Unrelated ?'s on racks and tight pants...



  • wikitbikit
    wikitbikit Posts: 518 Member
    Hah! If you look at my fat butt in a pair of yoga pants, I bet VPL are probably the last thing you'd complain about. And if I had a nice juicy butt and the lines of my undies bothered your view? You could kiss it and get over it, because seriously? lol. Same goes for my rack, come to think of it.

    Oh, different rack, nvm.
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    ...Crotch dew, snail trails and *kitten* eating underwear....:laugh:
    I could've lived the rest of my life without that imagery in my head...
  • lisa799
    lisa799 Posts: 79 Member
    Secondly, to the ladies: What's the deal with undies under yoga pants/spandex/etc? Perpetual wedgie is not a good look....

    I'm old and married and totally unashamed that I rock granny panties pretty much 24/7. I never gave much thought as to what the young studs at the gym might be thinking when they see a full pantied butt in tight yoga pants lifting or running on the treadmill.

    Wonderful - something else for me to worry about!!! Not really, I just don't care that much. But my husband might like it if I started wearing thongs under my workout gear! ;-)
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    Not gonna lie... i do squats and dead in the squat rack. But the only other option is to take a barbell from the bench presses and those are always full of dbags working chest n biceps only.


    what about these? Am i just an *kitten*?

    TO BE FAIR- i see guys doing curls in front of it all day!

    so what makes something a "squat rack" to me is that it has those bars for safety. I have witnessed someone (WHO SHALL REMAIN NAMELESS) fail at a squat and those bars saved his *kitten* and mine. This contraption pictured here has that feature. The powerrack is also a squat rack because it has the safety bars for squatting.

    That other thing is an abomination to refer to it as "squat" anything. That other thing is simply a rack. Its purpose is to place the bar on it to rack and unrack your weights. That is all.

    To clarify, the contraption I was referring in the original post is a power cage. My bads...and yes, you kinda seem like an *kitten*. :p J/K I kid!


    Not that i really care.
  • amandarae1980
    amandarae1980 Posts: 23 Member
    If the trainer is employed by the Y and you really felt offended or as if her behavior was inappropriate I would direct a complaint to the welcome center or managerial staff. You are a paying member and have a right to reasonable access of the equipment.
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    This is my squat rack. I'll be OHPing in front of it too.

  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    So, I ask the MFP world: What is the accepted squat rack etiquette? Deads in or out? Overhead Press? Rows?

    Secondly, to the ladies: What's the deal with undies under yoga pants/spandex/etc? Perpetual wedgie is not a good look....

    It depends on how busy the weight room is, and if someone is waiting. If you are doing an exercise that you can use other equipment for, relent the squat rack. At my gym there is one squat cage and several benches at different angles and inversions, I wanted to smack the ho who was benching in the gd squat cage. Ditto for the douche curling in it. To be fair there is a small squat rack, but the heights are static and none of them quite fit my short stature.

    If no one is waiting I rdl or sldl in the squat cage (I prefer to start in the up postion for them), but always dead from the floor. I mainly ohp dumbbells now, but when I use a bar I prefer the cage because I prefer to start with the bar in the start position instead of having to clean it first, but really that's just a selfish thing on my part and I own it. If I see someone eyeing me I ask them if they're waiting, and if they are I clean up my plates and move so they can squat. I think it's pretty crappy to know that you can't safely squat anywhere else in the gym, but most other moves can be accomplished outside of the cage.

    Almost forgot to answer the really important part of your question. You are looking at my *kitten* without permission, which means that your opinion of how I have it dressed or adorned is an opinion you can keep to yourself. I wear whatever I have on that day, and if I'm working out over my lunch hour I go commando so that I have something to put back on after my workout.
  • Cognito1025
    Cognito1025 Posts: 323 Member

    1) Proper squat rack etiquette? Whoever got there first gets to use it doing whatever exercises they d@mn well please and aren't obligated to share with you especially when a trainer is being paid by the hour.

    2) Who are you to criticise every exercise she's doing with her client?

    3) What f@ck do you care if a girl has a "perpetual wedgie" at your gym or not? Maybe keep your eyes off her *kitten* in the first place?

    I understand the frustration with someone taking a long time on the squat rack. But sometimes I need to remind myself that other people use the gym also.

    I'll respond in order:

    1) I suppose you're one of the douchey types that does not replace plates because you do what you "d@mn well please."

    2) Why I'm glad you asked! I'm the most interesting man in the world. And while I don't always do squats, when I do, I prefer to do them in the squat rack.

    3) You deserve the 'Honerable Bloke Badge". This is awarded too the guy who has never glanced at a woman's *kitten*, congratulations!
  • mari213
    mari213 Posts: 101 Member
    Let me answer the underwear question.

    First of all, I tend to wear thongs to the gym under my spandex except on days that go to spinning. Those days, I wear more underwear than I do at any other point in my daily life because I'm sitting on a bike that others have ridden. I want to protect myself from gym cooties as much as possible, so it's full cotton panties under the spandex on spin days.

    Secondly, I can justify those horrendous panty lines on spin days because I'm there to work out. I don't care how YOU look when you go the gym - panty lines, no panty lines (just wipe down your bike and equipment if you go commando, please!), makeup, nomakeup, done hair, slop knot... I just couldn't care any less. I'm sure the person wearing panties under spandex that you saw feels very similarly.

    I couldn't agree more.. I'm focused on my workout and on a mission! I'm not worried about whose wearing what! :noway:
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    I wonder when this thread will get shut down for being divisive over squat racks or women's underwear choices. Congrats, Sean, you may have posted a winning, lockable first thread.
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    The gym I work out at has (pretty much) the same group of guys in the free weight section. Most are pretty cool, and if anyone is doing something uncouth such as curls in the squat rack, something gets said and they move. If they don't move (happened once) the staff will get involved.

    The 'group' of us have no issue with anyone doing squats, DL, OHP/power clean at the squat rack, but depending on how much you are changing weights, it's understood... if you're doing 3x10, you can do that at 1 of the 4 benches that are open after 06:30
  • Cognito1025
    Cognito1025 Posts: 323 Member
    I wonder when this thread will get shut down for being divisive over squat racks or women's underwear choices. Congrats, Sean, you may have posted a winning, lockable first thread.

    Kudos to me, I'm a natural and divisiveness is my calling card.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member

    1) Proper squat rack etiquette? Whoever got there first gets to use it doing whatever exercises they d@mn well please and aren't obligated to share with you especially when a trainer is being paid by the hour.

    2) Who are you to criticise every exercise she's doing with her client?

    3) What f@ck do you care if a girl has a "perpetual wedgie" at your gym or not? Maybe keep your eyes off her *kitten* in the first place?

    I understand the frustration with someone taking a long time on the squat rack. But sometimes I need to remind myself that other people use the gym also.

    I'll respond in order:

    1) I suppose you're one of the douchey types that does not replace plates because you do what you "d@mn well please."

    2) Why I'm glad you asked! I'm the most interesting man in the world. And while I don't always do squats, when I do, I prefer to do them in the squat rack.

    3) You deserve the 'Honerable Bloke Badge". This is awarded too the guy who has never glanced at a woman's *kitten*, congratulations!

    Counter argument:

    1) I always put my weights away. I was referring to the exercises one does in the squat rack.

    2) You don't have a Dos XX in your hand so I'm doubting you're credibility

    3) I do glance at women's *kitten*. I just have the good sense not to complain about women wearing yoga pants.
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Underwear should NEVER under ANY circumstance be wore under spandex or tight pants in general. I don't get this practice at all. Ew.

    You are a kidding, are you? Wearing pants right on your skin without any other protection is just plain gross and unhealthy. EWWWW
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    I just have the good sense not to complain about women wearing yoga pants.

    Hahaha, win!
  • Cognito1025
    Cognito1025 Posts: 323 Member

    1) Proper squat rack etiquette? Whoever got there first gets to use it doing whatever exercises they d@mn well please and aren't obligated to share with you especially when a trainer is being paid by the hour.

    2) Who are you to criticise every exercise she's doing with her client?

    3) What f@ck do you care if a girl has a "perpetual wedgie" at your gym or not? Maybe keep your eyes off her *kitten* in the first place?

    I understand the frustration with someone taking a long time on the squat rack. But sometimes I need to remind myself that other people use the gym also.

    I'll respond in order:

    1) I suppose you're one of the douchey types that does not replace plates because you do what you "d@mn well please."

    2) Why I'm glad you asked! I'm the most interesting man in the world. And while I don't always do squats, when I do, I prefer to do them in the squat rack.

    3) You deserve the 'Honerable Bloke Badge". This is awarded too the guy who has never glanced at a woman's *kitten*, congratulations!

    Counter argument:

    1) I always put my weights away. I was referring to the exercises one does in the squat rack.

    2) You don't have a Dos XX in your hand so I'm doubting you're credibility

    3) I do glance at women's *kitten*. I just have the good sense not to complain about women wearing yoga pants.

    Since you got the Dos XX reference I suppose you're ok. Truth be told I cant drink that piss, I'll stick with the Carlsberg in my kegerator. And I only threw the underwear issue in here to ruffle feathers and keep the thread active. I'm off today and I have nothing better to do, and it is still to early to start drinking in Ohio.
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Underwear should NEVER under ANY circumstance be wore under spandex or tight pants in general. I don't get this practice at all. Ew.

    You are a kidding, are you? Wearing pants right on your skin without any other protection is just plain gross and unhealthy, Ewwwwww.

    Sorry double posting.
  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member

    Secondly, to the ladies: What's the deal with undies under yoga pants/spandex/etc? Perpetual wedgie is not a good look....

    Judgemental much?

    How is this judgmental? Saying something looks bad is just pointing out a fact. Calling that woman a sl*t and a wh*re because of it, now THAT would be judgmental. Get your definitions straight before crawling up someone's butt, mmmkay?

    An opinion is not a fact.
  • mireyap21
    mireyap21 Posts: 72
    when i go to the gym i dont care about how someone looks/wears. im there to put in work and get out.. stop being little *****..there i said it.!
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    Let me answer the underwear question.

    First of all, I tend to wear thongs to the gym under my spandex except on days that go to spinning. Those days, I wear more underwear than I do at any other point in my daily life because I'm sitting on a bike that others have ridden. I want to protect myself from gym cooties as much as possible, so it's full cotton panties under the spandex on spin days.

    Secondly, I can justify those horrendous panty lines on spin days because I'm there to work out. I don't care how YOU look when you go the gym - panty lines, no panty lines (just wipe down your bike and equipment if you go commando, please!), makeup, nomakeup, done hair, slop knot... I just couldn't care any less. I'm sure the person wearing panties under spandex that you saw feels very similarly.
