When is 1200 calories appropriate? (hint: almost never)



  • kateriskunes
    I too was given the 1200 calorie number, and found myself close to that, slightly over or under some days. I have a friend who is a registered dietician who I talked to, because I was confused that I was not losing any weight over several weeks of sticking close to the 1200 goal. She advised me that my body was probably close to "starvation mode" and was trying to preserve my weight/fat. She advised me to bump up to about 1400 and include higher protein breakfasts. After recalculating some figures on MFP, it has put me at a goal of 1360. I am curious to see if there is any difference soon!
  • balancedbrunette
    balancedbrunette Posts: 530 Member
    bumping to read this later:)
  • mommamellymac
    mommamellymac Posts: 205 Member
  • samanthachen
    samanthachen Posts: 360 Member
    Nice try, but this is going to fall on deaf ears.

    I came to mfp determined 1200 was right. I read a thread like this and upped them. Some people do listen

    Me. I was one of those. I lost 4 lbs in the first week on 1200 calories. I wasn't hungry, BUT my legs were not recovering from Zumba. Each day was getting harder and harder. Then I weighed in and saw that I lost all that weight. It clicked. I wasn't burning fat; I was burning muscle, most likely, which would explain the unrecovering soreness. I upped my calories and I feel great. I am happy to plan meals and fun snacks. I sleep better, and it was because of a forum like this. They bother people, but they are good for those wavering on the edge. Not everyone will (or needs to) change. Enough do though, and this is posted for those people! Thank you for posting. IT is hard because it is so controversial. :flowerforyou:
  • samanthachen
    samanthachen Posts: 360 Member
    After reading several of these threads I made an appointment with my doctor to discuss my diet and weight loss. She took my information down, consulted a nutritionist and emailed me the diet plan she'd like me to use.

    It's an exchange diet... 1200 calories. Go figure.

    Edit: Also... I'm stuffing myself to eat 1200 calories. I just forced down two slices of toast with butter and fruit spread because I was 170 calories short for the day.

    MMM sounds yummy!! Toast and butter. Delicious!
    I think the OP wasn't saying 1200 calories is wrong. He was just intending to give information to those curious about that number and themselves! If it is working for you, keep it up. It sounds like you are doing fine with it (esp Dr recommended), and it sounds like you are enjoying the finer things (here I am referring to butter haha)!! Great work! :flowerforyou:
  • Little_Lisa_Ann
    Love the Roadmap link, but was a little confused with all of the numbers I ended up with.
    I'm just a little confused about everything.. I have my BF% and my BMR. I also used the calculators to get my daily calories. I understand that I should eat somewhere between my BMR (1407) and my daily calories (1935) to lose weight, but where does the -20% play in? Should I be eating between my BMR (1407) and the daily calories -20% (1548)? Is the daily calories number my TDEE? Which number do I put into my goals? Thanks for any help :)
  • samanthachen
    samanthachen Posts: 360 Member
    Love the Roadmap link, but was a little confused with all of the numbers I ended up with.
    I'm just a little confused about everything.. I have my BF% and my BMR. I also used the calculators to get my daily calories. I understand that I should eat somewhere between my BMR (1407) and my daily calories (1935) to lose weight, but where does the -20% play in? Should I be eating between my BMR (1407) and the daily calories -20% (1548)? Is the daily calories number my TDEE? Which number do I put into my goals? Thanks for any help :)

    I was told you take your TDEE 1935 and take away 20%, as long as you are above your BMR. I may be incorrect if the person that explained that to me was wrong. For you, this would be the 1548 you stated above. You would put that into your goals and eat back exercise calories to remain above your BMR. You have it right. :) It is hard because that is less than a pound projected per week, but you may find that you still lose at a good rate because it is better for your body! :flowerforyou:
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member

    I think the OP wasn't saying 1200 calories is wrong.

    The title of the topic is: "When is 1200 calories appropriate? (hint: almost never)." Does that signal approval to you?

    The OP made a blanket, inaccurate statement, which is why there's been blow back.
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    After reading several of these threads I made an appointment with my doctor to discuss my diet and weight loss. She took my information down, consulted a nutritionist and emailed me the diet plan she'd like me to use.

    It's an exchange diet... 1200 calories. Go figure.

    Edit: Also... I'm stuffing myself to eat 1200 calories. I just forced down two slices of toast with butter and fruit spread because I was 170 calories short for the day.

    You had a quarter of a cup of trail mix for lunch and you say you are stuffing yourself?


    How exactly did you end up with weight to lose?
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member

    I think the OP wasn't saying 1200 calories is wrong.

    The title of the topic is: "When is 1200 calories appropriate? (hint: almost never)." Does that signal approval to you?

    The OP made a blanket, inaccurate statement, which is why there's been blow back.

    There's also been approval.

    The point is, yes, you CAN lose weight on 1200, but the vast majority of people would also lose on 1400, 1500, 1600. It is good to give new people the information, and let them decide for themselves.

    If I hadn't read something like this when I started, I'd have given up after a few weeks, as 1200 was just not sustainable, for me.

    I am fully intending to be able to join the 1800 calorie club once I get back to exercising.

  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Love the Roadmap link, but was a little confused with all of the numbers I ended up with.
    I'm just a little confused about everything.. I have my BF% and my BMR. I also used the calculators to get my daily calories. I understand that I should eat somewhere between my BMR (1407) and my daily calories (1935) to lose weight, but where does the -20% play in? Should I be eating between my BMR (1407) and the daily calories -20% (1548)? Is the daily calories number my TDEE? Which number do I put into my goals? Thanks for any help :)

    Also, with how little you have to lose, 20% is a pretty deep cut, and a 10-15% cut off your TDEE might be more appropriate.
  • larnsperger
    larnsperger Posts: 161 Member
    SERIOUSLY????? I get sick and tired of the "eat more" crowd telling everyone and anyone how harmful it is to eat 1200 calories per day! Really people in third world countries are dying for that many calories per day! In America the land of obesity and excess 1200 calories does seem like starvation mode, but it is far from it. I'm a 54 year old 5'6" female who has lost 39 lbs since June 6 2012 eating 1200 calories. I've been maintaining since December at 1530 calories. I eat a pretty nutrient dense diet, no room for crap or processed foods but plenty of fuel for this body. I can honestly say I've never been hungry. Have I ever wanted crap I had no calories for, sure? There's a difference between hunger and cravings. I also don't believe in forgoing things i enjoy for the sake of weight loss, moderation in all things!. I don't think my way is the only way nor do I get on the threads and advocate it as the holy grail of weight loss. I do however share my experience when someone needs help or ask for advice. My 1200 calorie diet was suggested by my physician. I also workout on a regular basis. The post is not based on fact it is your opinion. There are plenty of us doing just fine at 1200 calories and I'm sure there are the same number doing just fine in the "eat more" camp. Everyone needs to find what works for them!
  • danika2point0
    danika2point0 Posts: 197 Member
    i'd like to wish good luck to everyone here who actually read and understood the initial post in this thread. the choice is always in your hands. 1200 may be right for some people. i never said it wasn't. i simply said that it wasn't the only way or even the best way for the large majority of people here (probably even vast majority). in any event, all i want for people to do is to make informed decisions on how they proceed. read. learn. then decide. i've passed along 2 good links in the original post and for anyone new or confused or stalled, i would urge you to check out both links. for those of you who are happy on a 1200 calorie diet, i hope it works for you. there is some interesting give and take on this thread and even a handful of skeptical people whose posts deserve to be read.

    for those who came in here with an agenda of their own and anger in their hearts aimed at me for things i didn't say, i most likely didn't read most of your posts since i put several of you on ignore. good luck to you folks anyway. i have no animosity toward you and never passed judgment on your choices. this thread was only about information. i hate seeing people struggling on VLCD because they are deathly afraid of increasing their calories. i'm firmly in the faction that recommends eating a bit more to make this whole process easier whenever that is an option.


    THANK YOU!!! If postings like this didn't happen, I would've prolonged my unnecessary 1200 calorie misery indefinitely...
  • maryinnc
    maryinnc Posts: 129 Member
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    SERIOUSLY????? I get sick and tired of the "eat more" crowd telling everyone and anyone how harmful it is to eat 1200 calories per day! Really people in third world countries are dying for that many calories per day! In America the land of obesity and excess 1200 calories does seem like starvation mode, but it is far from it. I'm a 54 year old 5'6" female who has lost 39 lbs since June 6 2012 eating 1200 calories. I've been maintaining since December at 1530 calories. I eat a pretty nutrient dense diet, no room for crap or processed foods but plenty of fuel for this body. I can honestly say I've never been hungry. Have I ever wanted crap I had no calories for, sure? There's a difference between hunger and cravings. I also don't believe in forgoing things i enjoy for the sake of weight loss, moderation in all things!. I don't think my way is the only way nor do I get on the threads and advocate it as the holy grail of weight loss. I do however share my experience when someone needs help or ask for advice. My 1200 calorie diet was suggested by my physician. I also workout on a regular basis. The post is not based on fact it is your opinion. There are plenty of us doing just fine at 1200 calories and I'm sure there are the same number doing just fine in the "eat more" camp. Everyone needs to find what works for them!

    And that's what OP's post and others like it help many to do. Whether you like it or not, and whether you agree with the means or not, does not mean it is not happening for a lot of people.
  • HotrodsGirl0107
    HotrodsGirl0107 Posts: 243 Member
    One formula doesnt fit all...

    not that I eat 1200 or anything but lets not put people down for eating less than we believe they should. its their body not ours. and if they are losing and not malnourished who cares

    Thank you. I feel like berating people for their calorie choice is akin to fat-shaming. If I'm not allowed to tell someone to reduce their calorie intake, no one should tell me to increase mine. Unsolicited advice is unsolicited for a reason.

    No one is telling you to increase your calories. Good gosh people read and understand. This thread is for those who are NOT THRIVING on 1200 calories. Believe what you want but at if you can't even comprehend to post then you should just back away. If I am not mistaken YOU decided to read the post if you can't handle someone trying to help those that struggle on 1200 that is really a personal problem that YOU have.

    I will add that I did 1200 or less for a long time now I live with health problems caused by eating to little. So if these posts can save one person from damaging their bodies when 1200 is way too little then I say keep em coming.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Everyone needs to find what works for them!

    And that's what OP's post and others like it help many to do. Whether you like it or not, and whether you agree with the means or not, does not mean it is not happening for a lot of people.

    Exactly. I'm tired of being made out to be an "eat more bully" for sharing what has worked brilliantly for me.
  • HotrodsGirl0107
    HotrodsGirl0107 Posts: 243 Member
    I just want to say thank you for this post! Without posts like these I wouldn't have started looking into my specific needs. I was doing 1200 NET or less (1000 is as low as it would get unless I was sick) for a long time and struggling the whole time. I was also getting weaker and getting ill along with thinning hair and bad skin. For me 1200 was a vlcd because I was eating far below my bmr. Those that say 1200 won't cause horrible side effects are mistaken. I didn't listen at first but soon realized my body was going to try to survive any way it could. Oh and I didn't feel hungry either but I also know hunger doesn't really mean much. I will have heart problems for the rest of my life because I was to naive and thought I controlled my body. I have to live with that which is easier now since my body is getting the right amount of food. That is why these posts are so important. For all those getting butthurt get over it. It isn't about you. It is about helping those who are looking for a more sustainable way to get healthy because whether you like it or not 1200 is dangerous for some.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I have a question...most week days i don't eat 1200 calories (and I'm not ashamed of it), but on the weekends I eat more, have a few drinks whatever i want. I workout twice a week at the gym and twice a week on the treadmill at home. So do you think I'm on my way to starvation? :huh:

    No. Do you know what your average daily net for a typical week is?

    My average daily net for last week was 1326

    Everyone is different, but it's unlikely and women would damage her metabolism eationg at that calorie level.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    Being a 45 yr old male obviously gives you great knowledge of what works for all of the women of the world - well done sir.