Self-Sabotage...Why Am I Doing It?



  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I think part of it is that we let our guard down, slack off, and go into auto-pilot when we're so close to goal, which is why most automobile accidents happen within a few miles of home (I forget the average number) and the last few weeks of school are a total loss for many people, etc.

    Good luck shaking off the doldrums and getting back on track.
  • skinnyaline
    skinnyaline Posts: 3 Member
    This happened to me many many times. I think the answer might be simpler than you think. I am usually 20 to 25 lbs overweight. I go on a diet (whether it is Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, or simply eating healthy) and I drop 10 lbs in 30 days right away. Then I start to think that I look great and that I can cheat today and get back on the horse again, but that one day can turn into a week and within a week a gain half of what took me a month to lose. Then I get frustrated that it is so hard to lose weight and so easy to eat whatever I want, and I say the hell with the diet and start eating whatever I want because it feels so good! I never get to be really obese because I am very active and I enjoy exercising, but the food addiction is a very hard thing to break because it is socially acceptable. As a matter of fact, lots of times it is embarrassing to say no to food when you are in certain social settings. I've come to the realization that food addiction is even harder to let go of than other addictions because there is a fine line between right and wrong. When you are an alcoholic, having a drink while you are on path to recovery is wrong, period! When you are trying to lose weight, the closer you get to your goal, the greater you look, and when you go to a birthday party and someone offers you cake, and you say no thank you, they always have to ask you, why? You look great, have a piece! Or when you go out to dinner, having warm bread rolls with butter before your meal comes is part of the experience and you just want to enjoy and have a good time, not count freaking calories. When we get closer to our goal, those last 5 pounds don't seem like a big deal. I feel like I am a hard worker, a great mom, a great wife, and I have other things working for me, other than trying to look perfect and have the perfect recommended amount of body fat. So I tell myself, if I want that ice cream, I deserve it. And then before I know it, all the weight is back on. I have thought that I am crazy over and over again! It's a terrible cycle! I really hope I can work it out this time - I just joined MFP last Wednesday and throughout this weekend I already cheated because we went out to eat and I had too much! Losing weight is not an easy task. keeping the weight off is even harder. Those of us that are on this journey should not take it lightly. IT IS HARD, but it is doable. Learn to forgive yourself and continue moving forward. You are NOT the only one on this!!!!
  • RandiLandCHANGED
    RandiLandCHANGED Posts: 630 Member
    I do it, too. Especially when people (in real life :wink: ) start mentioning that I look good. I go way over my already high calories and just give up. It is a struggle, and I wish I had advice.
  • Bownzi
    Bownzi Posts: 423 Member
    Sounds like boredom, I know I get that way.... Then when the things get bigger depression starts.... So what I do is get working harder.... And stay clear of the boredom...
  • Naomi0222
    Naomi0222 Posts: 84
  • 2hmom
    2hmom Posts: 241 Member
    Thanks for your post. This has happened to me, too. What I have read from these answers is: I have worked hard and deserve this. Losing the weight slowly helps the mind to adjust to the thinner you. Keep your goal in mind. My parents were no help for my self esteem, they're not going to hurt me twice. Good luck.