Eat more to weigh more, apparently.



  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Patience, young grasshopper. Stick with it and there will be results.
  • bethanytowell
    bethanytowell Posts: 256 Member
    15lbs from goal weight. <1000cal/day for 10 years. 30% BF

    TDEE - 20% under these circumstances sounds too aggressive to me. Just slashing calories doesn't work for you - you already know that. If you want a long term fix then you probably should be thinking less about losing fat for now and and more about recovering some of the muscle you've lost. That might mean more food, less cardio, and getting really serious about strength training. Also I would advise putting your scale in the protective custody of a friend for a while so that it would be around to mock you as you get things sorted out.

    This right here is exactly what i would say as well.
  • OtiWanKenobi
    OtiWanKenobi Posts: 340 Member
    If you've been eating that little for that long, your metabolism has adjusted because your body expects to be fed at that level. You're going to see an initial weight gain, but stick with it a while longer and let your body adjust. The weight should eventually start coming off, but it's going to take a little while. Don't give up.

    Yeah. I'm growing a bit resentful of weight watchers, because I feel as if they've ruined my body some how. Thank you for the encouraging words.

    I feel you....I was in the exact same boat as you a few months ago. I went through a similar situation where I ate very little for a couple of years. I was frustrated to no end then I found the road map. I tried it and it took me about 4 months for my body to adjust. I gained several pounds at the beginning and then I stalled. I was so obsessive with the scale that my husband hid it from me and I started taking measurements. I am at the point now that it's FINALLY working. I'm not loosing much on the scale per se BUT I am loosing a ton of inches. Don't give up...I had to realize that I had to be patient because I really screwed up my metabolism by highly restricting my caloric intake.

    *Oh yes, and I started lifting heavy too and have noticed a big change. :) Best of luck!