Any moms with advice on how to loose baby weight?



  • wildflower1977
    wildflower1977 Posts: 12 Member
    i have 5 children. and i would easily lose the baby weight while breast feeding! i also ate a high raw diet. not completely raw, but about 85% raw fruits and veggies in the form of smoothies and salads. i also always would take at least a 30 minute walk a day.

    much love and luck to you as you go on your journey! Amy
  • julialou1979
    julialou1979 Posts: 54 Member
    I know women that didn't lose weight just from BF due to a huge huge increase in hunger, and their bodies just held onto everything it could. So if that doesn't work, don't worry.

    I started walking with the baby every day and that made a huge difference (also to my mental health). I actually found it really hard to lose weight once I started working because I had such a hard time finding work. The most important thing is that you have to find YOU time and make it a priority. There will always be laundry or cooking or people who want your time, but if you don't make this time for yourself now, your health can make it so that you don't have the time for everyone in the future!