Coffee - whats the situation?



  • Sunka1
    Sunka1 Posts: 217 Member
    I have a small Americano when I get to work at 8. But I typically only drink 1/2 to 3/4 of that before it goes cold.
    Mid morning I will have a small skinny latte and typically drink abut 1/2 to 3/4 of that.

    In the afternoon I'll make a small filter coffee.

    I'm eating the calories MFP recommends, doing exercise 5 times per week and losing 2lbs per week as MFP estimated and have been consistent in weight loss for 10 weeks. Cutting out the coffee made no difference other than making my morning tiredness last longer.

    Drink your coffee and enjoy it.

    Just try not to drink more than 3 cups per day, an Americano is better than a latte, and I find if I drink it after 4pm it messes with my sleep.

    (and ground coffee should not be kept in the fridge, I don't care what the manufacturer says on the packet. And frankly I'd switch to a different brand if they don't know their coffee basics).

    These guys are correct. You should not store it in the fridge. You should store it in the freezer.
  • UncleRiotous
    I'm somewhat of a coffee geek, I don't drink that much but I'm very serious about taste and know waaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy more about it than I probably should (for anyone interested I can completely recommend the podcast that put out). There are loads of conflicting studies into the health implications of coffee, loads of studies show massive benefits to drinking coffee and loads show that there are serious side effects to drinking coffee. For any study saying something positive there is one saying something negative so I wouldn't worry too much.

    One thing I did note is that you seem to be using coffee to get you up in the morning (I have kids and I remember that feeling) but it's worth pointing out that coffee might well be the reason why you're feeling so rough before you've had your first fix. Caffeine isn't actually a true stimulant but blocks certain receptors in your brain, if you get used to a certain amount of caffeine then your body ups the production of the chemicals that tell you that you're tired thus when you wake up in the morning and don't have caffeine in your system you need to have some caffeine in order to come up to where you would have been if you weren't hooked on the caffeine.

    I don't think coffee is bad for you (but I'd encourage everyone to get a grinder and find some decent freshly roasted beans) but if you need coffee (or any other kind of caffeine) to wake up in the morning every day then think about cutting your intake down as that may make more difference than drinking loads of coffee.
  • jasonheyd
    jasonheyd Posts: 524 Member
    I'm risking a religious war here, I know, but...

    Storing whole bean coffee in the freezer should be fine, if it's vacuum sealed. What you want to avoid is a lot of trips from freezer to counter & back.

    So, if you buy vacuum packed beans in bulk and want to store a few pounds in the freezer, go for it.

    Once you open the bag, keep it at room temp -- preferably in an air-tight container, and grind it right before you brew it.

    Your best bang for the buck is to buy bulk, vacuum seal your own freezer packs of whatever size you can consume in about a week's time, then pull a pack from the freezer to thaw a day before you want to start using it.

    Of course, the coffee snob in me says that if you're using a blade grinder and a typical Mr. Coffee brewer, then you could probably pee on the beans and not make your coffee any worse, so keep it wherever you want. :)

    As far as the original question, if it fits into your calories & macros, go for it. I usually have 3-6 cups a day (black), and I'm doing just fine, at least as far as weight loss goes. ;-)
  • Sunka1
    Sunka1 Posts: 217 Member
    most of the time you will hear me say how coffee the best advice i can give people to lose weight... It curbs your appetite and makes you pumped for the gym.
    trust me!
    just the other day i was thinking that there would be NO WAY for me to look like this if it wasn't for coffee

    What about tea! Much better for you (I think) and you still get the buzz for your workout. Just an idea.
  • Princess4Run
    Princess4Run Posts: 135 Member
    I love my coffee and will never give it up. Strong K-cup in AM and Starbucks most afternoons. That being said back to your original comment about being tired all the time. I know your thyroid is working well, but Vitamin D deficiency can cause fatigue as can iron-deficiency anemia. Both are common in women, it might be worth to get those checked if you haven't yet.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Your best bang for the buck is to buy bulk, vacuum seal your own freezer packs of whatever size you can consume in about a week's time, then pull a pack from the freezer to thaw a day before you want to start using it.

    if you REALLY want the best bang for the buck, buy the coffee green and then roast in small batches that are about 7-10 days' worth :smile:
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    To lose weight, you shouldn't drink coffee. To lose weight, you should drink black coffee (which I do anyway). I want to add here, that I'm not drinking coffee as help for losing weight. I exercise daily and cleaned up my eating massively, and those are the things I rely on for weight loss.

    Coffee doesn't impact weight loss whatsoever...well, I guess it could if you're dumping all kinds of sugar and creamer in it. But other than that, coffee has no direct impact on weight loss. Coffee actually does have a lot of nutritional benefits.
  • coffee_rocks
    coffee_rocks Posts: 275 Member
    You called?

    Love me some coffee. Never been an issue with weight management, and I've dropped 30 lbs while enjoying my two or three cups a day.
  • coffee_rocks
    coffee_rocks Posts: 275 Member
    Your best bang for the buck is to buy bulk, vacuum seal your own freezer packs of whatever size you can consume in about a week's time, then pull a pack from the freezer to thaw a day before you want to start using it.

    if you REALLY want the best bang for the buck, buy the coffee green and then roast in small batches that are about 7-10 days' worth :smile:

    Absolutely. If only they would let me fire up the roaster at the office....
  • Sunka1
    Sunka1 Posts: 217 Member
    Coffee is really good for you, and regardless can help in weight loss, even if that's not your goal :) They say about 3 cups should be the limit, that's when it can get dangerous, especially if you have a bad heart. Too much can also hinder weight loss. But anything under that is really good for your brain, circulatory system, heart, etc. Moderation is key to whether its great for you or horrible for you, go ahead and enjoy it.

    I disagree. That does not go for everyone. I have tried even 1/2 cup in the morning and I still have some kind of reaction that makes me hungrier than I would be normally. Hmmm. I wish I could be like you all and drink just one cup in the morning.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    most of the time you will hear me say how coffee the best advice i can give people to lose weight... It curbs your appetite and makes you pumped for the gym.
    trust me!
    just the other day i was thinking that there would be NO WAY for me to look like this if it wasn't for coffee

    What about tea! Much better for you (I think) and you still get the buzz for your workout. Just an idea.

    Coffee is loaded with nutrients and essential minerals.
  • RitaSantoss
    RitaSantoss Posts: 986 Member
    Actually I've read in a couple different sites that black coffee actually can be an aid in losing weight. Personally, I'm more of a tea person but I do like to ocasionally drink a cup of black coffee with low fat milk. Although I could go the rest of my life without it, I have been drinking a cup of it everyday at lunch. But I do try to limit myself to, at most, 2 cups a day since I don't want to put too much caffeine into my body. It really resumes to a personal choice, but I don't think drinking a cup a day will damage your health in any way.
  • teebeegeebee
    teebeegeebee Posts: 218 Member
    My rehab trainer tells me to drink coffee, a short black one before gym time as it gets the heart rate up, this helps increase your metabolism and hence burns more fuel
    does it make me hungry - yes when i go past 4 cups in a day
    I tend to use the coffee pod system as it gives a measured black espresso and I usually have one when i wake with a large healthier breakfast
    one for mid morning
    one for lunchtime
    and one in the evening

    do i think it helps - yes i used to drink 10-12 cups of strong tea a day, which is lower in calories but filled me with too much fluid, I had major headaches when i came off tea, now i struggle to drink more than 1 cup of tea per day

    so for me personally coffee is ok
  • jasonheyd
    jasonheyd Posts: 524 Member
    if you REALLY want the best bang for the buck, buy the coffee green and then roast in small batches that are about 7-10 days' worth :smile:

    That's true, but roasting coffee *really* well can be smokey as all h___, and there's coffee out there that you can't really buy green.

    I settle for balancing the economy with a love of variety. ;-)
  • TillyMomma
    TillyMomma Posts: 262
    Enjoy your coffee. This day and age, there are health risks for everything. Every time you turn around, something else is potentially harmful to your health. Personally, I love my coffee. I started drinking it when my son was a couple of weeks old (he's 3 now), and drink about 3 cups a day. The only downside that I've found, is it completely curbs my appetite. Breakfast? Coffee is my breakfast (and occasionally a banana.)
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Your best bang for the buck is to buy bulk, vacuum seal your own freezer packs of whatever size you can consume in about a week's time, then pull a pack from the freezer to thaw a day before you want to start using it.

    if you REALLY want the best bang for the buck, buy the coffee green and then roast in small batches that are about 7-10 days' worth :smile:

    This! My small roaster gets me 3 days worth in one batch.. Always fresh and delish.

    No fridge, no freezer, no absorbing moisture and odd flavors!! Stored in an airtight canister whole, ground right before brewing.
  • Sunka1
    Sunka1 Posts: 217 Member
    most of the time you will hear me say how coffee the best advice i can give people to lose weight... It curbs your appetite and makes you pumped for the gym.
    trust me!
    just the other day i was thinking that there would be NO WAY for me to look like this if it wasn't for coffee

    What about tea! Much better for you (I think) and you still get the buzz for your workout. Just an idea.

    But doesn't it just throw your PH out of wack? I mean that's a big deal as far as digesting and absorbing food goes.
    Coffee is loaded with nutrients and essential minerals.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    if you REALLY want the best bang for the buck, buy the coffee green and then roast in small batches that are about 7-10 days' worth :smile:

    That's true, but roasting coffee *really* well can be smokey as all h___, and there's coffee out there that you can't really buy green.

    I settle for balancing the economy with a love of variety. ;-)

    Most home tabletop roasters give off very little to no smoke. And over the internet, there is pretty much every bean in the world avaiable to you green. At $4 to $8 per pound for most and more for Kona or Jamiacan Blue Mountian. Do what you like but those are not 2 valid reasons not to home roast.

    ETA: You can also buy some grades, like AAAA that aren't generally available in a preroasted form.
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    Drink up! :drinker:
  • MsJulielicious
    MsJulielicious Posts: 708 Member