What did you give up?



  • DanielleJoy129
    Stupid girls

    They miss you too.

    Smart Women

    p.s. I miss sitting on my butt, eating Doritos straight out of the bag, drinking coke and watching tv.
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    OP, if you like Mountain Dew (which tastes remarkably like urine), why give it up? Anything in moderation.

    Well, if she's anything like me, there is no moderation with Mt. Dew; it's all or nothing.
  • hikezilla
    hikezilla Posts: 174 Member
    Self Denial
  • EvilDollee
    EvilDollee Posts: 386 Member
    Coffee, diet soda, bacon *sad panda*, fast food, eating at restaurants, pastries, chips, refined sugar... I basically gave up on living.
  • wendyhutchesonwasden
    wendyhutchesonwasden Posts: 140 Member
    Blue Bell Vanilla Home Made Ice Cream *sigh*
  • atb0821
    atb0821 Posts: 458 Member
    Eating crap foods (except on very rare occasion), and sitting on my butt all the time.
  • randimarie1125
    randimarie1125 Posts: 147 Member
    OP, if you like Mountain Dew (which tastes remarkably like urine), why give it up? Anything in moderation.

    Well, if she's anything like me, there is no moderation with Mt. Dew; it's all or nothing.

    exactly! i can moderate, any other kind, but give me 1 mt dew, ill drink the whole 12 pack, in 1 day. Better to have loved and lost than to never loved at all lol
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Nothing entirely...but I limit a lot of stuff I used to consume regularly and in mass quantities:

    - Soda (used to be 3-6 (12 Oz) per day...now maybe one 12 Oz every couple weeks or so)

    - Chili Cheese Dogs at the Dog House down town (about 1,300-1,500 calorie lunch there once per week...now, maybe once per month when I take my kiddo to the zoo)

    - Lay's potato chips (easily 1 large bag every couple days...now, maybe one serving per week)

    - New Mexican food (pretty much two to three times per week out at one of the gazillion NM restaurants here in ABQ, at about 1,600 calories a pop...now, about once per month)

    - Chips and Salsa - Frequent lazy weekend lunch would be about 4 servings of chips and salsa with 1/4 Lb of cheddar and a pint of whole milk...now, a serving or so when we're out eating NM food)

    - Cheese (I used to eat 1/4 Lb plus per day...now I have maybe 1/2 oz to and 1 Oz a couple times per week)

    - Whole milk (actually have cut this out...used to drink 1/2 gallon whole milk per day...now about 8 Oz 1% per day)
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    I gave up nothing except everything at once. No need. I have mostly given up wine/alcohol on weekdays....
  • turkeyhunter60
    turkeyhunter60 Posts: 319 Member
    ribs and ice cream
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    Coffee, diet soda, bacon *sad panda*, fast food, eating at restaurants, pastries, chips, refined sugar... I basically gave up on living.

    Why on earth would you do that? Coffee is very good for you. Has antioxidants, almost zero calories, and some other health benefits. Bacon is life. Fast food and restaurants don't have to be high cal just like home cooked doesn't have to be low: just be pickier. I understand the last three, though small amounts are no big deal.
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member

    p.s. I miss sitting on my butt, eating Doritos straight out of the bag, drinking coke and watching tv.

    Really? Think about it. Do you REALLY miss that feeling?
  • WendyBlendy
    WendyBlendy Posts: 124 Member
    Red velvet cake with vanilla frosting!!
  • retroillusion
    retroillusion Posts: 24 Member
    soda and junkfood, although I do allow myself a cheat day everyone two-three weeks
  • randimarie1125
    randimarie1125 Posts: 147 Member
    Coffee, diet soda, bacon *sad panda*, fast food, eating at restaurants, pastries, chips, refined sugar... I basically gave up on living.

    Why on earth would you do that? Coffee is very good for you. Has antioxidants, almost zero calories, and some other health benefits. Bacon is life. Fast food and restaurants don't have to be high cal just like home cooked doesn't have to be low: just be pickier. I understand the last three, though small amounts are no big deal.

    i could never stop drinking coffee! or the eating of occasional bacon : )
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Nothing whatsoever.
  • Oakley82
    Oakley82 Posts: 53
    Dr. Pepper!

    I will drink a Diet Cherry Coke occasionally, but I just cannot justify drinking calories very often.

    Another thing is PIZZA. I still have homemade, healthier kinds sometimes though to get my fix!
  • EvilDollee
    EvilDollee Posts: 386 Member
    Coffee, diet soda, bacon *sad panda*, fast food, eating at restaurants, pastries, chips, refined sugar... I basically gave up on living.

    Why on earth would you do that? Coffee is very good for you. Has antioxidants, almost zero calories, and some other health benefits. Bacon is life. Fast food and restaurants don't have to be high cal just like home cooked doesn't have to be low: just be pickier. I understand the last three, though small amounts are no big deal.

    I can't just drink one regular cup, it has to be 4 tbsp of brewed ground coffee per 8oz and I drink one 40oz with lots cream in the morning and another one around 2pm, it made my heart pound. Eating out means I can't control how much sugar and fats they put in the food (I'm diabetic) Sooo yeah, I'm that type where it's all or nothing. There's no such thing as a happy medium =(
  • Riemersma4
    Riemersma4 Posts: 400 Member
    Dutch Bros triple kicker coffee!!!! I used to get one everyday before work!!! :(

    Dutch Brothers Coffee! Love it!

    Live in Atlanta but a member of the Dutch Mafia!
  • jsd_135
    jsd_135 Posts: 291 Member
    Toast in the morning
    ^^This. My pre-breakfast breakfast. And sometimes post-breakfast snack. And afternoon snack. Love toast. Now I have it very occasionally (say, after a workout) with some peanut butter.