haters at gym!!



  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    I've never noticed this at my gym, but I'm sure some people are petty like this. They way I see it, *kitten* them. I know how hard I work and I can probably do more physically than the naysayers out there. If they ever want to jump in the ring with me, I'd love to indulge them. :devil:
  • Shabadu
    Shabadu Posts: 211
    Regardless of the gender stated by OP, the main point of his post was actually the main reason I stopped gymming.
  • ajanmillie
    ajanmillie Posts: 241 Member
    I'm so sorry about the negativity at some of these gyms! that is awful. I am lucky to go to Gold's gym and I have never had issues. I started working at there when I weighed in at 227 in 2011, and I still go there now that I weigh 140. I love my gym and the fact that I see all weights, ages, and races. I see the regulars and the newbies and the hardcore gym buffs and the , well everyone. I just love my gym but it took me nearly 10 years to find gyms that fit me. I used to go to bally's before l.a. fitness took it over and i really did not like the bally's where I lived. it was like the gym for supermodels. I nearly swore off of gyms because of my terrible experiences, but something made me try golds and i am so glad i did, because when I went there, i was terrified, but I fell in love! and the best part is a few people came up to me while I was losing weight and congratulated me and it motivated me more. I hope everyone can find a gym they actually love.
  • Jemellc
    Jemellc Posts: 308 Member
    I so agree!!
  • berensme
    berensme Posts: 2
    Haha, same, the only people I look at are the ones who are actually fit and I think that I want to be like that, inspirational! And when there is sb overweight at gym, I always look at them with honour as I was too self conscious to when I was heavier and they are there so they must be brave! About the make up, I usually went just after my lectures and didnt take it off just because of gym.. Although I dont wear massive loads either x
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    It's sad, isn't it? That's why I enjoy working out at home or in the great outdoors. I don't care what others think when I'm deep in the throes of a great aerobodogging session. Nor do I mind working out in the privacy of my basement.

    I've even done Zumba while totally nekkid. Can't do THAT in a public gym! WOOP WOOP!
  • marielaem
    marielaem Posts: 202 Member
    Maybe I'm lucky, but the people at my local Leisure Centre gym are really nice. I've made quite a few friends there.
  • smom21g
    smom21g Posts: 10 Member
    i get irritated at the ones sitting at a machine just talking or looking through their phones, then after 10-15 minutes finally get up and move.
  • chipee27
    chipee27 Posts: 8
    It took me awhile to get back to the gym. When I did I started at times of the day that it was not so busy. After 4 days of being there when it was not so busy I went after work on the 5th day at the busiest time. After seeing how PACKED the parking lot was I almost left, but told myself that "I have just as much right to be here as anyone else" and held my head up high and went in!! That first day was hard going at the busiest time, but now it has become easier and am happy that I am making the effort to get back into shape... regardless of what others think of me!! I am doing this for ME.... no one else : )