Ladies - your thoughts.



  • leiamommy
    leiamommy Posts: 11
    BALD GUYS R AWESOME ! !!! :wink:
  • blacklabelbabe
    blacklabelbabe Posts: 48 Member
    Turn on! Bald, bearded and on a Harley haha <3
  • Rum_Runner
    Rum_Runner Posts: 617 Member
    Some YAY
    Some NAY

    It really depends, some guys look amazing bald. And others...not so much.
  • JingleMuffin
    JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member
    super sexy
  • SlickFootAnna
    SlickFootAnna Posts: 611 Member
    I find that bald men are rather attractive!

  • Reza151
    Reza151 Posts: 517 Member
    Some guys can pull it off.

    Exhibit A: Vin Diesel.
    Exhibit B: Patrick Stewart
    Exhibit C: That hot bald geeky guy at my gym:blushing:
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    <<--Only if they have really cute dogs...right?
  • Erica_Rae
    Erica_Rae Posts: 96 Member
    sexy sexy sexy sexy !!
  • DoingitWell
    DoingitWell Posts: 560 Member
    we dont all look like bruce willis or vin diesel.....thats the prob

    flip it ladies......would you shave your heads/??????:heart:

    I've been alternating between a shaved head and afro since I was 18. And honestly while the afro is good club hair, the shave head is when I get most men's attention. Really brings out my facial features...and my eyeshadow.
  • UrbanLotus
    UrbanLotus Posts: 1,163 Member
    Depends on the guy, but generally I like it! BaldING is a no - shave it off!
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Depends on the guy.

    I hooked up with a guy with a bald head who had prison tattoos and a Prince Albert. He was kind of a douche. Still bangable, though.

    There was also the guy with a bald head who was a stand-up comic. Oh, his tongue was pierced. (sensing a trend...) ... anyway, I didn't think he was very funny. I was an aspiring comedian, and he didn't think I was funny either. That didn't go on for very long.

    Anyway, point is, if you're cool, I don't care if you have hair on your head or not.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    depends on the dude...suits look hawt!
  • Tennolina
    Tennolina Posts: 2,413

    My husband and I.....I LOVE the bald dudes! :wink:
  • LavenderBouquet
    LavenderBouquet Posts: 736 Member
    I guess I'm the odd one out based on the other comments.

    I really don't think anyone looks better bald. I just do. not. like. it. :noway:

    I'm sorry to those who are bald by choice or otherwise :flowerforyou:
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    its all in how you project yourself.

    never doubt your baldness and no one will question it either....

    it just is...and it is hot.
  • sylvuz323
    sylvuz323 Posts: 468 Member
    I agree depends on the guy, but I do find myself more attracted to a guy with a full set of hair even if its gone grey early. I had to say that second line cause of my bf.
  • SlvrBluGoddess
    SlvrBluGoddess Posts: 239 Member
    I have had a crush on Patrick Stewart since I was 13. :blushing:

    I met him and got my picture taken with him this past weekend.

    Just like with any hairstyle - it really depends upon the guy.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    TOPIC: Ladies - your thoughts
    <===is a lady in the strictest sense of the word and therefore has no thoughts. (just stands around and looks pretty)
  • Maribel_1986
    Maribel_1986 Posts: 457 Member
    I like both... when i was younger i only liked guys with hair, but now I like both... It depends on what the guy looks like
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    Turn ON!

    I have had a crush on Patrick Stewart since I was 13. :blushing:
    patrick stewart melts me.