soup diet??



  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I could maybe do it for a few days if my jaw is wired shut. Why can't you just eat the healthy foods that you are putting into the soup instead? Eating nothing but soup for that long sounds miserable, even if it is good, hearty soup.
  • EvelynBfly78
    EvelynBfly78 Posts: 240 Member
    It sounds very much like the Cabbage Soup Diet I was on over 30 years ago. It was only a temporary fix. Just to satisfy your curiosity, try it if you think it will work.
    Me? I wouldn't waste my time & effort on it again.
  • GastricJoy
    I like the Scared Heart Soup. Not for the DIET but because it taste good. I make the soup like one a week and my family loves it.
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member

    I hear you can lose weight by only eating a stale crust of bread and drinking a pint of water a day. Its called the 'third world prisoner diet'.....
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    I wouldn't think it was a very good idea at all. Maybe soup every day for lunch or something, HEALTHY, filling soup. But your body NEEDS solid foods to function correctly. Eating only liquids/mushy things for extended periods of time causes your internal organ muscles to weaken, and then when you reintroduce solid food, not only will you probably gain weight back, but you may very well suffer gastrointestinal issues as your body struggles to get used to digesting solid foods again.

    How about just eat reasonably and healthily with sensible portions?
  • kara1990
    kara1990 Posts: 34 Member
    o dear me... obviously i eat healthy , hence why i would be returning to a healthy diet after , not "starting" it fresh lol , and i reckon i`ll be able to keep the weigh off once the 7-10 days are finished , i`ll just up my exercise reguim (cant spell lol) and portion control , i`ve been ill latley so iv put weight on as i`v not been able to exercise and my hips have been in a bad way too ( i have CHD) ..... cheers for the advice from ppl who gave it tho!!
  • kara1990
    kara1990 Posts: 34 Member
    also the soup i`m on about eating would have big chunky bits in it , like beef and veg , big chunks of beef.... carrot ... broccili ect
  • Hiskhaleesi
    Hiskhaleesi Posts: 53 Member
    Ugh. My boyfriends cousin keeps telling me I "need" to do this cabbage soup diet. Her exact words were "I tried it and lost 15 pounds! But I gained them all back when I started eating like regular again" well no ****. And I don't want to just lose 25 pounds for a week, I want them gone for life!
  • kara1990
    kara1990 Posts: 34 Member

    I hear you can lose weight by only eating a stale crust of bread and drinking a pint of water a day. Its called the 'third world prisoner diet'.....

    lol literally!! you can survive on less so long as you drink water , i had issues when i was younger and was daft and didnt eat for days on end , only drinkin water , i ended up really ill obvs ... so cheers for the sarcasm there dude
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member

    I hear you can lose weight by only eating a stale crust of bread and drinking a pint of water a day. Its called the 'third world prisoner diet'.....

    lol literally!! you can survive on less so long as you drink water , i had issues when i was younger and was daft and didnt eat for days on end , only drinkin water , i ended up really ill obvs ... so cheers for the sarcasm there dude
    his recommendation was no less silly than a "I want to eat soup for 7-10 days just lose weight and then expect it to stay off when I go back to eating real food again" diet.

    but hey, cheers!
  • kara1990
    kara1990 Posts: 34 Member
    think what ya like , i`m gonna give it a go , i reckon i can keep it off , i dont struggle with keeping to an even weight , i struggle with loosing it , the only reason im the size i am is cos i had my 2nd child and pretty much ate what i wanted , when i had my first i went from 12st (pregnancy weight) back down to 9 and a half stone within 6 months , using "fad" diets , mixed with exercise and portion control , its takin me longer this time round as iv got 2 kids to run around so not much time for the exercise .... if i do end up putting the weight back on after i shall happily comment on the thread and let you all know so you can go "i told you so" until then polite people would keep their opionions to themself , "if you have nothing nice to say then dont say anything"
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    think what ya like , i`m gonna give it a go , i reckon i can keep it off , i dont struggle with keeping to an even weight , i struggle with loosing it , the only reason im the size i am is cos i had my 2nd child and pretty much ate what i wanted , when i had my first i went from 12st (pregnancy weight) back down to 9 and a half stone within 6 months , using "fad" diets , mixed with exercise and portion control , its takin me longer this time round as iv got 2 kids to run around so not much time for the exercise .... if i do end up putting the weight back on after i shall happily comment on the thread and let you all know so you can go "i told you so" until then polite people would keep their opionions to themself , "if you have nothing nice to say then dont say anything"

    If you are going to do it no matter what anyone says, why did you post this thread? Were you looking for validation or were you looking for information? The information was given to you. It seems you were looking for validation. That's silly.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    if i do end up putting the weight back on after i shall happily comment on the thread and let you all know so you can go "i told you so" until then polite people would keep their opionions to themself , "if you have nothing nice to say then dont say anything"

    That's just the point that you're missing Sunshine... it's that we don't want to rub your nose in gaining the weight back after doing some stupid fad diet.

    We're trying to give you sound advice to avoid you having to do this. But if you're going to be stubborn and do what you want, well, best of luck with that.
  • kara1990
    kara1990 Posts: 34 Member
    i asked for advice , recipies and just to see if anyone had tried it with any success.... not for judgments to be made on my choice!
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    i asked for advice , recipies and just to see if anyone had tried it with any success.... not for judgments to be made on my choice!

    No personal judgement were made. No one called you names or said you were stupid. All negative responses were aimed at the product.
  • kara1990
    kara1990 Posts: 34 Member
    hmmm it seemed to me that it was aimed at ... if thats not the case then i apologise (im always told im quick to go off on one lol)
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    hmmm it seemed to me that it was aimed at ... if thats not the case then i apologise (im always told im quick to go off on one lol)

    As am I on occasion. We get desperate for things that will work and so being told no is very discouraging. But it also can be a real boon for us in the end.
  • Woomytron
    Woomytron Posts: 253 Member
    I don't see whats wrong with eating soup, I love soup and eat it all the time. I'm talking about stuff that is packed full of meat, veggies, and whole wheat noodles or rice. Not just chicken broth and rice (not that I would consider that soup). I think you are taking what she is asking way out of context... she is asking for recipes.

    Sorry I don't have any, I just throw stuff in a pot and cook it.. usually turns out good. hehe.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    Soup diets are stupid, a long with any other kind of fad diet. You're not gonna lose fat, just water weight and glycogen. No quick fixes ppl.
  • dmaloof2013
    dmaloof2013 Posts: 134 Member
    I wouldn't do soup as my diet. I love soup for lunch with a salad but then I have other food for breakfast and dinner. Soup is filling yes, but it would never do enough for me. I would much rather eat right and loose weight than have a fad diet that would cause me to gain the weight back.