How to deal with snarky comments?



  • ThePinkAlligator
    I AM THAT SISTER WHO MAKES THE SNARKY COMMENTS - not literally, but figuratively. I've gotten over it now - but growing up my sister who is 2 years younger than me - was always a bit bigger boned and a size or 2 larger than me, I love my sister and don't typically feel jealous of her - however, when she started Body Pump and lost weight, while I was gaining weight and not working out - I was incredibly upset by it. Granted, neither of us were huge - by the time this juxtaposition occured she was down to a size 6 or 8, I was up to a size 10 or 12, but it was so bothersome to me - it's difficult to explain, but I guess I took some comfort in the fact that I was the smallest of all the females in the family, then about 5-10 years ago my mom went from a size 10 to a size 4 or 6 - that was hard enough, but I still took solace that I was the smallest of the 3 daughters. When my sister started Body Pump 2 years ago and I no longer was the smallest female in the family OR the smallest daughter in the family - it took my self confidence for a spin. 2 years later she has maintained her weight loss, but I have dealt with my own issues so I can support and be happy for her. I guess that even when I gained a few pounds, my family would still call me the skinny one and say I looked great, so it didn't bother me too much, I could avoid the fact that I was gaining weight a bit easier. When my mom and sister lost weight, I no longer could ignore the fact that I was unhappy with my weight. I'm sure your sister is jealous, but my advice?? Don't confront her, just be patient with her, minimize your diet/fitness comments/proclomation achievements for now and give her time to adjust. Let her come to terms with her weight vs yours and get used to the idea that she is no longer the skinnier one - the less attention you bring to it - the easier it will be for her to gradually accept this fact and move on. I would be happy to answer any more questions if you have any - just message me. Good luck and congratulations on your success!!!
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    I just told this to someone who was having trouble letting go of comments from their parents in their childhood. I think it might help you too.

    There is one sure fire way to get through this.

    Every day or every other day - walk up to your workout with the intention of completing something that you have never been able to do before. Whether it's adding a pound, 15 seconds or an extra set, an extra rep, a hand stand, your first pullup attempt - DOESNT MATTER.

    Everytime you are working out, in the time you allotted as important for yourself, you walk up to something impossible and you prove to yourself that it is possible.

    Doing this over and over day after day week after week will strengthen your body and your mind and your willpower and your momentum.

    And suddenly, one morning, you're going to realize that all you care about is getting that barbell up over your head, because it is taking all your energy and effort and THEN YOURE GOING TO DO IT!

    And you'll know, that it's your opinion of yourself, your voice in your head saying you can you can you can you can you always can - that you will hear louder than any mouse squeaks in your past. Because everytime you talk yourself through it - you make it happen. You solidify your sense of personal strength.