How depressing is the fact



  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I felt exactly like the OP at one time in my life. Weight loss was too hard, too slow, left me feeling too lousy. I thought, "This f'n SUCKS! This is no way to live! I'd rather be overweight than live like this."

    Because I was doing it wrong.

    I was cutting calories, but cutting them TOO much, and didn't have enough fuel to function properly. My body was revolting against me. I made everything TOO hard.

    I needed a calorie deficit. But not a huge one. I only needed to eat 10-20% less than I was before, not 50% less. With the right deficit, I had the energy to function... not only function, but thrive. Have enough energy to go from couch potato to athletic, from mushy to firm.

    And I thought it was all over for me in my early/mid 30s when I had a hard time losing. Boy, was I wrong. :smile:
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Everyone can succeed. Even you.
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    Live like people did 30 to 40 years ago and you would be way more active and you surely wouldn't be eating fast food and all of the crap that you eat. Just saying... not "you" personally, just someone who wants to live like people did 30 to 40 years ago.

    This is life. You can't eat 4000 calories a day and not gain weight, unless you are pure muscle and have a high metabolism. It's life.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    And yes part of this frustration is from seeing people who happen to have "good" insurance or money...who buy the fix (aka surgeries) Great for them. But I'm still me, and I'll keep trying and I'll keep doing the same thing over and over because I'm going to live my life the way people did 30-40 years ago.

    I'm sorry calorie counting/MFP is not working for you, or you feel like it's not working. But if you honestly think bariatric surgery is a quick and easy fix, you have never met anyone who has had that surgery and then KEPT OFF THE WEIGHT, which is the hardest part. While I did not have weight loss surgery, a very close friend did, and it is no quick and easy fix.

    Focus on the positives in your life and what you CAN do. Good luck.
  • JingleMuffin
    JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member
    you dont want it bad enough to try without stoping. and surgery isnt a quick fix like people think it is. You couldnt PAY ME to get that ish done to my body.

    I'd rather fight.

    what is your alterantive? to get fatter and fatter until you die un unhappy sad life? or to just stay the same amount of fat?
    the time will pass weather you are improving yourself or not.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member

    what is your alterantive? to get fatter and fatter until you die un unhappy sad life? or to just stay the same amount of fat?
    the time will pass weather you are improving yourself or not.

    This is what keeps me logging every damn day. Exactly.
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    Saying you "can't" (and believing it) is the only thing stopping you.

    You can do this. Anybody can do this. But it takes determination and a reasonable plan you can stick with.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    The first and most important thing you need to do is log your food. Log EVERYTHING you eat. Weight loss is 80% diet, 20% exercise. You can't out exercise a terrible diet.

    Lies. I lost 30lbs on a diet of fast food and junk food. The reason I lost? My calories were always under and I exercised an hour a day. *shrug*

    You CAN out exercise a terrible diet.

    But it's much, much easier to just modify your diet and get control of your desire to eat.
  • NakedLunchTime
    The sedentary part comes from sitting in front of a computer with about 3 times a day I can get up and move around. Otherwise I'm glued to my computer and phone.
    When I get home I'm active, but not exercise active, it's laundry, supper, dishes, yard work or now snow work, kids baths, maybe me too :).
    But there are times that I get almost all the way home and I'm just exhausted, by the time I fix the kids something for supper and change the clothes out....I am wiped, mentally and physically.

    Most of us feel that way, but you just have to make time for it.
  • valeriebpdx
    valeriebpdx Posts: 499 Member
    bump for the motivating replies
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    First thing that caught my eye was the word depressing. Probably need to talk to someone about it and see if that's where you're at right now. Some don't even know they are experiencing it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    You are not special - of course you can lose weight, your body will respond to a well-managed calorie deficit with exercise just like it does for everyone else (unless you have some medical issues that might make things harder). Some people lose faster than others, that's all. Some people go to the gym, and run, and everyone eats differently.

    Go check the success stories, look at what others have achieved, read what they did - and then work the ideas into your life. I thought I was fat for life, being 60 years old - but I have lost 28 kgs and it has not been hard. (IF you want to see what I was, go to the forums and search Aussie 60 and you can see my sucess story). And I am lazy - I don't do gym etc. I am toying with the idea of doing weights!

    Sounds like you are a very busy mother and worker, and it could be that you are stressed and depressed. But taking charge of your weight will make you feel better, honestly! Logging daily is to help you see where your choices could be better, so you can control what goes into your mouth. It is not about restricting - it is about choices, learning, developing.

    Don't give up - your children want their mum around for a long time. Friend me if you like, but I warn you I am a bit of a nag! :smile:
  • anifani4
    anifani4 Posts: 457 Member
    Please do not give up. You are YOUNG. I am gonna be 70 this year and wish I had MFP when I was 30. I've tried to lose weight at least a dozen times....seriously try. I've been partially successful but didn't learn a way to keep going and eventually gained it back. For me, the Road Map method here is working just fine. The support is phenomenal. The success stories speak for themselves. I think I can maybe be a heatlhy weight in 5 years and maintain it for the rest of my life. I'm going slow, using small mini goals to improve my menus and increase my exercise. My settings here are for 1/2 pound per week and it's happening in spite of bad days and overeating days and injuries, and holidays.

    But.....this may not be right for you. I believe I had to search for the method that suited me and I think you do also. Maybe you would do better off with Intuitive Eating, or Overeaters Anonymous. Whatever you do, please do not give up on yourself.

    Also recognize that discouragement is an emotion that comes and goes. let it flow through you and acknowledge it and know it will pass.
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    I'm not going to become a slob, I still have to find a way to fit in my pants. But I'm just so frustrated with the fact that this is a process that I can't accomplish, I've heard way too many people say it's simple and give 12 different answers why.... or that I don't want it enough. I've pretty much decided that if it consumes over half my thoughts and my day whether it be mental or physical .... I'm obviously doing something wrong.

    I know exactly how you feel when I read this. But let me just say, there is no 'RIGHT' way to lose weight. Losing weight is as unique to each person, just like each person is unique in themselves. I do believe eating right and having a good exercise routine will help, but it's not the same for everyone, so just hang in there. Play around with different ideas and change around different things. Eventually you will find what is right for yourself.

    If you want any extra support, feel free to add me.
  • reallynicemom
    I feel your frustration. I too tried and tried. I love my fitness pal because it forces me to be honest. I can't have that handful of chocolate chips if I'm almost out of calories. I love being able to log my exercise. I fully believe in move more and eat less. Weight loss isn't an overnight thing. It takes permanent changes in your life. From 225 to 160, I've had great success over a long period of time. I weigh and measure all that I eat. I order smartly when eating out. I exercise six days a week. I remember being on the treadmill for forty-five minutes at 3.6 mph and thinking that was tough work. Now I can do 5 mph for 45 minutes! Sweet. Keep at it, and remember: Honesty is the best policy! Be honest with yourself and GO FOR IT,
  • jnn0409
    jnn0409 Posts: 171 Member
    Bumping for others to get motivation and inspiration. Thank you to everyone who replied to this post, very inspiring for me to keep going! :) Good luck to the OP and I hope you find what works best for you, don't give up!
  • sPaRkLiNgLYFE
    God i hate whining
  • Doctorpurple
    Doctorpurple Posts: 507 Member
    you dont want it bad enough to try without stoping. and surgery isnt a quick fix like people think it is. You couldnt PAY ME to get that ish done to my body.

    I'd rather fight.

    what is your alterantive? to get fatter and fatter until you die un unhappy sad life? or to just stay the same amount of fat?
    the time will pass weather you are improving yourself or not.

    ^I agree
  • Doctorpurple
    Doctorpurple Posts: 507 Member
    The first and most important thing you need to do is log your food. Log EVERYTHING you eat. Weight loss is 80% diet, 20% exercise. You can't out exercise a terrible diet.

    Lies. I lost 30lbs on a diet of fast food and junk food. The reason I lost? My calories were always under and I exercised an hour a day. *shrug*

    You CAN out exercise a terrible diet.

    But it's much, much easier to just modify your diet and get control of your desire to eat.

    You could be eating junk food and fast food but still not exceeding your daily calorie limit. I think what the previous commenter meant for "terrible diet" is eating way beyond daily caloric needs like 3000+ calorie intake. In order to out-exercise that you will need to spend hours in the gym per day. For people who have other commitments that can be very very hard to fit on a daily schedule.
  • iveyroze3
    iveyroze3 Posts: 89
    This site and the positive and motivating friends I have met have made a difference for me after years of " dieting "

    Logging everything I put in my mouth helps keep me accountable and is not hard to do.

    I have always tried to do this alone and it hasn't worked for me. Support and people with common goals and struggles help me tremendously.

    I had no idea the calories I was taking in before. I look at and repond on forums when I feel I can offer something on the subject.

    I have learned alot and want to learn more. I am making time for me and my health and fitness. I am worth it and so are you!

    I have many pounds yet to lose but feel encouraged to do so and that's a really big deal for me.

    I didn't put this weight on overnight and have to be patient. We are all works in progress.