Juice Detox - Goal: 5 Days.

Wish me luck. My weight started at 187 on 11/28/12. I am now 157 and I have been floating around 160 for a little over 3 weeks. I decided I needed to kickstart a new program with a juice detox and more exercise. I know when detox hits and I'm miserable for hopefully just a day, I'm probably not going to want to exercise much but I am excited to clean my system. Hope I make it 5 days at least. Don't worry I'm not just drinking any juice. I'm going to use naked juice but I know it would have been better to juice myself. I don't have a machine though so after talking to a friend who is on day 8 of her THIRTY day detox, I'm cool with store bought all natural/no sugar added juice. Has anyone else done this?


  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    If you must do this, I would first try it for just one day and see how you feel. Then, plan for no more than a 3-day juice diet. There hasn't been any evidence that a 3-day juice diet has any long-term negative effects. However, it's not shown to have any long-term positive effects, either.

    Something I know some Rebooters do is eat raw only for three days, juice only for three days, then raw only for three days.

    Basically, I'm trying to talk you out of 5 days. It's possible to harm yourself doing 5 days. And I really would also recommend you try borrowing a juicer if you can't afford to buy one. Fresh juice is still better for you than Naked juice.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Exercising on five days worth of no food will only make you tired, cranky, and leave your body feeling punished. Going five days without food is in itself a bad idea - you don't need to detox your system and it doesn't need a kickstart - the body is not a car, the oil doesn't need to be changed out. Again, all you'll accomplish is punishing yourself.

    The body doesn't need that. Your mind definitely doesn't need that. You and your body are not the enemy. Treat it kindly and fuel it properly.
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    Exercising on five days worth of no food will only make you tired, cranky, and leave your body feeling punished. Going five days without food is in itself a bad idea - you don't need to detox your system and it doesn't need a kickstart - the body is not a car, the oil doesn't need to be changed out. Again, all you'll accomplish is punishing yourself.

    The body doesn't need that. Your mind definitely doesn't need that. You and your body are not the enemy. Treat it kindly and fuel it properly.

    This. I just can't get behind any program that requires you to cut out food.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    Why do people continue to torture themselves with detoxes of every variety when losing weight is so simple? Calories in/calories out. Control those, be patient, you will succeed. Or you could torture and damage yourself. Pretty easy choice, no?
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    ONE! ONE cleanse thread! AH HAHA HA HAAAA!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Instead of cutting out food, if you need the psychological boost of a "kickstart" (whatever that means) why not just eat whole foods for 5 days? Make sure you're getting enough protein, eat lots of fruit and vegetables.

    I don't personally believe in detoxing at all (and have yet to see any evidence that it is needed or beneficial), but if you really want to do that there are much healthier ways to go about it.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I predict.......


    Just eat about 2k a day and drink lots of water!
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    Instead of cutting out food, if you need the psychological boost of a "kickstart" (whatever that means) why not just eat whole foods for 5 days? Make sure you're getting enough protein, eat lots of fruit and vegetables.

    I don't personally believe in detoxing at all (and have yet to see any evidence that it is needed or beneficial), but if you really want to do that there are much healthier ways to go about it.

    I'm going to have to agree with this. Kickstart with the fruits and vegetables in whole form, try to incorporate some protein - soybeans, fish - and just cut out your 'cheat' or trigger foods. What you may be experiencing might not have as much to do with your diet as mental fatigue from being on one.

    Don't make yourself miserable, cranky and down with IBS. You can do this without juicing.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    I tried to find success stories and I found that the only real benefit folks noticed was principally a psychological one.
    Which, hey, if you want to kick start your journey, go on! Please don't do the juice fast for too long though, we're designed to process solids!!
  • meidie1980
    meidie1980 Posts: 267 Member
    i looooove a 7 day juice feast! i do juice everyting myself and do exercize once or twice a day.
    despite what other people say, in those 7 days i am not cranky or tired! ( maby exept for normaly the 2nd or 3rd day
    i then suffer from a headach for a couple off hours)
    and for the normal discusion there is if your body does or does not detoxifies from this well
    i don't care! the only thing i know and care about is how i feel after 7 days and that feeling is amazing and full
    of energy♥ (and yes another plus point is that i also feel about 7 lbs lighter)

    so have a go at it, and when it turns out to not be your thing you can alwys stop!

    i whish you all the luck, and please share how it turned out for you♡♡
  • you are risking losing muscle mass not fat, and you'll gain weight immediately after after the 5 days
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    i looooove a 7 day juice feast! i do juice everyting myself and do exercize once or twice a day.
    despite what other people say, in those 7 days i am not cranky or tired! ( maby exept for normaly the 2nd or 3rd day
    i then suffer from a headach for a couple off hours)
    and for the normal discusion there is if your body does or does not detoxifies from this well
    i don't care! the only thing i know and care about is how i feel after 7 days and that feeling is amazing and full
    of energy♥ (and yes another plus point is that i also feel about 7 lbs lighter)

    so have a go at it, and when it turns out to not be your thing you can alwys stop!

    i whish you all the luck, and please share how it turned out for you♡♡

    Sorry, no. Not eating for a week is never a good idea. That's called "starvation." It amazes me and alarms me that people promote this with such vigor.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Cleanse by bathsheba_c

    To cleanse or not to cleanse? That is the question.
    Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
    The slings and arrows of non-specific toxins
    Or to take arms against a sea of imagined bowel obstructions
    And by opposing, perforate one's colon. To juice; to detox;
    No more; and by a detox to say we end
    The pH and the balance of intestinal flora
    That guts are heir to, 'tis a consummation
    Devoutly to be avoided. To juice; to detox;
    To detox: perchance to puke: aye, there's the rub;
    For in the pangs of indigestion what side-effects may come
    When we go and leave our undies soiled.
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    I wouldn't recommend juicing fasting for 5 days on store bought juice. Most of the nutrition is gone, that's why they add vitamins.
  • meidie1980
    meidie1980 Posts: 267 Member
    i looooove a 7 day juice feast! i do juice everyting myself and do exercize once or twice a day.
    despite what other people say, in those 7 days i am not cranky or tired! ( maby exept for normaly the 2nd or 3rd day
    i then suffer from a headach for a couple off hours)
    and for the normal discusion there is if your body does or does not detoxifies from this well
    i don't care! the only thing i know and care about is how i feel after 7 days and that feeling is amazing and full
    of energy♥ (and yes another plus point is that i also feel about 7 lbs lighter)

    so have a go at it, and when it turns out to not be your thing you can alwys stop!

    i whish you all the luck, and please share how it turned out for you♡♡

    Sorry, no. Not eating for a week is never a good idea. That's called "starvation." It amazes me and alarms me that people promote this with such vigor.

    i don't understant how people can judge without experiance!? starvation? now way in the 7 days i juice feast i'll eat approx 80 apples 10 avacado's 6 lemons 3 kg corrots huge piece of ginger 3 beetroods bunch of kale bunch of spinage 6 pineapples celery 8 cucumbers etc etc etc etc so starving now way! and i never put the weight back on ( did it 5 times) oh yeh and my eczema and other skin diseas stay away colpletely for monds. so promoting? i do tell people my exsperiance it's up to them what to do with it.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    i don't understant how people can judge without experiance!? starvation? now way
    in the 7 days i juice feast i'll eat approx

    80 apples
    10 avacado's
    6 lemons
    3 kg corrots
    huge piece of ginger
    3 beetroods
    bunch of kale
    bunch of spinage
    6 pineapples
    8 cucumbers etc etc etc etc

    so starving now way! and i never put the weight back on ( did it 5 times)
    oh yeh and my eczema and other skin diseas stay away colpletely for monds.

    so promoting? i do tell people my exsperiance it's up to them what to do with it.

    That might be a more reasonable approach. That IS quite a bit of food. You still run the risk of absolutely shredding other nutritional needs and that is a concern. Many who do juice fasts also subsist on fruit substitutes such as purchased, pre-packaged juices. Your approach would work better, though the possibility of experiencing side effects (headaches, nausea, shakiness, etc) could as easily be avoided by eating solid food.

    The reasons I've seen for embarking on a juice fast - to cleanse, to detox, to restart - are not valid. The body doesn't need that sort of thing, it needs proper food and nutrition, and it needs it now. A week of juicing might feel like you're being healthy, but it doesn't do a single thing in helping you choose healthier solid foods.
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    A week of juicing might feel like you're being healthy, but it doesn't do a single thing in helping you choose healthier solid foods.

    That's not true, It can give you a taste for fruits and vegetables so you eat the whole thing later.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    A week of juicing might feel like you're being healthy, but it doesn't do a single thing in helping you choose healthier solid foods.

    That's not true, It can give you a taste for fruits and vegetables so you eat the whole thing later.

    Why not just eat the fruits and vegetables? Prolonging the development of that healthy behavior seems pointless.