

  • ekafont
    ekafont Posts: 39 Member
    Good Morning ladies! Just popping in to save my place for later :-)

    Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!

    Beth in SC
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Happy Tuesday-good-news-day! Scale down, it's not raining, the cantaloupe I cut up this morning is actually quite good. :bigsmile:

    Katla, I'm under the impression that the "Pain Free" book would help just about anyone with pain problems. I'm not a doctor by any means. But in the book, Egoscue discusses "restoring proper design motion to the joints that are afflicted with chronic pain". When our bodies are out of alignment over time, pain follows. The book is all about strengthening weak areas and bringing our bodies back into balance. I highly suggest you take a look at it, it's full of easy-to-do exercises and stretches, plus invaluable information as to why we have chronic pain. It really opened my eyes.

    Posture is so important. I'm always having to remind myself to sit up straight and pull my shoulder blades together. Here's something fun to try to remind ourselves of what it feels like to stand up perfectly erect: Stand against a wall with heels, shoulders and head all touching. Whoa! :noway: Now try walking around like that! :laugh:

    Have a wonderful day!

    :smile: jb in cloudy, warmer PNW
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Thanks for sharing the info JB, and congrats on your scale and your enjoyment of the melon! I downloaded the pain book on my ipad too...your discussions helped me find a new source of dealing with my issues too!

    March is teasing us again, that old flrt, in with the warm for the last two days, now back to the cold with some strange snow flurries...

    Have a great Tuesday everyone!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Hello ladies, just stopping by again for a minute. I'm almost finished putting together my tax information. Yeah.

    I'm off to visit my dad tomorrow in the nursing home if the weather forecast holds for no snow tomorrow. I stopped to get him a treat today and am packing up the new sweaters I got for him, a new spring wreath for his door, a St. Patrick's Day card, some lotion for his feet, and I'll stop by his house to pick up his red jacket. He loves red and I only have the green winter jacket there for him because the closet isn't that large but I'll get it for him and mush it in there somewhere!

    As I've been changing what I eat since joining MFP, I found as it happens that I was moving close to what I found out was Dr. Fuhrman's idea of how to eat for better health. I'm actually more interested in his "Eat For Health" book than the "Eat to Live" book. Call me brain-washed, I don't care, but this is making sense to me. I am probably following his "salad is the main dish" protocol over 95%. I've finally given up dairy and coffee. Sugar and salt went a long time ago. And I'd been pretty much no meat for a long time (beef & pork went away more than a decade ago, I tried to eat chicken or fish once a week but have given that up as well). So it's not as radical a change for me. :wink:

    I don't know if I'll succeed but I won't quit. I'm losing weight, I feel better, I'm off all meds except the synthroid I must take as my thyroid was totally removed some years ago. I'd like to kick this fibro to the curb as well. I've read through Dr. Fuhrman's forums and in response to people asking about fibromyalgia he has said a few people feel better within 6 months but many need 1 - 3 years eating as a nutritarian to feel better. I'm going for it---!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Best wishes to all my dear Vitamin F friends.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Lin in Central Iowa

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Feel awful today. I couldn't sleep last night so I got up and took an Ambien. Still couldn't sleep after several hours so decided that it was going to be a sleepless night. I knew I needed to be awake today so did something stupid. I had two bags of Cadbury mini eggs that i have been very very good at eating 12 of them every couple of days. So I ate both bags:noway: Well that didn't make me feel awake either. I finally got a couple of hours of sleep. I feel bloated, I know all the caffiene has made my blood pressure go up. My birthday was on the 3rd and my sister and i are going out to eat at Chick FIl A. last night I poured the nutritional data to have something that would be in my calories but still let me indulge some. But I hate to think how many calories I took in last night.

    My Mom, sis and I used to have a tradition for our birthdays. The 3 of us would go out to this one particular place that had the most delicious coconut cream pie. So we would have lunch and pie. The birthday girl didn't have to pay for her meal. My Mom died 2 years ago yesterday so it's just the 2 of us. It's senseless for her to pay for mine on my birthday and me pay for hers on her birthday so we just go out. We no longer go to that same place anymore. It's just to far out. So today we will go out to the cemetary. When Mom was alive we used to go out for Dad's birthday, wedding anniversary, Chritsmas, etc. No we go out about twice a year. I feel Mom would be dissapointed in us but yet Mom and Dad are together now.

    I feel I'm just rambling now
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    DD and DGD leave this afternoon and we probably won't get to see them for months. :sad: I wish they lived closer. DD also wishes they lived closer so maybe that will happen someday.:heart: It is almost 10am and they're still asleep, while DH and I have already had a busy day. DD works a swing shift, and she's keeping that schedule while they're here because it will be easier for the baby to go back to their regular lives. We still have them until about 5pm, so maybe we'll get in another fun activity before they go.:bigsmile:

    Have a great day!:flowerforyou:

    Katla in NW Oregon where the fog is lifting and I see evidence of sunshine.
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    As for Why I am living in Egypt. Sometimes I wonder this myself. No Really I enjoy living here. My husband is Egyptian and we were living in California years and years ago, when our three children were small. I encouraged him to move us to Egypt so the kids could learn Arabic and communicate with his family. My plan was to come for a "FEW" years ........well 25 years later... WE have raised the children, they all went to the states for universities, and we were all alone here! One son still lives in the states. Actually in SEATTLE, and works for Microsoft, one son moved back here and lives with us, and my daughter ended up marrying an Egyptian man and has now moved to Abu Dhabi. She has a little 6 month old baby and I miss her and the baby every day. I teach school over here though and it keeps me busy. (3rd grade) So that explains a bit about my life in a nutshell.:wink:

    Every morning I either swim or do walking, stairs or some kind of aerobic or strength training except on Friday ( Holy Day here) I wear a pedometer and I really think it keeps me walking more so I can count up the steps every day. I used to shoot for 10,000 but usually these days I an getting over 13,000 or more. That makes me excited! (It doesn't take much to get me excited!):laugh:

    I enjoyed reading all the posts that have been written since I last signed in. I think I do the best if I am an abstainer. But I can do moderation on some things. I do love pop corn though and eat it for snack a lot. I didn't think there was anything bad about pop corn. But lots of people talk about it like it is a NO NO!. It is better than a bag of chips! RIGHT? For some reason I always thought it was healthy??? Am I crazy or what?:bigsmile:

    well as usual I need to get some things prepared for school tomorrow.
    So have a good day every one. Phyllis in the REAL EGYPT.:flowerforyou:
  • debrawallin
    debrawallin Posts: 55 Member
    I guess anyone can join in this list, so I'll say hi to everyone. I'm 56 and I've been oh a search for about a year to figure out what is going on with this body and drop some pounds. Wow, I had no idea being in menopause would make such an impact on my weight or getting rid of it. I am hooked up with a good trainer now and I am enjoying that very much, I call him the exercise whisperer. :happy: I am grateful for my good health regardless of the extra pounds, life is good.
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Once again marking my spot in this long and chatty list of ladies:happy:

    Lin - I so hope you find some relief from the fibro - you will have to keep me posted on your results/success and I can passit on to my daughter.

    Jen - Oh the dreaded "Mom, I'm okay but...." phone call. I just got one myself last week. So glad your son is okay.

    colorado Lunch ladies - hope you have a wonderful time:smile: without us:frown:

    Linda - I took a look at the calorie counter and yes, it puts me at quite a few more calories too - about 300+.Not too sure what to think about that. I noticed it also recommended 8 meals a day! I don't know how to do that?!? with other people in the house. Any ideas:smile:

    Lila - looking forward to seeing that new haircut. I habve had the same cut for years too and not sure if Ihave the courage to change it up:noway:

    Katla - Enjoy these last moments with your girls. So fun for you to have them there.

    Go well ladies, stay well.

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    So I went to the clinic yesterday and got antibiotics for my ear and I am felling much better. I also got some more pain meds to get me thru.

    Work has been interesting. she is still avoiding me. told me not to attend the meeting that I am supposed to run and be in charge of and basically ignores me. I had a nice little improptu chat with her boss. He is now aware of everything and encouraged me to get the complaint filed so he could address the issues and he is going to try to push the seating move quickly as well.

    Things could be looking up.

    Have a great day!

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.
    Drizzly PNW
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    So I've finally decided to kick it in gear this week. Yesterday I summarized each month's lowest weight on my profile.
    August 2012 184
    September 175
    October 167
    November 161
    December 160
    January 2013 157
    February 160
    March 158

    As you can see I had a great start but since November my weight has been basically the same. So last week I decided it was time to start losing again and I did lose a pound. I am shooting for a pound again for this Friday. I really really want to put some distance between me and the 160's. I hadn't been in the 150's in over 6 years, but I haven't been in the 140's in almost 14 years so I expect it to be my biggest hurdle. Warmer weather will make it easier.

    Jodios - you say you have Irish twins but one just turned 20 and the other is about to turn 19. Aren't Irish twins the same age for a little while? I know my sisters always called themselves Irish twins because they were the same age for 2 days.
    Ohhh, I remember the year Gurnee was under water. Reminded me of living in New Orleans.

    Katla - I'd be willing to be 19 again - you can bet you I'd never complain about my 115 to 125 body I had then. :laugh:

    JaneMartin - awww - I don't envy folks with back problems at all. I had a bad back for a few days and it was life altering. Get better.

    Lucy - card games and snacking just simply go together.

    JaneHadi - your son is funny.

    Robin - there is nothing more painful than an ear ache. Buffer Boss - too funny.:laugh:

    Laura - Red Lobster sounds great. I like to go there an just order appetizers - they have the best selection of anyone.

    BarbieCat I don't think I could keep up with all that dancing - in fact I know I can't -you rock.

    Grandmallie - enjoy your cruise - I've never been on one but my sister goes on at least 4 a year - and then complains how broke she is :huh:

    Meg - hope your sinuses get better.

    Cooky56 - did you need a lifeline? Can't catch up on all the posts - I'd be fired.

    Exermom - what did Bob Dylan say? I can never find the right posts that folks refer to.

    MaryC - you live near me so I'm thinking you're derailed because of the winder and daylight savings time. Now the days are longer and the temperature is warming up - we'll both get back on track.

    Liz - good luck on your exercise goals.

    Jolene - hello

    Sasha - I have to get a more age appropriate hair style one day. I still look like I'm living in the 70's.
    I too find that my sister and I must truly have lived in different places when we compare childhoods.

    Sundance - I am going to your calculator and if it says exonerates my daily consumption of calories :tongue:

    DeeDee - glad your headache is gone.

    jmkmomm - happy late birthday.

    phylgen - Don't think I've ever known anyone who lives / lived in Egypt.

    debrawallen - welcome aboard - stay with us.

    Glenda - hi

    That is it for me trying to say something to almost everyone on the last 3 pages!!!:drinker:
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good afternoon all,

    Well, the vertigo and all the lingering symptoms are gone and I feel clear-headed today. Thanks to all who offered support and encouragement for my little pity party the other day. I know that in reality my kids and grandkids are still within driving distance and there are so many who have family members in other countries or at least across this country, so that has put things in perspective for me and I am feeling better about my DD's move. I did my 2 miles on the TM last night and my strength routine this morning. It helps to keep at it on a consistent basis. I find that if I fall off my regular routine, it sometimes is harder to get back to it.

    :smile: Jane - Thanks for the information on vertigo. I usually get it every few years myself, but I had an especially severe one a few months back, so even though this one was mild, I was a little concerned. All is well today.

    :wink: Robin- These things have a way of working themselves out. It looks like your boss is on your side and your issue will be resoved very soon.

    :ohwell: Barbie - I am definitely an "abstainer".

    :sick: Meg - Sounds like allergy season might be kicking in.

    :ohwell: Renny - Glad to hear you stood your ground and at least are getting a partial payment for the incorrect lens.

    :noway: Michele - I make snickerdoodles at Christmas time, but I never heard of ones with white beans in them. It IS the cookies you are talking about, right? My daughter is moving to Somerset, which is about an hour or so from Pittsburgh.

    :sad: Linda S - There are lots of people who subscribe to the "eat more to weigh less" theory. Sadly, it doesn't seem to work for me.

    :brokenheart: Alison - I am praying that your DD and DG are spared from harm. I know how hard it is to "Let Go and Let God". Enjoy your cruise. You deserve the rest!

    :frown: DeeDee - There seem to be an awful lot of us suffering from headaches lately. I wonder if it's due to the time change?

    :flowerforyou: Jodios - Everyone needs a rest day to give those muscles a chance to heal.

    :happy: Lin - There are many paths to a healthy lifestyle. So glad you found yours!

    :wink: jmkmomm - You and your sister still have each other. It's OK to make new traditions!

    :tongue: Phyllis - I used to eat microwave popcorn, but found that it's easy, fun and more low calorie to pop my own. I usually buy gourmet kernels which taste better & I use a minimal amount of oil.

    :flowerforyou: Cheryl - It always helps to see our progress (or lack thereof) in black & white. You definitely have the desire, and I KNOW you are going to be successful!

    Well, time to sign off. Welcome to all who are new and keep coming back. Many of us have found comfort in the friendships found on this thread, and some great new ideas to help us on this journey to better health.

    Lucy in Delaware :bigsmile:
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    I do pop my own pop corn. Those ready made ones or micro wave packs usually have too many calories and are packed with butter. I never put any butter on my pop corn. But I do sprinkle on some salt.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy tues.
    Back is doing ok today,thanks for the concern.
    It`s a Violet day.She`s helping mop the floors.Quite a good helper for 4 years old.
    Have a great day!!
  • ekafont
    ekafont Posts: 39 Member
    I was trying to figure out if I was an abstainer or moderator all afternoon .... until I read jmkmomm's post about the Cadbury Eggs. I definately need to be an abstainer ... if there are Cadbury Eggs within a mile of me I will eat them ALL!

    Going to Rebounding tonight - it's so nice to have found a high-impact aerobic activity that doesn't hurt my knees! Just wish I could see some movement on the scales and the inches around my waist line! I was reading the other day that peri-menopause and hysterectomies are both contributing factors .... I had a hysterectomy last February and have had a problem loosing ever since. Has anyone else had any issues after a hysterectomy and if so, what was your "break through" to get rid of the weight? I still have my ovaries, so am still creeping up on menopause also .... YUCK!

    Enough rambling

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    Beth in SC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well I thought about not putting in my binge of chocolate last night but I went ahead and counted it. I can not believe the amount of calories and carbs I ate during the night and for lunch. My stomach still doens't feel like it wants to accept food for supper.
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    I do pop my own pop corn. Those ready made ones or micro wave packs usually have too many calories and are packed with butter. I never put any butter on my pop corn. But I do sprinkle on some salt.

    Then I say, go for it! I agree with you about the micro wave packs and I think that could be why everyone is saying "NO" to popcorn. Anything that is pre-packaged may be convenient, but there is a price for that convenience. As long as you watch your salt content, I think popcorn is a perfectly acceptable snack.
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,887 Member
    Good afternoon everyone. Well I just returned from my first meeting with the library board at church. Not sure why I agreed to be on it except that I like to read and Nancy who sings in Joyful Accord and choir with me and leads our church book club asked me. Oh well, one more thing to add to my busy life.

    Sundance: Constant carbs was recommended by my dietician. I am not diabetic and I think it was oringinally meant for that. One is supposed to eat small meals every two to three hours throughout the day and include one to two carbs every meal for a total of 12-15 carbs in the day. A carb is considered approxmately 15 grams of carbohydrate. She gave me a carbohydrate and noncarbohydrate list of foods and also a sheet for estimating carbs from a nutrition label. The theory is that if you eat a small steady stream of carbs throughout the day you do not have any large insulin spikes and the energy is used by your body and not stored as fat. So far it has been working well for me but I did a diet with a bariatric doctor in 2004 that was much the same and I lost a great deal of weight. Unfortunately he moved and I kind of lost my impetous. I was able to maintain for a while but have now put back on not all of it but a great deal too much. So here I go again!

    Jb: Thanks for the quote. That is awesome and something to remember when I am faced with temptation.

    Sending healing angels to all who are under the weather or even just stressed. Everyone keep on keeping on. Sue in SD
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    The downside of the upside is the middle limbo!

    I purged my closet once in the fall when I lost my weight and got rid some of the fall/winter baggies but I left a fair amount and especially the spring/summer clothes, secure in the knowledge that something would surely still fit or fit me better than it did before, right? Something?

    Spending a good portion of this morning in the bedroom, I tried on the rest of the clothes in my closet and the contents of the drawers and as a result my closet is 90% empty hangers and the few clothes that remain are the barely borderline and the ‘recents’. I look at that closet space and I am happy and panicking all in the same breath! But I had to do it; too many people were grabbing my blouses by the hems and waving them like sails in the wind. Lol!

    It took a long time to fill that space and I had my favourites but they are all gone! They sit folded and stuffed in a clear plastic bag on the empty floor under the empty hangers. The jackets are gone, the shorts and most jeans are gone, all blouses are gone and lots of the sweaters. Summer dresses with all their memories of warmer weather are also packed away. But I can still see their colours through the plastic and I wonder if I will succumb to a panic attack and rescue one or two ‘just in case’.

    I must be strong.

    I put a couple of items in the sewing pile to ‘alter’; a plain utilitarian cotton skirt that can easily be taken in, two cowl neck tops that ‘just’ need the shoulders taken up an inch to fit better and a glamorous glittery top that I am sure can be recut to regain its one time perfection. It is silly but I cannot bring myself to toss out my ‘best stuff’ yet, my evening clothes of the Cinderella nights in foreign countries.

    I am not the type to run right out and shop till I drop and fill up the space again and I have had little to no luck in the thrift stores. Perhaps I will have to sew a little as I am only half-way on this journey to a slimmer, healthier me..... although I have been camped at this train station for 5 months without progress! I do have every intention of getting back on that train and going to the end of the line.

    Oh, that closet looks so empty……. breathe, breathe…..

  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Lovely group of talented and active ladies here. I'm 60yrs. old li:flowerforyou: ve in Northern Ontario thats in Canada. with my retired Hubbyof 43yrs we have 2 children and 2 grandkids also 2 spoiled toy poodles Am struggeling to get the extra pounds off also. Limited to the exersise I can do for health reasons, but spring will soon be here I say as we have a blizzard going on outside at the moment and I love to work in the garden. So better days ahead! Hi to all:flowerforyou: