How did you go from...



  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    I eat mini meals throughout the day, approx 2 hrs apart. I find that helps. I also eat a fair bit of protein and fibre.
    But for me the most important thing is simply staying busy. I find working out after works cuts down on the time I have left in the evening to eat .. lol:laugh: On days I'm not working out and instead find myself watching tv, I try to keep something low cal in my hands to keep me busy, like a cup of herbal tea.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Are you eating the bulk of your calories in one sitting in the evening? Here is just an example of what I tend to eat through out the day and I am not hungry at night.
    breakfast - 7:30 am oatmeal w/ 2 tsp brown sugar and a half pint of skim milk (260 calories)
    am snack around 9:30/10
    lunch 12:30ish - some type of veggies and about 4 oz chicken (200 - 300 calories)
    pm snack 2:30
    pm snack 5ish
    dinner around 8pm varries
    normal snacks are yogurt, nuts, higher fiber fruit, laughing cow cheese and crackers, string cheese (70-150 calories)
  • surlydave
    surlydave Posts: 512 Member
    Sorry if you already mentioned this, but what exactly is your "junk food" or vice? Chocolate? Greasy chips?
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    my junk food problem is mostly chips and crackers. they are so yummy. I am pretty good about sweets.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Are you eating the bulk of your calories in one sitting in the evening? Here is just an example of what I tend to eat through out the day and I am not hungry at night.
    breakfast - 7:30 am oatmeal w/ 2 tsp brown sugar and a half pint of skim milk (260 calories)
    am snack around 9:30/10
    lunch 12:30ish - some type of veggies and about 4 oz chicken (200 - 300 calories)
    pm snack 2:30
    pm snack 5ish
    dinner around 8pm varries
    normal snacks are yogurt, nuts, higher fiber fruit, laughing cow cheese and crackers, string cheese (70-150 calories)

    I usually eat on a simular pattern to that. Maybe without the 8 o'clock snack. My dinner is usually around 600 calores while the rest of my meals/ snacks are 200 to 300.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    I eat mini meals throughout the day, approx 2 hrs apart. I find that helps. I also eat a fair bit of protein and fibre.
    But for me the most important thing is simply staying busy. I find working out after works cuts down on the time I have left in the evening to eat .. lol:laugh: On days I'm not working out and instead find myself watching tv, I try to keep something low cal in my hands to keep me busy, like a cup of herbal tea.

    I work out daily.... my problem is when i sit down at night to do my planning (im a teacher) or grade papers. or the hour I take to relax and watch TV. But i don't feel like i can give that time up.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Eat your bigger meals early on in the day. I have a big breakfast, then smaller meals after that...I work out right after work and THEN eat dinner - and I'm not so hungry because I've been burning off calories.
  • surlydave
    surlydave Posts: 512 Member
    Well, I know I don't have to steer you toward baked chips, because I saw you already had those on one of your diary entries (by the way, how do you already have lunch logged? lol). Maybe you should buy some of the, ahem. "healthier" snacks that come in the pre-portioned containers, like pringles. Nobody can stop you from opening a second container, but it takes more to do that than just reaching in for a handful from another bag. I also second the recommendation on laughing cow cheese spreads.
  • tutujoli
    tutujoli Posts: 104 Member
    Looking at your normal day, I think your blood sugar is probably crashing about the time you get home, so you're not hungry, your're HUNGRY.

    I would take the orange you're eating for a snack, and try swapping it out for something with less sugar, OR pair it with something that has some protien (Nuts, string cheese, yogurt....)

    I have a snack about the same time each day, but I have an apple with some peanut butter. The apple has slightly less (not by sugar than an orange has, and the protein in the pb helps my body SLOW DOWN on digestion, stops the sudden "dump all of this sugar into your system at once" problem, and keeps me satisfied longer.
  • fitinyoga14
    fitinyoga14 Posts: 448 Member
    i have 5 meals a day, where breakfast, lunch, and dinner a little over 300 calories and snacks around 100 calories. i make a huge effort to make sure that each meal contains multiple food groups with fiber or protein. for example, instead of just eating fruit for a snack, i would have a small amount of fruit paired with a small amount of nuts or cheese. i work do my work outs at about 3:30 or 4 o'clock. i feel its the best time because its when i'm feeling THE MOST low on energy and i can hardly wait for dinner. surprisingly, if i can push through a work-out even then, i feel more energized afterwards and my appetite is curved. i eat dinner right after the work-out when i'm not feeling that hungry. and then after dinner, i don't eat anything for the rest of the night. i don't get truly hungry at all during the day. it works out perfectly. i feel that a schedule similar to mine might go along with your work schedule also. planning meals ahead of time will also make things easier.
  • simona1972
    simona1972 Posts: 355 Member
    How did YOU go from wanted to loose weight and eating healthy to actually doing it? What was your stratagy?

    I do so well for breakfast, for lunch, I workout daily.... then i get home. All day I have planned to eat healthy foods and when I get home all I want is junk.... I have cut out most of it by not bringing it home but SOMEHOW someway I still find a way to eat it. I have a 4-7 PM breakdown. Anyone have advise on how to break the streak?

    I had no real strategy. My doctor telling me Id be an insulin dependent diabetic in a year was enough.

    Planning is key. I still want my junkie foods too. Ive found healthier alternatives. I LOVE my chips. Now I buy baked chips and eat those. I LOVE my cookies. Now..I make my own high fiber cookies and have 1.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Well, I know I don't have to steer you toward baked chips, because I saw you already had those on one of your diary entries (by the way, how do you already have lunch logged? lol). Maybe you should buy some of the, ahem. "healthier" snacks that come in the pre-portioned containers, like pringles. Nobody can stop you from opening a second container, but it takes more to do that than just reaching in for a handful from another bag. I also second the recommendation on laughing cow cheese spreads.

    I will have to try the laughing cow cheese :D Yes I only eat baked chips or sometimes corn chips. I hardly ever eat the regular kind. I cut that out a couple of years ago. I may have ot try the pre-portioned containers but they cost so much more!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Looking at your normal day, I think your blood sugar is probably crashing about the time you get home, so you're not hungry, your're HUNGRY.

    I would take the orange you're eating for a snack, and try swapping it out for something with less sugar, OR pair it with something that has some protien (Nuts, string cheese, yogurt....)

    I have a snack about the same time each day, but I have an apple with some peanut butter. The apple has slightly less (not by sugar than an orange has, and the protein in the pb helps my body SLOW DOWN on digestion, stops the sudden "dump all of this sugar into your system at once" problem, and keeps me satisfied longer.

    hmm this is interesting! I may have to try switching it up because this may be what is happening.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Thanks for the ideas everyone. I think I may try to add some nuts or trail mix to my fruit snacks during the day to see if it can keep me full! I know that this is what is keeping me from loosing weight and I know at some point I am just going to have to make the decision to change me eating habits but its sad because the rest of the day I am awesome... I just have a tough time in those three hours. Some of these ideas may really help! Thanks
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    To answer your original question... how did I go from wanting to lose weight and eating healthy and actually doing it? I started one day at a time and one healthy improvement at a time. This was the only thing that "made sense" to me - I wasn't hungry and I felt so much better! I started by cutting out soda, then counting calories, then watching my sodium, then adding in more veggies, then cutting out processed foods... the more changes I made, the better I felt.

    I plan my dinner in the morning. That's the one meal that my whole family eats and I need to make sure that it's "enough" for a 6'3 grown man and a growing 12 year old athletic boy. Once I've planned dinner, I know what I have left for the rest of the day. I always plan a snack for about an hour before dinner... some favorites are a granny smith apple with a tablespoon of natural peanut butter or some carrot sticks, celery sticks and broccoli with a some hummus. I'm usually snacking while preparing dinner... it helps to keep my appetite in check and keeps me from going overboard at dinner.

    It sounds to me like you're seeking "comfort food" after a long day of teaching (who could blame you?). Maybe you could find a favorite herbal tea or iced tea to relax with? Take your tea, a piece of fruit and your planner and papers to a nice, quiet space to unwind.... that's what I use my back patio for around this time of year... (I'm a homeschooling mom and homemaker - lots of planning).

    As far as keeping some junk in the house... I do too... again - a grown man and a 12 year old... I only buy junk food in individual serving bags... and they are kept in our basement. That way I don't "happen" across an open bag, if I want junk food I have to make the decision to actually walk down and get it and if I do happen to somehow convince myself that it will be ok - it's a single serving... not 6!

    Find what works for you and do it!
  • simona1972
    simona1972 Posts: 355 Member
    I will have to try the laughing cow cheese :D Yes I only eat baked chips or sometimes corn chips. I hardly ever eat the regular kind. I cut that out a couple of years ago. I may have ot try the pre-portioned containers but they cost so much more!

    Make your own pre-portioned containers. I do that. I buy the large bags of chips and portion them out in Ziploc baggies and then I have my supply for the week. Failing that, I WILL eat the whole bag. Sometimes I buy the single serve size in cases from a shop called Mr. Case here in Toronto. Less expensive than at the grocery stores.
  • LandBsdotingchauffeur
    I chew alot of gum inbetween meals and snacks and at night to keep my mouth moving and my mind off of food. Doesn't always work, but it helps :)
  • Keemeri
    Keemeri Posts: 74
    I tried cutting my diet to 1000 and then read so much about not eating enough so I went back to 1200. I sit at work and have started riding my road bike after work (12 - 16 mph- depending on the day-approx 400 - 500 burned). It's so scientific to each of our bodies. I hope I start to see the difference before Memorial Day.

    This website has been a great motivator :smile: !

    Also, drinking the 64 oz + water a day fills me up! :tongue:
  • Moneygrow3
    For me, it's setting my mind to sticking to what I say Im going to do! I log in my food in the am, and I try really hard not to change it. I also work out around 4pm... that way Im keeping myself busy. I come home eat dinner and then usually have a cup of sleepy time tea before bed. Planning a snack in the afternoon is key for me. Helps curbs my appetite! WATER is also a big curb! Good luck!
  • mhoss101
    mhoss101 Posts: 49 Member
    Try a scheduled snack around 3 - 3.30

    so your not "starving" when you get home, also be aware of the fact that is when the advertising hits the telly / radio as well, its desgined to get you thinking of junk when your at your hungriest so being aware of what is happening may help you resist the suggestions :)

    funny you mention this because i now change the channel when a fast food commercial comes on.. I have been doing this for a couple of weeks.. and what do you know!! i havent had fast food in a couple of weeks..