felling hopeless

I have been struggleing with weight loss for a few years, I have tried diet and exercise and nothing seems to work, I am currently eating a low carb diet (about 1200-1300calories a day) I go to the gym a hour and a half 5 days a week..I do a half hour of weights and abs and finish with a hour of cardio and i haven't lost a single pound infact I have gained 7! Idon't know what I am doing wrong any advice?


  • divaej1
    divaej1 Posts: 4
    Do not be discourage remeber it takes time to add weight to our bodies so sometimes we won't see immediate results. The key is really to change your eating habits and to set small goals. It has been very tough for me as well no results but I refuse to give up and be unhappy. So let's do it together I know you can. I have up my water intake and cut oout all diet drinks including soda because the add water weight. I also set a goal to be done eating by 6p. Sit-ups right before bed. You can do it!! I believie in you!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • 1GeorgiaPeach
    Well weights can give the scale give a higher number so I would just say just do cardio then when u get to a size you want then lean up and do the weights
    But just hang in there weight loss can be a b**ch and sometimes we don't understand our bodies but just stick to it you can do it!
  • crystalmoore83
    crystalmoore83 Posts: 103 Member
    I am not going to stop I just get really discouraged and depressed...thank you for the encouragement :smile:
  • 1GeorgiaPeach
    I am not going to stop I just get really discouraged and depressed...thank you for the encouragement :smile:

    That's the way to do it don't stop you got it
  • eslmichele
    remember muscle weighs more than fat, so you might be losing fat and building muscle. The scales are only one indicator of weight loss. How do your clothes fit? that is a good question. Keep working on it. It will happen.
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    Well weights can give the scale give a higher number so I would just say just do cardio then when u get to a size you want then lean up and do the weights
    But just hang in there weight loss can be a b**ch and sometimes we don't understand our bodies but just stick to it you can do it!

    NO! do not give up weights for just cardio!! Throw the scale away and go by how you feel. The number means NOTHING!
  • ghostdivatonya
    ghostdivatonya Posts: 58 Member
    Go see your doctor. :) You could have many things that are preventing you from losing. But the main thing is to keep doing what you are doing :)
  • last_time11
    I would say keep doing the weights, it won't bulk you up, but more muscle burns fat.

    take your measurements as you could be losing inches of fat without realising.
  • MHackrott
    MHackrott Posts: 84 Member
    Ignore the pounds and take measurments. Once you ahve been in your routine for a while then you can start weighing again. You will gain some at first with the addition of muscle, but you should be loosing inches. Make sure you are eating enough of the right foods often enough. Under eating is just as bad as over eating and you will gain because your body holds on to everything thinking you are starving it.
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    if you workout five days a wk for an hr and a half a day you may not be eating enough to sustain that. thats a lot of exercise! no way i could exist on 1200 a day consistently with the workouts i do. also being honest about what exactly you are putting in your mouth, weigh and measure everything, ck yourself by your clothes also not just the scale.
  • TNR32
    TNR32 Posts: 110 Member
    I would say keep doing the weights, it won't bulk you up, but more muscle burns fat.

    take your measurements as you could be losing inches of fat without realising.

    You may be gaining muscle
  • Bownzi
    Bownzi Posts: 423 Member
    Keep going... It took forever before I started to lose weight.... I was eating good and working out all the time...and did not see much progress... Just keep your spirits up and keep going.... Things will work out...
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    remember muscle weighs more than fat, so you might be losing fat and building muscle. The scales are only one indicator of weight loss. How do your clothes fit? that is a good question. Keep working on it. It will happen.
    nope nope nope! A pound of muscle equals a pound of fat...they weigh the same...don't let this false notion get stuck in your head!
    Also...DON'T give up weights...some of both will really help.
  • erinroro
    erinroro Posts: 20
    I know how you feel. Due to some surgery I had 5 years ago, I really can not do any exercise that involves my upper body - even riding a stationary bicycle even brings the pain! I have tried to be good with my eating, and yet I have now lost a pound. But I KNOW that we can do it! Muscle weighs more than fat, so the extra pounds could be from all the muscles you are building and toning! You should be very proud that you are doing all of that exercise! Regardless of the weight you are getting healthier every day!
  • skinnyforhi
    skinnyforhi Posts: 340 Member
    Are you eating enough calories to support all that activity? I bet you feel so worn out doing low-carb and that level of calorie restriction with all of that working out! Perhaps you need to eat a bit more to lose the weight? There are a lot of threads about pepole at a low calorie level (1200) increasing their calories to break through a plateau.
  • 1GeorgiaPeach
    Well weights can give the scale give a higher number so I would just say just do cardio then when u get to a size you want then lean up and do the weights
    But just hang in there weight loss can be a b**ch and sometimes we don't understand our bodies but just stick to it you can do it!

    NO! do not give up weights for just cardio!! Throw the scale away and go by how you feel. The number means NOTHING!

    True numbers don't matter its how you feel about yourself
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    I would say keep doing the weights, it won't bulk you up, but more muscle burns fat.

    take your measurements as you could be losing inches of fat without realising.

    You may be gaining muscle

    She's not gaining muscle if she's only eating 1200-1300 calories. Don't get discouraged, it takes longer for some people and from what you posted you are on the right track. However, your diary is closed so it's hard to tell. Some tips are to keep exercising, eat a lot of protein and always weigh and measure your food accurately. It will happen.
  • autopilot_on
    Are you eating enough calories to support all that activity? I bet you feel so worn out doing low-carb and that level of calorie restriction with all of that working out! Perhaps you need to eat a bit more to lose the weight? There are a lot of threads about pepole at a low calorie level (1200) increasing their calories to break through a plateau.

    I agree with skinnyforhi. You should try to find out what your BMR (Base Metabolic Rate) is. That's the number of calories you burn by simply existing. If you're working out that much you need to give your body the energy it requires to do it. If you don't give your body energy then it will break down your muscle and use that to fuel itself. Basically it sounds like you're in survival mode. Feed your body the energy it needs to build muscle and then the muscle will use the energy stored as fat.

    I was in a pretty bad slump not losing any weight even though I was working out 1 to 1.5 hours a day 5 days a week. I increased my calories and BOOM the weight started peeling off. It seems counter-intuitive but it worked.
  • carliekitty
    carliekitty Posts: 303 Member
    When i first started this it took a little for me to notice any change. My body was slow to respond to the changes but once it did the pounds dropped off pretty fast. I just hit a plateau and know i will work through that as well. Have patience w yourself. Try to scale back on your weigh ins so your not going nuts about it.
  • thirstyflea
    thirstyflea Posts: 114 Member
    Don't be discouraged!! It took almost 2 months for me to start losing weight (or anything notable at least), and I was doing both cardio and strength training. It's really frustrating! But one day, my jeans wouldn't stay up! It came out of nowhere, and not only did my jeans start sagging at that point that I noticed I had lost 20 lbs. But that first 2 months of working my *kitten* without being able to see any progress pretty much SUCKED.

    Everyone here is right- don't go by the scale! It is a mean little machine meant to depress people ;-) Now I mostly go by how my clothes feel, and measuring myself, and how I feel!

    Make sure to eat back your exercise calories- that was one thing I (still) struggle with. I'm doing the dreaded 1200 calorie thing, and usually eat 200-300 of my exercise calories back, and it definitely has boosted my weight loss.

    Keep working at it, when you do finally see the results it will be sooo worth it!