advice can be given without all of the background noise occasionally found in the public forums.


please do yourself a favor and find out the right calorie goal for yourself that allows you to change your body in a healthy and satisfying way. you don't need to starve yourself and you don't need to suffer the side effects of a 1200 calorie diet.


  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member

    We need to do our utmost to keep this thread at the top of the forums for as long as possible!

    And when is MFP going to listen to common sense and stop advising everyone to eat 1200?!!

    I lost and gained the same 7lbs for 12 months eating 1200. Now, in a fraction of that time, I have lost 9lbs following the Roadmap (eating around 1600 calories a day plus exercise calories). And the weight is continuining to drop off. I'm not as grouchy, I drink alcohol, I have the energy to run and lift weights, my skin is better, I'm less hungry and far happier.

    'Nough said!
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
  • danika2point0
    danika2point0 Posts: 197 Member
    Thank you for this.

    I was 'started off' on 1200 but thankfully due to my intense reading of the forums realize quickly that I needed to up it ASAP! Life is definitely more awesome this way already.
  • juliesmithdiet
    I don't have any problem with any of this if people just didn't apply what works for them across the board, I am not tall, I am fat, I am disabled, I need surgery they are denying me because of my weight. If I need to drop to 1200 or less to get the surgery I will happily do so. Without the surgery I could be dead so the choice is simple for me.
    We all lose weight for different reasons just like we all put it on for our own personal reasons.
  • freelancejouster
    freelancejouster Posts: 478 Member
    This post is perfect. My sister is 5' 2" and thinks she needs to lose weight (hint: she doesn't) and would beat herself up for going over 1200. I kicked her butt up to at least 1350 ;)
  • Syndri
    Syndri Posts: 46 Member
    Bump to read later
  • CAlley1985
    CAlley1985 Posts: 8 Member
    you represent the 1%.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    I don't have any problem with any of this if people just didn't apply what works for them across the board, I am not tall, I am fat, I am disabled, I need surgery they are denying me because of my weight. If I need to drop to 1200 or less to get the surgery I will happily do so. Without the surgery I could be dead so the choice is simple for me.
    We all lose weight for different reasons just like we all put it on for our own personal reasons.

    just be aware that if 1200 is really well below where you should be, there may be unintended consequences.

    - nutritionally, it can be tough to stay healthy at 1200 calories for a long period of time. you'll need to talk to your doctor about this and they'll mostly like suggest occasional blood work to make sure you are not deficient in anything important
    - if 1200 is truly too low for your body, your body will likely respond as if its under stress. the end result is a change in the overall hormone levels in your body that inhibit the burning of stored fat. in essence, your metabolism will begin to slow down. i can't say for sure how long that will take or to what extent it will slow, but many people who start off on 1200 per day lose weight at the beginning, but eventually stall. that stall can last a long, frustrating time.

    eating just a couple hundred more calories can often prevent both of the above situations for many people, and allow them to lose more weight in the same period of time, than if they'd doggedly stuck with a 1200 calorie per day diet.
  • LuvtheCubs
    LuvtheCubs Posts: 161 Member
  • delonda1
    delonda1 Posts: 525 Member
    One formula doesnt fit all...

    not that I eat 1200 or anything but lets not put people down for eating less than we believe they should. its their body not ours. and if they are losing and not malnourished who cares
  • suemullen27
    suemullen27 Posts: 8 Member
    I am actually struggling 2 eat 1200 calories... I never go hungry and i am 47 and 5ft 2 and 135 lb..is this because of my age??? If i tried upping my calories i would be eating for the sake of eating... :((( I have lost 5lb but have suck to this for 2 weeks now... i have started doing the 30 day shred but so unfit only lasting 15min for now :((n hoping for some advice plz :D
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Yawns. *eye roll*

    I'm always amazed at the amount of people so focused on what other people are doing and eating....

    Less to do with focusing on what other people are doing and eating and more to do with having fallen into that trap ourselves, learning the science, climbing back out and back on track... and wanting to pass on that knowledge.

    Don't like it? Then don't read it!
  • SquidgySquidge
    SquidgySquidge Posts: 239 Member
    I started out at 1200.

    I lose weight but I was hungry. I could fit in 3 meals but no snacks.

    I upped to my TDEE -20% 2 weeks ago (1383) and just the extra 183 cals has made a difference to my mood as I am more satisfied now. And I can eat a little chocolate each day :happy:
  • crunchymommy
    crunchymommy Posts: 30 Member
    OK, first of all, MFP has 1200 set as a base number of calories for many people based on their starting weight and activity level, but then if you exercise at all, then that is bumped up. For example, I usually end up with about 1800 based on my activity for the day even though the base is 1200. So can you please clarify whether you are talking about 1200 as a starting point or end point of daily intake?

    Secondly, do you have some sources you can refer me to on this topic? Thanks!

    I did not start losing weight until I got to MFP and followed the guidelines it came up with for me, even though I had been increasing my exercise for three months.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I am actually struggling 2 eat 1200 calories... I never go hungry and i am 47 and 5ft 2 and 135 lb..is this because of my age??? If i tried upping my calories i would be eating for the sake of eating... :((( I have lost 5lb but have suck to this for 2 weeks now... i have started doing the 30 day shred but so unfit only lasting 15min for now :((n hoping for some advice plz :D

    Have a look at the links that WinnerVictorious has posted to check what calorie intake is genuinely best for you.

    If you need to eat more then include higher calorie food in your diet (for example, full fat dairy, nuts and seeds, meat and fish, peanut butter, coconut oil, olive oil etc etc - have a search of the forums as there will be helpful threads on this).

  • juliesmithdiet
    It was my doctor who suggested 1200, my dietician suggested 1000, I hover somewhere between the two most days, occasionally down as low as 700, life or death. No competition really.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    you represent the 1%.
    Yawns. *eye roll*

    I'm always amazed at the amount of people so focused on what other people are doing and eating....
    One formula doesnt fit all...

    not that I eat 1200 or anything but lets not put people down for eating less than we believe they should. its their body not ours. and if they are losing and not malnourished who cares

    these members are certainly entitled to express their opinions on these public forums (above), but i would suggest that all those new here or confused about how to set their own goals or who are currently miserable on a 1200 calorie per day diet, to check out the link and the group in the top post on this thread... there is another way.

    if you still decide to stick with a low daily calorie goal, then that's up to you. all i ask is that you make an informed choice.

    i stand by my statement that for almost everyone here, 1200 calories per day for a lengthy period of time is an unnecessarily hard way to do this that will likely have undesired consequences.
  • addmorecloud
    addmorecloud Posts: 78 Member
    After seeing this I entered my details into the TDEE calculator I use. Even at only 5'2" and putting a very conservative activity level, it says I would need 1200 calories a day if I weighed 63 pounds. Pretty sure I'd be dead!
  • joannbrunton
    joannbrunton Posts: 93 Member