Carbs are in EVERYTHING good...So frustrating

I have just realized that i am getting way too many carbs in my daily intake. Im trying to keep it at 100g, but i always go over. My Quaker oats and banana for breakfast is 54 grams alone. Im so tired of cutting more and more out of my diet. Soon i will live on DRY SALAD and thats it!!!! grrrr


  • kabel4892
    kabel4892 Posts: 167 Member
    I am so bad at watching my carbs. :( I know i go over, but im really going to try not to anymore. Its just so difficult.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    I think aiming for 100g is a great goal, it helps you focus on protein and good fats. But PERSONALLY I wouldn't sweat it, as long as you're under 200g. Just make sure they're low GI carbs that are worth your time. Bananas and whole oats are DEFINITELY worth eating, in terms of overall health. Beans, lentils, quinoa, 100% whole gran bread, fruit, vegetables... if that's what your carbs are coming from, I wouldn't worry, PERSONALLY.
  • reneenj201
    reneenj201 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks guys, good to see im NOT alone in this frustrating process!! LOL
  • mizzie1980
    mizzie1980 Posts: 379 Member
    Meh, i don't worry about carbs really. I stay under my calories, try to be under sodium and fat, and over fiber and protein. Anything else, I just let it be where it is.

    I think if your carbs were coming from candy, cake and loads of pasta, than yeah, see where you can cut some. But if they are coming from fruit and whole grains, and you don't have a medical reason to avoid them (such as diabetes)? Meh, eat your carbs and move on. Carbs are not what makes you gain weight, calories are.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Carbs aren't evil. In fact, they are a good source of energy for your body.

    Instead of worrying about carbs, why don't you try to meet your protein and fat macros first, and then fill in the rest as you see fit?
  • jesspi68
    jesspi68 Posts: 292
    Good thing carbs aren't the devil. I aim for 100g of protein daily, more would be good but I strive for 100g and let the rest fall where it will.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Carbs aren't evil. In fact, they are a good source of energy for your body.

    Instead of worrying about carbs, why don't you try to meet your protein and fat macros first, and then fill in the rest as you see fit?

    Ding, ding, ding. For the win. I have been doing MFP for almost a year. I would not have made it one month if I was having to cut out all the foods I love and enjoy. I need energy to fuel my workouts and so do you! Carbs are not evil.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Eating carbs isn't a bad thing. Especially carbs from fruits and veggies and non processed foods. The only issue I have with carbs is that processed carbs tend to digest really fast and leave you hungry but I've never seen any exceptional weight loss by eating low carb except keeping your calories down.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Carbs are very person-dependent. Some people can't do without them, other people find they respond well to a lower level.

    For me, I try to stay under 100g a day. And that's fairly easy.

    Breakfast - eggs, smoked salmon, berries, cottage cheese, greek yoghurt. Once in a while treat - Burgen bread toast, porridge. Never -cereal and cereal bars, croissant.

    Lunch - homemade or reasonably good veggie soups, or salad. Once in a while treat - a wrap or sandwich. Never - baked potato or pasta dish

    Dinner - fish/ chicken/ meat with whatever veg and cheese I like. Once in a while - pasta or rice, small portion. Never -pizza, pies, cake.
  • XRavenhood
    XRavenhood Posts: 102
    I'm addicted to sweets and baked goods and love grains but since I've been exercising and eating lots of protein and wholesome food I've noticed that I'm eating not that many carbs and I'm not craving them either! Cool.

    I found that taking out any kind of baked thing aka something that has flour in it, to help me tremendously.
  • LoseYouself
    LoseYouself Posts: 249 Member
    Fruit, veggies, oats, beans.. EAT THEM. And please stop worrying about cutting out healthy foods simply because of the carbohydrate content. Carbs are not bad for you, don't make you fat, and you CAN lose weight while still eating them (myself as an example). I eat 55-60% carbs, 15-20% protein, 25% fat.. and I have a lot of lean mass, and have a 90 lb weight loss with minimal loose skin, etc.. so I'm not withering away from not eating 30-40% protein as some people on here are concerned with, and limiting my carbs.

    Besides, if you're going to maintain your weight loss, it needs to be a change you can keep forever.

    You should never cut out something like fruit, veggies, etc because of carbohydrates. They're loaded with vitamins, phytochemicals, and fibre.. and contain MUCH more nutrition than eating something low carb like a cheese stick. Your body will thank you. Just eat real foods in proper portions and you'll be fine.

    P.S- It's the carbohydrates found in things like processed foods that are bad (Flours, sugar, etc) because of their low nutrient density. Choose carbs that have high nutrition per calorie density. Not all carbs are equal. :)
  • adrisam
    adrisam Posts: 1
    Thanks, I needed to hear this!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Change your premise.
  • Sorashi
    Sorashi Posts: 41
    This is my life everyday. I feel you, I love bananas and I used to have one everyday but now i'm eating kiwis and strawberries that have less than a banana.
  • 17ChargerGirl17
    I eat very low carbs, but that is what works for me.
    i don't miss them one bit....
  • Mrs_Bones
    Mrs_Bones Posts: 195 Member
    The "no/low carbs" thing is really frustrating. So long as you're basing your diet on whole-foods and not over-eating like a madman you should be fine. I felt the same way when I was tracking my sugar intake. I would have my breakfast smoothie with a banana and some strawberries and be half way done my "sugar allowance" for the day. For me, if it's from whole foods, it's not the end of the world.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Carbs aren't evil. In fact, they are a good source of energy for your body.

    Instead of worrying about carbs, why don't you try to meet your protein and fat macros first, and then fill in the rest as you see fit?

    ^^this very much
  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    Carbs are your primary energy source, why would you limit them?
  • Mrs_Bones
    Mrs_Bones Posts: 195 Member
    Fruit, veggies, oats, beans.. EAT THEM. And please stop worrying about cutting out healthy foods simply because of the carbohydrate content. Carbs are not bad for you, don't make you fat, and you CAN lose weight while still eating them (myself as an example). I eat 55-60% carbs, 15-20% protein, 25% fat.. and I have a lot of lean mass, and have a 90 lb weight loss with minimal loose skin, etc.. so I'm not withering away from not eating 30-40% protein as some people on here are concerned with, and limiting my carbs.

    Besides, if you're going to maintain your weight loss, it needs to be a change you can keep forever.

    You should never cut out something like fruit, veggies, etc because of carbohydrates. They're loaded with vitamins, phytochemicals, and fibre.. and contain MUCH more nutrition than eating something low carb like a cheese stick. Your body will thank you. Just eat real foods in proper portions and you'll be fine.

    P.S- It's the carbohydrates found in things like processed foods that are bad (Flours, sugar, etc) because of their low nutrient density. Choose carbs that have high nutrition per calorie density. Not all carbs are equal. :)

    THANK-YOU for condensing the long rant I was thinking about and doing it for me :)
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    This is my life everyday. I feel you, I love bananas and I used to have one everyday but now i'm eating kiwis and strawberries that have less than a banana.

    why? carbs are not bad. eating bananas is not bad. unless you have diabetes, don't fear carbs.

    there is a scare-mongering movement out there trying to blame all our health problems on table sugar and fructose. it's complete nonsense.