I really hate...



  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    Sorry, but I think you should find a new job as soon as possible.
    My boss makes me want to run full speed ahead into a wall. So many little things on top of several big things.

    On a lighter side, at least you'll end up on platform 9 and 3/4 x

    Haha! Good one.
  • AngelicxAnnihilation
    AngelicxAnnihilation Posts: 336 Member
    my job.
    My boss makes me want to run full speed ahead into a wall.

    That's all. :(


    What the hell is that chick on the chair doing? :S

    Either way I think you need to consider relocating, going back to school or finding another job. If you truly feel horrible after you've ruled off every other possibility you need to leave the workplace.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    Find a new job and then quit..

    there is no one holding a gun to your head making you stay at a job you hate.
  • RobfromLakewood
    You had me at "I really hate"
  • MrsPong
    MrsPong Posts: 580 Member
    I feel you.
    My job has me at the office M-F 9A to 5P. I rarely take a lunch break, due to high volume in office.
    There are only 5 of us in the office and we manage over 75 clients and 150 active caregivers.
    My job is to keep track of all schedules. If someone calls off at 3am it's my job to cover that shift.

    I get calls at all hours EVERY single day. Week days, weekends, holidays..it doesn't matter.

    It cuts into my time at the gym, dinner with my family..everything.
    I cant afford to quit. Also, I have very limited experience with jobs except this one which has been a year.
    I do have an BA degree...so I could try to get another job.

    It gets to me sometimes and i have a meltdown and move on. I've accepted this is my job, if I don't like it I need to move on.

    edit: spelling
  • tiffanyheth
    tiffanyheth Posts: 510 Member
    You guys are putting wonderful ideas/thoughts out there.

    #1 We are in Iowa because my husband had a ministry opportunity here and put us closer to his family in Des Moines (2 hours away).

    #2I've interviewed several times but nothing has panned out. I've applied for jobs within 100 miles (actually over 50 applications/resumes out there).

    #3 My hsuband is very concerned about finances, and therefore, I would be unsupported to quit rather than wait for a new job.

    #4 Because I'm only one of two people who works my hours (evenings/weekends) there is very little coverage in family emergencies, etc.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    You guys are putting wonderful ideas/thoughts out there.

    #1 We are in Iowa because my husband had a ministry opportunity here and put us closer to his family in Des Moines (2 hours away).

    #2I've interviewed several times but nothing has panned out. I've applied for jobs within 100 miles (actually over 50 applications/resumes out there).

    #3 My hsuband is very concerned about finances, and therefore, I would be unsupported to quit rather than wait for a new job.

    #4 Because I'm only one of two people who works my hours (evenings/weekends) there is very little coverage in family emergencies, etc.

    Have you looked outside of your field? I know Maryville has many different companies and the University and the 3 schools there alone. Just until maybe you could find something degree related.
  • tiffanyheth
    tiffanyheth Posts: 510 Member
    Many of the jobs that I have applied for are in Maryville. I've applied at the schools, the university, several institutions (treatment/prison, etc).
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Many of the jobs that I have applied for are in Maryville. I've applied at the schools, the university, several institutions (treatment/prison, etc).

    Bummer, hopefully you get something soon. Sounds like you are in a not so good situation. I'll send some prayers and thoughts your way!