felling hopeless



  • rfphoenix
    My best tip is to keep your routine well-rounded. Do your cardio AND your strength training because they are both beneficial.

    Most importantly, don't step on the scale every day. When I first started, I didn't step on the scale until after 3 months. Give your routine time for your body to catch up with it.
  • aliciaaw
    aliciaaw Posts: 180 Member
    Hang in there!!
  • Still_Fluffy
    Still_Fluffy Posts: 341 Member
    I have been fat all my life, topping out at 392 pounds. It’s taken six years for me to lose 135 pounds and over 10 inches in my pants size. One thing that was hard for me to accept is for all the years that I said I was trying to lose weight I wasn't. Sure I would eat healthy most of the time but would pig out other times wiping out all the good I had done by eating healthy. I would go to the gym and work out but I never really left there totally spent. I would sweat a little but I never felt like I really got a great workout.

    If any of this sounds like stuff you do then you may be half assing it like I did for 10+ years. See a dietician if you struggle with your eating, weigh you food, and put everything you eat and drink into MFP. When it comes to working out, I believe if you’re going to take the time to go to the gym make it worth your time. When you’re done you should be exhausted and a sweaty mess. Few thing s feel better than a hot shower after a great workout. If you have the money, get a few sessions with a personal trainer that has a focus on weight loss.

    Remember only you can change you, good luck.
  • sa11yjane
    sa11yjane Posts: 491 Member
    Bless you, I feel for you. I would just advise you to carry on doing what you are doing but to maybe go and see your doctor and get checked over. Having had a very slow thyroid function for the past few years I have just had to start taking thyroxine which will hoefully eventually impact my attempts at losing weight! Good Luck! x
  • sa11yjane
    sa11yjane Posts: 491 Member
    PS- I've just realised that we have no idea of your weight or stats. Are you sure you actually need to lose weight??? Just a thought .
  • crystalmoore83
    crystalmoore83 Posts: 103 Member
    Bless you, I feel for you. I would just advise you to carry on doing what you are doing but to maybe go and see your doctor and get checked over. Having had a very slow thyroid function for the past few years I have just had to start taking thyroxine which will hoefully eventually impact my attempts at losing weight! Good Luck! x
    I have had thyroid cysts but my doctor didn't think it was a big problem...he isn't very helpful when I ask him about my weight issues, and since I go to a military doctor I don't have the option of geting a second opinion
  • crystalmoore83
    crystalmoore83 Posts: 103 Member
    PS- I've just realised that we have no idea of your weight or stats. Are you sure you actually need to lose weight??? Just a thought .
    yes I am extremely over weight almost 200lbs:sad:
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    If you can do an hour and a half of weights and then an hour of cardio - either your weights routine is FAR FAR too easy... or you've gotten so good at cardio that it isnt going to change your body right now.
  • laurenmanderson1
    laurenmanderson1 Posts: 113 Member
    I actually studied nutrition in college and in every book or calss low carb diets are considered the worst for your body and mind. First, your brain can only use carbs as energy. If your brain doesn't get enough your body will start breaking down protein, not fat, to create a carb-like chemical called a ketone which your brain can use in the absence of carbs. These resulting ketones are acidic and can actually increase the acidity of your blood which is not a good thing. Second, carbs are the first form of energy you burn while doing any high intensity workout like cardio when your heart rate goes over around 140 bpm. If I were you, I would get on a more balance diet to start out with. You need at least 60% of your daily calories to be from carbohydrates, 20-25% fat, and 15-20% protein. Also, I agree with everyone saying that your inches mean more than your weight. Keep up the good work on all your exercise, both the strength and cardio will help your body lose those inches! Hope this helped!
  • kiwiwizard
    kiwiwizard Posts: 59 Member
    remember muscle weighs more than fat, so you might be losing fat and building muscle. The scales are only one indicator of weight loss. How do your clothes fit? that is a good question. Keep working on it. It will happen.

    Hey Crystal - I totally agree with above - have you taken measurements as your body is changing & muscle mass in increasing?? Remember, the more muscle mass you have the more your body will burn calories even at rest.
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    unless you are eating MORE THAN YOU BURN, you cannot gain real muscle weight and only then it is about a half pound/ month for girls.
  • sa11yjane
    sa11yjane Posts: 491 Member
    I am a bit concerned that you have had thyroid cysts but your doctor doesn't seem worried about it, and that you feel unable to ask for a second opinion as you see an army doctor. Why can't you ask for a second opinion? Are your hands tied because of where you live or work? In the UK we can always see a different doctor in our practice or request a second opinion. It seems a little sad and unfair that you can't do this. Do hope you are feeling a bit more positive today. Thinking of you with love x
  • crystalmoore83
    crystalmoore83 Posts: 103 Member
    I am a bit concerned that you have had thyroid cysts but your doctor doesn't seem worried about it, and that you feel unable to ask for a second opinion as you see an army doctor. Why can't you ask for a second opinion? Are your hands tied because of where you live or work? In the UK we can always see a different doctor in our practice or request a second opinion. It seems a little sad and unfair that you can't do this. Do hope you are feeling a bit more positive today. Thinking of you with love x

    since my doctor is military we don't have many options if I were to see a civilian doctor we would have to pay the full cost and we just don't have the money...the military health care program is very crowded and difficult from my experiance...I think I may press him about the thyroid cysts but I have brought it up before and he just brushes it off like it is nothing to worry about. I am how ever in a more cheerful mood today :)
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    1.) Go by inches, not pounds.

    2.) Invert your workout: do 1 hr HEAVY weights and 1/2 hr cardio (if that. Cardio is not that important)

    3.) How long have you been at this? It takes more than just a week or two. Give it time and you'll get there.
  • crystalmoore83
    crystalmoore83 Posts: 103 Member
    I have been dieting for about 6 months and working out for 4, my kids got sick so I had to take a month off ( gained 10lbs in that month), I usually do low weight with a lot of rep.
  • babycrisci
    Fat and muscle may weight the same pound per pound, but a pound of muscle takes up less space than fat. Hense why you pay attention to body composition!

    Think a pound of fluffy feathers compared to a pound of rock. You will most likely have a big pillow and a hand size rock...
  • tsdaughe
    tsdaughe Posts: 88
    I am a bit concerned that you have had thyroid cysts but your doctor doesn't seem worried about it, and that you feel unable to ask for a second opinion as you see an army doctor. Why can't you ask for a second opinion? Are your hands tied because of where you live or work? In the UK we can always see a different doctor in our practice or request a second opinion. It seems a little sad and unfair that you can't do this. Do hope you are feeling a bit more positive today. Thinking of you with love x

    since my doctor is military we don't have many options if I were to see a civilian doctor we would have to pay the full cost and we just don't have the money...the military health care program is very crowded and difficult from my experiance...I think I may press him about the thyroid cysts but I have brought it up before and he just brushes it off like it is nothing to worry about. I am how ever in a more cheerful mood today :)

    Actually yes, you can request a second opinion. Call TRICARE about it. Also, you can call TRICARE and request that you be referred to a civilian provider. If they approve it, based on your concerns, you will not have to pay anything if you are on TRICARE prime. If you are on TRICARE standard, it is a small copay such as $20 a visit depending on the doctor you see. I work on a DoD military contract and am a prior military spouse. If by chance you are active duty, then yes your options are more limited but you can ask the clinic for a different physician. Or... if all else fails, go to a military E.R. and complain about your cyst and see if they will refer you to a specialist.
  • crystalmoore83
    crystalmoore83 Posts: 103 Member
    thank you, I did not realize I had the option to switch my primary care doctor...so I would call tricare and ask about switching/geting a second opinion?
  • tsdaughe
    tsdaughe Posts: 88
    Also, if you felt comfortable and made your diary public we could offer suggestions. Without knowing if you are eating exercise calories back and how many calories burnt in exercise you are estimating, it is hard to say what the problem is. It could be thyroid. I suspect based on your weight and how much you are exercising that you are undereating. I weigh 167.4 lbs. I work out 3-4 days a week and burnt between 350-550 calories each time. I eat, without exercise, 1477 calories a day and eat back exercise calories. I try to net at least 1477. I go over some weeks. Rarely am I under. I am losing slowly but I have lost inches and my clothes are fitting better. Since you are starting at a weight higher then me you should be able to eat more then me especially since you are working out so much and still lose weight.
  • tsdaughe
    tsdaughe Posts: 88
    thank you, I did not realize I had the option to switch my primary care doctor...so I would call tricare and ask about switching/geting a second opinion?

    Yes, call tricare and let them know you have a thyroid cyst. Let them know you have tried to get your PCM to further evaluate without any luck. Tell them you want a second opinion or to switch to a new provider. There is something they will have you fill out. OR ask to be referred to a civilian PCM. Since many military clinics are overwhelmed with patients they will often allow it. When I was on TRICARE I had standard so I could go to whoever I wanted and didn't have to worry about those things. Granted, if money is an issue it maynot be your best option because you will have copays but they are not bad honestly. I gave birth on tricare and paid a whole $90 for everything from prenatal to delivery.