If anyone is bored out there, looking to help a girl out!



  • Cheri_Moves
    Cheri_Moves Posts: 625 Member
    According to this:

    Your BMR is 1372, you should NEVER be eating below that. Your TDEE is 1886. So you need to decide from there how you want to proceed in your cut.

    Hmm so thats a lot! I SHOULD be eating 1886 calores. Is this my net calories?!

    p.s. thank you.

    1886 will be your maintenance calorie goal. check out the websites. a 10-15% cut from that would be a great place to start.
  • Babeskeez
    Babeskeez Posts: 606 Member
    According to this:

    Your BMR is 1372, you should NEVER be eating below that. Your TDEE is 1886. So you need to decide from there how you want to proceed in your cut.

    Hmm so thats a lot! I SHOULD be eating 1886 calores. Is this my net calories?!

    p.s. thank you.

    Your BMR is the bare minimum. Your TDEE is if you want to maintain. I would recommend only a 10% cut off your TDEE since you have so little to lose. So that would be 1697 per day to eat. Now, since you have been under-eating, its possible you will gain since you have been in theory, depriving yourself of proper intake. You may not as well. But you can take up to a 25% cut, though not recommended for little weight loss. The reason so many say to lift, is because it helps with fat burning.
  • CloverCreeper
    CloverCreeper Posts: 178 Member
    Okay guys, nothing to see here. Topic maker is obviously a troll with lines like " I am the healthiest person on earth lol".

    LOL .. i am though..

  • jhstroebel
    jhstroebel Posts: 49 Member
    The best way to lose the weight and slim down will be to gain some lean muscle along with eating at a deficit, resistance training achieves this goal which is why people are suggesting it. As for the calorie numbers: honestly, look at the road map 2.0 to get an idea of what the numbers say you should be eating, but get a scale and watch it move. If you are trending up or not moving, try decreasing your calories slowly by small amounts every week or so. This isn't an exact science. I would say its safe to say eating 1200 calories is probably too low, and definitely don't eat below that (your body needs calories as energy to sustain your daily activity).

    It looks to me like someone did the calculations for you. Don't eat below your BMR, and eat somewhere between that and your TDEE. For reference it takes a deficit of 3500 calories to lose a lb. Figure out a healthy goal to reach your desired weight and distribute those calories as a deficit across the days.
  • shineyapple
    shineyapple Posts: 94 Member
    Okay that explained and helped a lot =) thakyouthankyou!
    According to this:

    Your BMR is 1372, you should NEVER be eating below that. Your TDEE is 1886. So you need to decide from there how you want to proceed in your cut.

    Hmm so thats a lot! I SHOULD be eating 1886 calores. Is this my net calories?!

    p.s. thank you.

    Your BMR is the bare minimum. Your TDEE is if you want to maintain. I would recommend only a 10% cut off your TDEE since you have so little to lose. So that would be 1697 per day to eat. Now, since you have been under-eating, its possible you will gain since you have been in theory, depriving yourself of proper intake. You may not as well. But you can take up to a 25% cut, though not recommended for little weight loss. The reason so many say to lift, is because it helps with fat burning.
  • shineyapple
    shineyapple Posts: 94 Member
    oh shtappp
    Okay guys, nothing to see here. Topic maker is obviously a troll with lines like " I am the healthiest person on earth lol".

    LOL .. i am though..

  • Babeskeez
    Babeskeez Posts: 606 Member
    Okay that explained and helped a lot =) thakyouthankyou!
    According to this:

    Your BMR is 1372, you should NEVER be eating below that. Your TDEE is 1886. So you need to decide from there how you want to proceed in your cut.

    Hmm so thats a lot! I SHOULD be eating 1886 calores. Is this my net calories?!

    p.s. thank you.

    Your BMR is the bare minimum. Your TDEE is if you want to maintain. I would recommend only a 10% cut off your TDEE since you have so little to lose. So that would be 1697 per day to eat. Now, since you have been under-eating, its possible you will gain since you have been in theory, depriving yourself of proper intake. You may not as well. But you can take up to a 25% cut, though not recommended for little weight loss. The reason so many say to lift, is because it helps with fat burning.

    youre very welcome.
  • Junken_Diraffe
    Junken_Diraffe Posts: 716 Member
    you probably need to get tone and you would maybe gain muscle weight not lose lbs.. to do so. At your point you need to do something to bring the bmi down a tad bit and focus on strengthening and toning now

    Okay no. Thats why I mentioned to not judge on what im trying to do but HOW im doing it. i dont want to strengthen and tone I want to lose fat and inches.

    Honey - You're looking to lose fat and inches. You've been given great advice by a few people about calories, so I won't go into more on that. I will, however, let you know that weight training WILL help you lose fat and inches. This pic proves it. The one on the left is the day I met my goal weight. The one on the right is a year later, EXACT same weight. I went from a size 12 to a size 6. Maintaining my weight, but lowering body fat %. You choose how to proceed, obviously, I just wanted to offer a different perspective. Good Luck!!

  • shineyapple
    shineyapple Posts: 94 Member
    Thank you so much!

    The best way to lose the weight and slim down will be to gain some lean muscle along with eating at a deficit, resistance training achieves this goal which is why people are suggesting it. As for the calorie numbers: honestly, look at the road map 2.0 to get an idea of what the numbers say you should be eating, but get a scale and watch it move. If you are trending up or not moving, try decreasing your calories slowly by small amounts every week or so. This isn't an exact science. I would say its safe to say eating 1200 calories is probably too low, and definitely don't eat below that (your body needs calories as energy to sustain your daily activity).

    It looks to me like someone did the calculations for you. Don't eat below your BMR, and eat somewhere between that and your TDEE. For reference it takes a deficit of 3500 calories to lose a lb. Figure out a healthy goal to reach your desired weight and distribute those calories as a deficit across the days.
  • Babeskeez
    Babeskeez Posts: 606 Member
    you probably need to get tone and you would maybe gain muscle weight not lose lbs.. to do so. At your point you need to do something to bring the bmi down a tad bit and focus on strengthening and toning now

    Okay no. Thats why I mentioned to not judge on what im trying to do but HOW im doing it. i dont want to strengthen and tone I want to lose fat and inches.

    Honey - You're looking to lose fat and inches. You've been given great advice by a few people about calories, so I won't go into more on that. I will, however, let you know that weight training WILL help you lose fat and inches. This pic proves it. The one on the left is the day I met my goal weight. The one on the right is a year later, EXACT same weight. I went from a size 12 to a size 6. Maintaining my weight, but lowering body fat %. You choose how to proceed, obviously, I just wanted to offer a different perspective. Good Luck!!


    you rock

  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Have your tried running and weight lifting?

    Why does it matter?

    I walk long distance & I swim. I am wondering simply about calories....

    Well you should give it a shot you will be suprised what lifting can do
  • shineyapple
    shineyapple Posts: 94 Member
    wow..you look amazing in both :P good for you!

    I will definitely think about lifting.. But I just have one question.. If I started and lost a couple inches, what would Happen if I stopped? I would lose all the muscle and just go back to regular?! The reason why Im asking is because I dont know if I can maintain a routine with lifting. I am active I like to do fun things. I dont like lifting and all that lol I find it boring so I am not completely positive that Ill stick to it.. you know?! I dont want to go into a territory where I could easily back off from...I dont think I would be committed and I dont want to change my body and than change it back to the way it was before... ?Know what I mean :)
    you probably need to get tone and you would maybe gain muscle weight not lose lbs.. to do so. At your point you need to do something to bring the bmi down a tad bit and focus on strengthening and toning now

    Okay no. Thats why I mentioned to not judge on what im trying to do but HOW im doing it. i dont want to strengthen and tone I want to lose fat and inches.

    Honey - You're looking to lose fat and inches. You've been given great advice by a few people about calories, so I won't go into more on that. I will, however, let you know that weight training WILL help you lose fat and inches. This pic proves it. The one on the left is the day I met my goal weight. The one on the right is a year later, EXACT same weight. I went from a size 12 to a size 6. Maintaining my weight, but lowering body fat %. You choose how to proceed, obviously, I just wanted to offer a different perspective. Good Luck!!

  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Thats a good question not sure like to know that myself to google!
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Ok so reading a few things and it looks like it will slowly just go back to how it was
  • shineyapple
    shineyapple Posts: 94 Member
    Ok so reading a few things and it looks like it will slowly just go back to how it was

    Yeah thats what I presumed..I am sure not completely back to the way it was before but still..

    Thanks for your helppp:)
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Ok so reading a few things and it looks like it will slowly just go back to how it was

    Yeah thats what I presumed..I am sure not completely back to the way it was before but still..

    Thanks for your helppp:)

    Np :) good luck
  • TONE UP! Muscle burns calories and fat! :)
  • Markguns
    Markguns Posts: 554 Member
    Read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/10589-for-those-confused-or-questioning-eating-your-exercise-calo

    "As fat becomes scarce, muscle is easier to break down and transport. And thus, the reason why it's harder to lose that "Last 10 pounds". If you are swimming 3-4 times a week for about 20-30 mins, that will really help. It's a good compound workout.
  • Okay guys, nothing to see here. Topic maker is obviously a troll with lines like " I am the healthiest person on earth lol".

    Please don't judge people. Troll or not, it's still not right to assume or rule someone out.. :\
  • shineyapple
    shineyapple Posts: 94 Member
    TONE UP! Muscle burns calories and fat! :)

    Ive been convinced...:)