Wow just wow.



  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I chose this site because back when I started ( a few years ago) they were the nicest, most supportive people I'd found.

    a lot of those people gave up on the forums, because people kept calling them 'rude' for disagreeing with them.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member

    Most bullies consider the things they say harmless teasing or jokes.

    I looked at that ice cream thread. There was nothing bullying about it. A few people saying "Hey, ice cream! I like real ice cream!" If that's your definition of bullying, you are doing a GRAVE disservice to those who have actually been bullied. I have been bullied, and let me tell you, a few people telling me they prefer real ice was NOT it.

    How absolutely dismissive of you to suggest THAT'S bullying.

    I was bullied as well growing up. refer to my last post. I was bullied to an absolute point of desperation. I know what it is like. I still see it everyday. It SICKENS me.

    Then you should be very aware that the ice cream thread that this post seems to relate is anything but bullying. And the only real rudeness I saw was from the OP.
  • nokanjaijo
    nokanjaijo Posts: 466 Member
    Most bullies consider the things they say harmless teasing or jokes.

    I disagree. Most bullies will claim they are being harmless to avoid responsibility. If they are being hurtful and truly believe they are being harmless, they aren't bullies. They are just socially inept. We would need to read minds to see who is who. Sometimes it is pretty obvious but not always.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member

    I was bullied as well growing up. refer to my last post. I was bullied to an absolute point of desperation. I know what it is like. I still see it everyday. It SICKENS me.

    Then you should understand how someone could be upset when you relate bullying to freakin' ICE CREAM.
  • linxus
    linxus Posts: 87

    Most bullies consider the things they say harmless teasing or jokes.

    I looked at that ice cream thread. There was nothing bullying about it. A few people saying "Hey, ice cream! I like real ice cream!" If that's your definition of bullying, you are doing a GRAVE disservice to those who have actually been bullied. I have been bullied, and let me tell you, a few people telling me they prefer real ice was NOT it.

    How absolutely dismissive of you to suggest THAT'S bullying.

    I was bullied as well growing up. refer to my last post. I was bullied to an absolute point of desperation. I know what it is like. I still see it everyday. It SICKENS me.

    Then you should be very aware that the ice cream thread that this post seems to relate is anything but bullying.

    I humbly apologize. I shouldn't have compared it to bullying, however, the people posting the remarks were very distasteful about it. Again, I'm sorry as I know it is a sensitive topic.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member

    I humbly apologize. I shouldn't have compared it to bullying, however, the people posting the remarks were very distasteful about it. Again, I'm sorry as I know it is a sensitive topic.

    Thank you. I appreciate you saying that. It is a very sensitive subject.
  • bdhu2001
    bdhu2001 Posts: 38 Member
    Left for a few months & it seems like a lot of RUDE people have joined since then. If you have nothing nice to say, why even reply? If a recipe I post doesn't appeal to you, then don't make it. You don't have to be freaking rude & shoot it down before even trying it. Do other people experience this on here too? Makes you no even wanna contribute ideas & makes you just wanna keep to yourself or not come on here at all.
    Thanks to your title on this discussion, I found your recipe. It sounds great. I love a little something sweet. Right now I'm doing "Ginger snaps" and skinny cow ice cream. I'll have to grab the ingredients and try this one.
  • Gwen_B
    Gwen_B Posts: 1,018 Member
    First of all, I am sorry people find it necessary to be rude. But, no, that is because I don't put myself in that position. I close my diary and don't share food ideas. I don't care for picky eaters, especially when it come to eating healthy, so I would just speak my mind right back. It is better for me to just keep my mouth shut!
  • Jonesie86
    Jonesie86 Posts: 446 Member
    I generally find that hateful people are bored, hate something in their life so much they project it onto everything they touch or just don't have common sense and can't realize when they're being rude :)

    Just let it roll off your back babe...I had a guy say that nobody would want to take on me and my baggage (meaning my two kids) when I got divorced, but didn't see it as being rude ~ just stating a fact lol...
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    There were a couple silly jokes that were kind of funny. Nobody called OP a name, nobody said her dessert tasted bad, and nobody said that she shouldn't have made it. And pretty sure she wasn't shoved, hit, or punched.

    A couple people chose to use humor to say that they preferred ice cream. That is all. That really is the extent of what was said in that thread.

    Have people really become so sensitive that a couple people using humor about ice cream is viewed as bullying?

    I guess for me, that would be the "wow" part.
  • Bonardi
    Bonardi Posts: 3
    Hi: I just read your post about someone being rude to you. Don't take it personally. Losing weight for a lot of people can be really challenging, and, yes, people may be even angry and take it out on someone else. You are right -- if someone doesn't like the recipe you posted, they don't have to make it or comment on it. Just ignore these negative responses and keep moving forward towards your goals. BB
  • HotrodsGirl0107
    HotrodsGirl0107 Posts: 243 Member
    Welcome to the world of internet forums! This type of stuff happens all the time and there isn't anything you or anyone else can do about it. Truthfully sensitive people should probably stay away from public forums.

    ETA: I just read the recipe thread and WOW is right. Those who were overly sensitive took offense to other member being silly and trying to bring in a little humor (plus the word rude was thrown around way too much).
  • michelletyler38
    michelletyler38 Posts: 469 Member
    I stumbled upon a thread the other week, someone had posted a recipe...lets take a min to reflect...a recipe!!
    The amount of crap that person received was insane....absolutely moronic.

    It was probably me. -_-
  • Stormchasegrl
    Stormchasegrl Posts: 61 Member
    Can someone please direct me to the OP. I'm semi new here and I'm not sure I've found the right one:

    Edit: If this is correct, I've seen more people complaining about it being rude than it actually being rude. I got the sense these people were just joking around...
  • michelletyler38
    michelletyler38 Posts: 469 Member
    I don't understand the purpose of a post like this. What are you trying to accomplish? If you think people are rude on a particular thread, you can call them out on it there, report to the mods, ignore them, or counteract their rudeness with your kindness.

    All you're doing now (IMHO) is complaining and that's just adding noise to the site.

    Then why did you even reply?
  • michelletyler38
    michelletyler38 Posts: 469 Member
    There were a couple silly jokes that were kind of funny. Nobody called OP a name, nobody said her dessert tasted bad, and nobody said that she shouldn't have made it. And pretty sure she wasn't shoved, hit, or punched.

    A couple people chose to use humor to say that they preferred ice cream. That is all. That really is the extent of what was said in that thread.

    Have people really become so sensitive that a couple people using humor about ice cream is viewed as bullying?

    I guess for me, that would be the "wow" part.

    Umm don't remember saying I felt "bullied". Just said people were rude.
  • michelletyler38
    michelletyler38 Posts: 469 Member
    There were a couple silly jokes that were kind of funny. Nobody called OP a name, nobody said her dessert tasted bad, and nobody said that she shouldn't have made it. And pretty sure she wasn't shoved, hit, or punched.

    A couple people chose to use humor to say that they preferred ice cream. That is all. That really is the extent of what was said in that thread.

    Have people really become so sensitive that a couple people using humor about ice cream is viewed as bullying?

    I guess for me, that would be the "wow" part.

    Also- I'm not talking about only my post. I was looking through the post where you can post photos of your meals and people were downright rude. Saying they lost their appetite from people's meal pictures. I just don't understand it.
  • linxus
    linxus Posts: 87
    There were a couple silly jokes that were kind of funny. Nobody called OP a name, nobody said her dessert tasted bad, and nobody said that she shouldn't have made it. And pretty sure she wasn't shoved, hit, or punched.

    A couple people chose to use humor to say that they preferred ice cream. That is all. That really is the extent of what was said in that thread.

    Have people really become so sensitive that a couple people using humor about ice cream is viewed as bullying?

    I guess for me, that would be the "wow" part.

    Umm don't remember saying I felt "bullied". Just said people were rude.

    She was referring to my posts. I was wrong for comparing it to bullying. Rude or distasteful, yes, but not bullying.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member

    Umm don't remember saying I felt "bullied". Just said people were rude.

    You....really feel that people saying they prefer real ice cream is rude? Like, honest to god, in your heart of hearts? How do you handle it when someone actually IS rude to you in real life? Say, someone bumps you and doesn't apologize? I mean, if the ice cream thing is enough to set you off, I sincerely am curious as to how you respond to real life situations in which you feel you've been wronged by strangers????
  • crazy4fids
    crazy4fids Posts: 173
    I didn't go through and read the whole thread, just the first half dozen posts. All I'm gonna say is "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."
    Unless the OP was looking for honest opinions or feedback. And then, it is possible to give/criticize in a polite, respectful way.