30 day shred anyone else interested in starting tomorrow?



  • michellenichole83
    michellenichole83 Posts: 119 Member
    L1d4! Did it with the step sons (age 4 and 6). the youngest gave up at the warmup windmills!

    I did one real push up and made it thru the cardio without stopping!
  • cassondra1370
    cassondra1370 Posts: 162 Member
    L1D5 complete. Today was the first day that it didn't hurt to get out of bed. I call that progress! :)
  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Pc-NizMgg8

    im keen to try this but ill have to wait till Wednesday so I can go buy some dumbbells
  • idiocracy
    idiocracy Posts: 275 Member
    i'm starting level 2 tomorrow, i'm combining it with a running program, so I skipped a couple days of shred in favor of running. but still plan on sticking to it. feeling great. i'm in!
  • insane_zephyr
    insane_zephyr Posts: 21 Member
    Is anyone else walking like a zombie? I'm so sore, I can hardly move! I can hardly do the push ups and the butt kicks even after taking a few breaks. :( In any case, I did L1D3 yesterday and plan to do the D4 today.

    Do we need to have rest days? I am not really sure how that works! Help please! :)
  • michellenichole83
    michellenichole83 Posts: 119 Member
    Is anyone else walking like a zombie? I'm so sore, I can hardly move! I can hardly do the push ups and the butt kicks even after taking a few breaks. :( In any case, I did L1D3 yesterday and plan to do the D4 today.

    Do we need to have rest days? I am not really sure how that works! Help please! :)

    Day 3 had me doing the zombie walk too.. I did day 4 today and feel mostly normal. This was the first day I could get thru all the butt kicks also!

    There are differing opinions about rest days with the 30ds. I'm going to try to do it straight through (just to get it done) but lots of people take every few days off, or Sundays, etc. If your body needs a break, take one!
  • I started level 1 today...feeling it in my arms for sure. Looking forward to the day when I can do full push ups. Not done much strength training before and really enjoyed it.
  • cassondra1370
    cassondra1370 Posts: 162 Member
    L1D6 done! I upped my weight from 3lbs to 5lbs on everything except for the arm raises. It was an added challenge for sure. We will see how sore I am tomorrow as a result!
  • lele104
    lele104 Posts: 12 Member
    Please add me! I started last week but only did 3 days. Started again today!
  • michellenichole83
    michellenichole83 Posts: 119 Member
    Made it thru day 5 yesterday, but I'm laid up in bed today, sick. Going to have to take a rest day. Hopefully back at it in the morning!
  • Atrianna
    Atrianna Posts: 9
    Today will be Day 6 for me. It's going well but today is the first day I've felt my body dragging. Not necessarily more sore, but just an overall extra tired. Day 3 was the worst for soreness.

    I've been adding additional low impact cardio most days as well as eating so much better. Knowing I'm working this hard on exercise makes it easier to choose healthier foods.
  • moyafigura
    moyafigura Posts: 140 Member
    Ok, so i did Day 4 of Level 1 today, and i have to say its starting to get easier. I still cant do all the real pushups, but get through all the cardio.
    Everyone else, you are doing great!! :flowerforyou:
    Anyone just starting out, you can do this, even if it takes you longer then 30/40/50....days, just keep going.:happy: You will be glad you did in the end.
  • Xena32
    Xena32 Posts: 13
    I am going to start this Friday and am looking forward to joining you guys!!!
  • quellybelly
    quellybelly Posts: 827 Member
    I finally got to level 3. Push it ladies!!
  • cassondra1370
    cassondra1370 Posts: 162 Member
    L1D7 COMPLETE!!! Great job everybody! :)
  • Xena32
    Xena32 Posts: 13
    Question: What time of the day do you guys work out?

    I am contemplating if I do it at 5 AM before work or at night after I got home. How long do you wait after having dinner? I can't do the workout right away since my hubby doesn't leave our apartment until 7:30 PM (I am embarrassed working out in front of him and we don't have an extra room I could use) and I get home at 6:30 PM. So I would like to grab dinner before he leaves.
  • lsjhik
    lsjhik Posts: 1
    I really like doing it in the morning...that way, it's DONE for the day! I get up at 4:45am to make sure I have enough time to still get to work. I find I get ready faster in the morning, now. Must be because I am so energized :-)
  • mrslynch
    mrslynch Posts: 90 Member
    I did day 6 today... and I do it in the morning too. I get up at 6-6:30 now, but really need to be getting up earlier. It's hard when it's so dark out though! I only had to stop for water twice today - big improvement! The push ups (even the girl ones!) are still killer and I can't do more than 10 in a row, max. Hopefully I'll see some strength increase soon.
  • KevinsCatie
    KevinsCatie Posts: 137 Member
    Ok I just read about 20 pages (literally) of before and after 30DS and OMG I an flippin astounded! I just decided that I will start on Friday and already talked to hubby about it, and he is on board 100%. He is going to help me wake up in the morning so I can do it before my kiddo wakes up and is even going to try and do the workouts with me. He is super fit already without having to do anything (flippin jerk!) but he said he would try it too to motivate me!!! Which is awesome because I actually posted a few weeks ago about how it seemed like he couldnt care less about me exercising and dieting, but we talked and he said he is actually really impressed at how hard I'm trying!!

    So to get this kicked off, I went ahead and printed out a blank calendar and filled it in with all the info I could. I decided (after reading several people saying that it worked better for them to mix up the days instead of doing each level for the full 10 days) to do each lever for TWO days, then move on to next, and do it like a circut over the full 30 days. So basically it each level for 2 days, 5 times each. I figured the first day of each would be the learning day, and the second would be the all out butt-kicking day. I also marked off "Prize Days", like going out to lunch on the 4th day (which happens to be a Monday for me) since that is supposed to be the hardest day to get past. I've also scheduled to go buy an easter dress on Day 16 which happens to be the Saturday before Easter. And on the last day, I have scheduled for my hubby and I to go out dancing!!!

    I am super stoked to start this thing, but I know it is going to be hell, but honestly thats what I really need right now. I lost 30 lbs and 4 sizes when I went through Marine Corps boot camp, and I really feel like I need something like that again. Although this time, I need to lose about 60 lbs, and although I have lost about 7 already just by logging my food (honest moment: I have totally been slacking on weekends and it really needs to stop!) I just feel like I need to be doing more.

    So as of Friday, count me in!!!
  • chicanita91
    chicanita91 Posts: 154 Member
    Starting today :) anyone else feel free to add me for support, we can do this :D