

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Daughter and granddaughter are on their way home to CO. DH and I had a quiet supper and I'm almost falling asleep as I type.:yawn: I LOVED having them here. :heart: :heart: :heart: We had so much fun, but now I need to rest.:yawn:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies:smile:

    @Dee I meant sittups with your dog. Stupid auto correct:embarassed: Glad your headache is better.

    @Cheryl I end up staying home today from work and the gym. I just wasn't feeling good. Stomach was reacting yo something for sure. But hope to be at the gym tomorrow.
    @Lin that is great how you are able to start cutting out various meds.

    Well I am on my way to bed now. Wishing everyone a good night.

    Liz from Caldwell, Idaho
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Hopefully tonight is a better night and tomorrow starts a new road. I have already taken my Ambien, of which I hate to take and do so pretty rarely
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Hi all, just got back from book club a few minutes ago, quite a long discussion. The book was Younger Next Year for Women and although I didn't enjoy the writing much, I really did get some good information out of it and some learning for sure. Some of the group didn't want to read a self-help book, and some really liked it. The funny thing is that those of us that read it, even if we didn't really like it, still got value from it.

    Busy day, off to work early, optometrist for new glasses, hairdresser for new haircut, back to work, quick dinner and off to book club. I should be ready to sleep but I'm not ready yet. Tomorrow morning is physio for this annoying shoulder issue. I thought it was getting better with the exercise but tonight it's really sore again. Rats.

    Maybe i'll crawl in bed and read a book for enjoyment instead of edification - lol.
    Talk to you all tomorrow and will catch up on everything on the posts by then.

    Lila in the snowy (yes it snowed last night) Kootenays in South East BC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    Morning Ladies!!
    well out to the gym early today,dont have to go into work until noon. so load of laundry in dryer,and washer.
    My heel is still really bothering me, but now I have a dilemma... Now that we booked the cruise I really want to as Emeril say's kick it up a notch. I want to really get moving and get the weight off.I know I have to do squats and lunges, but with my foot and unfortunatly my left knee, fell over a baby gate 8 yrs ago and lost all feeling and nerves under my left knee. I cannot kneel on the left knee ,so that will be out.
    I need some inspiration~ any suggestions?
    I tried to do some yoga yesterday, im so glad no one was here except the dogs:noway:
    I have learned I have no balance,will have to work on that :laugh: I am thinking of maybe buying and sleeping in a boot for my foot. maybe that will help the heel.
    Meg , my daughter is 24 and by then I was married and pregnant with my son. My daughter had done things alot differently.Different generation I guess and still I get blamed for alot:huh:
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Good Morning,
    Getting ready to go see a student and then I have time to get to the gym this morning! First day back at the gym and I am looking forward to it. I teach a private yoga class tonight ---it is very gentle...but some nice work and stretching today. I am on a roll today---got my plan ready and looking forward to feeling much better each day. Got a shopping list ready for the next week.
    It was great to read through the posts this morning!
    Have a great day.

    Jodios--- Yes, I am a yoga teacher and I love it. I have a couple of classes – both women in our age bracket. I was a Special Education teacher and retired. My friend encouraged me to take a teacher training. Yoga is helping me so much.
    Kate---what a great job you did cleaning your closets! I need to do that to every closet in the house!
    Barbie…I hope you enjoy your day and all is well with the doctor’s appt.
    Michele….your post about exercise always inspire me to get moving…Thank you!
    Sue..I am looking forward to the golf weather to finally get here in RI. I hope my knees feel better by that time too!
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Lila:smile: LOVE your new haircut!!! You look very sassy:smokin: !

    Michele:smile: Hope your neck is feeling better today:flowerforyou: ! Enjoy you massage...lucky you!

    Robin:smile: Sounds like things are looking up at work:bigsmile: !!! Hope your ear clears up soon:flowerforyou: !

    Lucy:smile: I can get a little dizzy when my ear gets stopped up, usually allergry season, they have me on Nasonex to keep my ears clear, I don`t like it and don`t use it the way I should:frown: , however I think I`ll have to start using it more now! Hope you continue to feel better:flowerforyou: !

    Suebdew:smile: 72 degrees...lucky you:glasses: !

    Lots more to say but no time:sad: ! I actually slept later today than usual, which is good, because I tossed and turned all night, hot/cold, hot/cold....:grumble: !

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in NC
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    <<<peeks out from behind TOM brick wall<<<<< Oh boy did I OD on carbs yesterday. I logged most of them, and the 2 snacks I ate. It did help me feel better, and I got to go outside and do a few things yesterday afternoon. This morning, back to the cramps, even after taking my Vit E capsule.
    On the other front...Happy Hump Day to all of you fine ladies!! :drinker:
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    'morning! Just a quick check before work.

    Michele - to go uphill on the TM I usually start at .5, then may go up to 3 or 4.

    For me it depends on my heart rate as I'm supposed to stay within a certain range of my starting heart rate. Yesterday I had a heck of a time getting it to go up at all, which sometimes happens with the beta blocker. (Before they cut the dose in half my heart rate would drop into the low 50s, not good!) BUT, the good news is that yesterday is the 1-year mark from when I passed out on the TM, so life is good! (I promised the Y staff there would be no re-enactment of their CPR skills test.)

    After a prolonged time stuck at one weight, I was surprisingly down more than a pound today. We'll see..... but YAY anyway!

    Hope everyone has a great day--

    Gail, metro Atlanta
  • ekafont
    ekafont Posts: 39 Member
    Good Morning! Trying to make it through another stressful day of getting ready for my weekend "vacation" to Bristol. I have a million things going thru my mind that have to be accomplished before leaving Friday morning ... 7th grade projects which must be completed and turned in on Friday, making sure the dog is up to date on all shots and getting him dropped off at the Kennel Thursday afternoon, making sure DD will have clean clothes for the weekend at her Grandparents, getting a birthday present for one of her friends who is having a party this weekend, etc, etc, etc. As well as making sure that all the loans which are closing in the next week or so are submitted to the underwriters before I leave Thursday afternoon (and of course the appraisers are not cooperating in getting the reports in so I can do my "thing"), doing the annual reports for the government monitoring of mortgage loans, and all the other stuff I have to do at work. AAAHHHH!!!!!

    I will survive .... I will survive ...... I will survive .....

    Beth in SC
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Lovely Hump Day all you Vit F

    No time to read just popping in to mark a spot.

    Had a wonderful visit with BIL & SIL at the airport yesterday. Have no idea about the sandwich and salad I had so didn't log it. They came through customs so quickly we were surprised (they were returning home from Costa Rica) until we realized they had no luggage:noway: They only had backpacks. I am sure I could NEVER travel anywhere that lightly...I need ALL my creams to keep the wrinkles at bay to say nothing of the extra clothes I need:blushing:

    Since we were home earlier than if I had put in a full day at work I went and did day one of the 30 Day Shred and realized how much I am once again out of shape endurance wise...4 months ago it was easier then today...so I will be back at it again tonight.

    Will try to read and catch up with everyone later.

    Have a great day...don't forget to drink your water:drinker: log that food and let's keep moving.

    Laura80111 in Colorado:smile:
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good morning & Happy Hump Day!

    My DH has been out of work now since before Thanksgiving, but has been busy doing a little construction project in our basement. He took out a closet at the bottom of the stairs and installed a bar. He installed the cabinets and counter tops, and also installed some laminate flooring. It's not finished yet, but yesterday he put the tile on the wall behind the bar and it looks gorgeous! As much as I want this project done, I am anxious for him to find work. He is a commercial union electrician and the list of unemployed union electricians in the Philadelphia area is very long right now. I'm hoping some work will open up soon now that the weather is getting better.

    I woke up with another headache this morning. What's up with that? When I take Tylenol it does go away, but it just starts the day on the wrong foot. I still did my two miles on the TM this morning, and now I'm glad I did it!

    While most people love spring, I always feel crappy and somewhat depressed in the spring. Don't know why, but it's always been that way. Can't wait for summer!! That is my favorite time of year. I love the clothing, the sandals (my feet HATE boots), and the SUN!!! Since I always feel cold, I really appreciate the warm weather.

    :smile: Beth - I had a complete hysterectomy in 1999 and I can tell you from personal experience that although it may take a little longer to lose the weight, it CAN be done!

    :embarassed: Kate - Letting go of your favorite clothing is hard. I'll admit that I still have some of my favorites stored in the attic, but SSHHHH, don't tell anyone!

    :wink: Jane - Sorry you are struggling with losing those stubborn pounds, but you know that there are many things that factor into all those little weight fluctuations. It'll come off in time. Good luck with your FITBIT.

    :laugh: MA - I never hear of a "Popcorn Duck", but it sounds like a hoot!

    :cry: Meg - I paid a lot of money for years to get curls, but now that I color my hair, I've had to give up the perms. My hair was getting too damaged from all the chemicals. I sure do miss my curly hair, though!

    :happy: Jen - So glad your son is on the mend.

    :flowerforyou: Michele - Enjoy your massage....you deserve it!

    :drinker: Gail - Congrats on your weight loss!

    Another day....another chance to re-commit to get and stay healthy!

    Have a wonderful Wednesday,
    Lucy in Delaware:bigsmile:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day~~
    Have a great one.
  • debrawallin
    debrawallin Posts: 55 Member
    Thanks for the welcomes everyone. I am such a busy bee right now, moving in two weeks to a larger space, packing and living with a crowded space plus boxes, it gets interesting. My self-adopted-sister is coming tonight to pick up some furniture pieces that were my mom's but just don't have room for anymore. Minimalist looks real attractive right now. Going to try to sneak in a bit of treadmill time this evening regardless.
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    I put this on my status but didn't get any responses - so anyone here know?

    Does anyone else have problems with the fitbit taking calories away? Sometimes at night I enter my food and it will have given me 500 exercise calories (for example) and I complete my diary under calorie goal. Then I look at it the next day and it will have taken half those exercise calories back and put me over goal for the day. I have it set up not to add negative calories but it does anyway.
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Cheryl, Iwas looking at your chart of your weight loss progress and I am seeing that, since Aug 2012, you have lost 25 pounds, correect? Thart is a GREAT loss - about a pound per week? - which is healthy and sustainable.:flowerforyou: I hear you on the discouragement with the slower pace and the need to refocus but overall you have made good progress. I figure 25 pounds in a year - with all the ups and downs that would have - would be satisfctory progress for me. As I carried a bag of flour into the house after a grocery run today, I thought 'well, I could be carrying this around every step of every day!' Congrats on the loss and good luch on the refocus!:smile:

    Kate - oh, you have made me gifggle again...and nod in agreement!:laugh: I do get so attached to some clothes and can't bear to part with them, even though they may no longer fit or be a current style. WHY?!?!?:sad: When I am in the mood to purge, I need to get at it and do it - the urge will soon pass! good for you to be ruthless.

    Jane - 4 pounds? Isn't that odd? Maybe some salt from the soup? but we all know it is a long term process - still don't like the glitches and bumps that cannot be explained!

    Michelle - My daughter phoned to tell us that she had totalled her car - hit some snow and ice and veered into oncoming traffic. The car is done but we thank God that she is fine - some soft tissue damage and possible hairline fractures.

    Lila - A new haircut! :happy: you are a new woman!

    Danni - I may have to try that paperbag popcorn. I am guessing the time would change in different microwaves....sounds interesting.

    Thanks ladies for the support and encouragement here.

    Glenda in warm and windy Alberta
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Hi! Slightly different issue with fitbit, perhaps someone more expert can answer both...

    I am wondering about the fitbit adding exercise calories...which don't seem warranted - to the MFP total....

    Mine added 138 calories after a really busy day where I almost reached my walking step goal, but not my burn level, but the next day, which was less than half that daily step/burn it gave me almost the same extra calories to eat.....that is what happens on MFP...but on Fitbit, it keeps reducing the amount of calories, well below the daily 1200... HMMMmmm....It seems like they share numbers but do not really coordinate. Hope this does not confuse your issue....

    Mine also does not count my stairs accurately...ususally -3 floors off...
    Cheers, BJ
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well I weighed in today and my chocolate binge the other day made me gain whatever weight I had lost during the week plus .2 pounds. I had been down to 209.4 from 209.8 and I am now 210 even. But several months ago I wouldn't have felt like logging or admitting up to what I did. I even told my husband. The next big hurdle is telling him what my starting eight was. He doesn't know that yet.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I think that fitbit add calories to MFP based on what it thinks you will end up with but if you don't actually get there it re adjusts at the end of the day. so if you are really active it is going to give more calories thinking you will maintain that level all day but when you don't it readjusts to what you actually burned at the end of the day. I hope this makes some sense.
  • determinedinAZ
    determinedinAZ Posts: 97 Member
    bump for later:drinker: :drinker: