Girl Scout Cookies are Evil



  • 37434958
    37434958 Posts: 457 Member
    *kitten* Smack!

    I'm a girl scout! :P
  • Sunka1
    Sunka1 Posts: 217 Member
    Only the ones that are made with real Girl Scouts.

    I am sure that would be better nutritionally. Seriously, can't the Girl Scouts get a grip and sell something that doesn't feel the obesity epidemic.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    That's why I don't buy them. :bigsmile:
  • pabigwood
    pabigwood Posts: 19 Member
    Thin Mints, tasty, tasty evil!
  • jbutterflye
    jbutterflye Posts: 1,914 Member
    Out of 4 boxes I only had 1 cookie, a Samoa. I've been soooo good. Lol!
  • LifeJacketWaterJogger
    no they are not, they taste great, we just cannot get greedy! we're the problem not the cookies. get some self control. lol
  • dcuevas6235
    dcuevas6235 Posts: 135
    Tagalongs are the devil! They are engineered to make you want more while your still chewing them!
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Ssssssamoas! See? Even their name hisses like a snake! And they disappear like magic! Then they reappear on my body. Evil black magic!
  • violenceandlace
    I usually buy 15 boxes every year - 5 each of Thin Mints, Tagalongs, and Samoas. This year I only bought 1 box of each. I am separating them into individual serving-size bags, and I'm only allowed to have one serving, only on days that I work out enough calories to counteract, and when they're gone, they're gone.
  • dcuevas6235
    dcuevas6235 Posts: 135
    The best way to avoid them is to hold up a crucifix and hiss at the girl scouts on your way in and out of the grocery store.

    I have to wear garlic around my neck when I walk down the street. I get the jitters every time I hear a radioflyer wagon approaching.
  • zillah73
    zillah73 Posts: 505 Member
    I could eat a whole box of samoas in one sitting. Hence, I do not buy them.
  • alisonsurf
    alisonsurf Posts: 92 Member

    Seriously, all I want is one box of Samoas. I freeze then and then nurse one a day and it takes like 15 minutes to scrape miniscule amounts of frozen caramel and cookie off the edges. If you get greedy, the caramel glues your teeth together and then it takes that long for it to melt and unstick your jaw so you have to take it reaalllllly slow.
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    I was accosted by the Girl Scouts at the grocery store. Since I was a leader, cookie mom, and even cookie manager I am forced to buy them. I limited to 2 boxes and ate 2-4 per day. Happily they are gone and hopefully I won't run across anymore. It does take a lot of self control but it is that way with everything although I have to admit I try to not buy junk then I'm not tempted.
  • singledj
    singledj Posts: 147 Member
    My daughter is a girl scout. Instead of buying them for the house we donate to troops and the local homeless shelters. It saves us the calories and feels good to do something nice and help my DDs troop.

    This is awesome!! The Girl Scouts need support and if you don't want to eat the cookies yourself... donating them is a great alternative!! It's a win win situation!!
  • StrongandTender
    StrongandTender Posts: 44 Member
    Too true! I bought 10 boxes (to support a former student). Ate 3.5, then I took all the willpower I had, threw away 1/2 box, and gave away the other 6. I made my best friend's kids very happy and the scale is doing what I want it to. But GS cookies are still evil.
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    I could eat a whole box of samoas in one sitting. Hence, I do not buy them.

    If a 'sitting' is 5 minutes or less...that was me. I use the word 'WAS', because I cannot trust myself with just ONE samoa or even ONE box of samoa. Thin MInts are just a chaser, when the samoas are gone. I know my addiction.

    Unbelieve as it may seem...when I was a child and a girl scout, we went door to door with a wagon. We had only one kind of cookie back then. At some point in time, it occured to me that I could stand outside the local Safeway and ask folks to buy my cookies, unstead of the ones in the store. No one ran me off, and I sold more cookies that year than any other girl scout in San Diego County.

    No other scouts in my area were doing such a 'pushy thing' back in the early 50's. Do you suppose that I started something? ; )
  • Ron6098
    Ron6098 Posts: 31
    My mother is still active in the girl scouts. Helps girls with their gold awards. She says they don't go door to door anymore due to safety concerns
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    I was a Campfire girl and we sold mints that were wonderful in hot chocolate. I don't even know if Campfire Girls even exist anymore since they allowed Campfire boys. Buncha boys who like to dress up like Hiawatha and Sacajawea? :sad: :noway:
  • 2EggsSeparated
    My mother is still active in the girl scouts. Helps girls with their gold awards. She says they don't go door to door anymore due to safety concerns

    My kid went door to door, and she's not the only one in her troop who did. As a matter of fact, they encourage door to door selling in their cookie selling materials.
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    The other day I met a Girl Scout with a credit card reader on her phone. You cannot tell me that they are not agents of evil...