SHAKEOLOGY - Day 1 from a Skeptic



  • I love my Shakeology. I have been drinking it for a year, but really committed to drinking it every day since starting an online challenge group. I have had tremendous benefits from it. My digestive system is more in balance, my sugar cravings are reduced, and even my acne has cleared up. Different things work for different people and this works for me. I promise you if you drink it every day, your taste buds will get use to the flavor.

    My favorites are

    choc shakeO
    1/2 cup almond milk
    1/4 cup coconut water
    frozen pineapple

    choc shakeO
    1/2 frozen banana
    1 cup almond milk
    1tbs better than PB or PB2
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I buy the "expensive" protein powder and it comes to about 50 cents to $1 per serving, depending on brand and whether there's a sale. It also comes clear of any MLM campaigns and outrageous claims. Cheers! :drinker:
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Shakeology is more than just a quick meal. It has over 70 nutrients that your body needs daily.
    There is no way that you can get this from bacon, eggs, and toast.... I just purchased my first bag two weeks ago. I was also VERY skeptical about the price, because I am a mother of 3 wonderful children.
    With everything that is in it, you would definitely be paying more than 4 dollars per shake a day. There are also a ton of different recipes that you can make from this, including No Bake Cookies and Ice Cream! These definitely are NOT breakfast meals! :)

    How many of those ingredients are in efficacious dosages to get those benefits?

    All of the ingredients in Shakeology serve a purpose. There are different ingredients that have different results.

    Proprietary Super-Protein Blend: The Whey, Sacha Inchi, Chia, Flax, Quinoa, Amaranth, Pea - Help to build lean muscles, improve skin and hair, support mental clarity, and reduce cravings

    Proprietary Super Fruit/Anitoxidant Blend: Camu-Camu, Acai, Acerola Cherry, Bilberry, Goji Berry, Grape Seed, Green Tea, Luo Han Gua, Pomegranate, Rose hips - provides antioxidant support and promotes a healthy heart and optimal blood pressure.

    Proprietary Super-green/Phytonutrient Blend: Moringa, Chlorella, Spirulina, Spinach, Barley Grass, Kamut Grass, Wheat Grass, Oat Grass - helps alkalize the body and promotes detoxifacation of the liver, kidneys, and blood to restore health and vitality.

    Proprietary Adoptogen Blend: Ashwagandha, Astragalus, Cordycepts, Ginkgo, Maca, Maitake, Reishi, Shisandra, Tulsi (holy basil) - Helps protect the body from stress, support the immune system, and balance the endocrine system.

    Prorprietary Pre-and Probiotic/ Digestive Enzyme Blend: Yacon Root, Lactobacillus, Sporogenes, Amylase, Cellulase, Lactase, Lipase, Protease, Bromelain, Papain - Helps increase the nutrient absorption, promotes regularity, and improves digestion

    It is in a prop blend so how do you know any of the dosages are efficacious? You could put a little pinch of most of the stuff in there, just to get it on the label and then hide the minuscule amount by throwing it in a prop blend. It's a common tactic by supplement companies to reel in suckers
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I did a review here:

    Its not the cheapest way to go, but it is packed with vital micronutrients that are deficit in many people's diet. As soon as I stopped taking it I've hit a plateau. Don't know if they are related, but it has happened.
  • AllAboutThatTreble
    AllAboutThatTreble Posts: 156 Member

    Proteins and Amino Acids
    Vitamins and Minerals
    Adaptogen Herbs
    Digestive Enzymes
    Whey protein, brown rice protein, pea protein, sacha inchi, quinoa, chia, flax, amaranth
    Vitamins A, C, D, E, and K, vitamins B1, 2, 3, 6, and 12, biotin, pantothenic acid, folic acid
    Calcium, chromium, copper, iodine, iron, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum,
    phosphorous, zinc
    Açai berries, acerola cherry, bilberry, blueberries, camu-camu, goji berries, pomegranate, rose hips, luo han guo, grape seed, green tea
    Moringa, chlorella, spirulina, spinach, barley grass, kamut grass, oat grass, wheatgrass
    Astragalus, ashwagandha, cordyceps, gingko leaf, tulsi (holy basil leaf), maca root, maitake mushroom, reishi mushroom, schisandra
    Yacon root
    Bacillus coagulans
    (Lactobacillus sporogenes)
    Amylase, bromelain, cellulase, lactase, lipase, papain, protease

    I can't pronounce some of those ingredients, so shouldn't I avoid them (ashwagandha...really??)? Inquiring mind wants to know...

    But I have a friend who swears by shakeology, but I don't like taking in anything not backed by something other than anecdotal evidence and marketing claims (the placebo effect is not something to mess with, it is totally real). And anything that says proprietary blend scares me, so no thanks.

    But if it works for you, hey more power to you. Good luck.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Do what you want, but it seriously ****s me off that anyone is making claims that Shakeology in any way counteracts MS symptoms. Claims like that are dangerous and just horrible.
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    This sounds great! Where can I buy some?
  • RobynC79
    RobynC79 Posts: 331 Member
    It is in a prop blend so how do you know any of the dosages are efficacious? You could put a little pinch of most of the stuff in there, just to get it on the label and then hide the minuscule amount by throwing it in a prop blend. It's a common tactic by supplement companies to reel in suckers

    Yes, I agree on that front too - useless ingredients are one thing. Useless ingredients that are provided in mysterious, most likely minuscule quantities - even worse.
  • CoachChrisD
    CoachChrisD Posts: 207 Member
    wow glad that i have found this post, been on shakeology for almost 1year and half now and love it, dirnk it for breakfast or lunch depending on my ealy or late days
    my fav recipe:
    1 scoop of shakeology
    1 banana
    1 spoon of PB
    8 ounces of almon unsweeten mil
    4 spoons of vanilla fat free yogurt, 1 1/2 cup of ice
    verdit= hmmmmmmmmmm yummy

    i have ben so satisfied and impress with beach body that i became a coach last summer, already did p90x insanity just finished Les miles combat now going back to p90x for another round before tackling body beast for the summer
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Remember the good ole days when people just ate fruits and vegetables to get their nutrients?
  • CoachChrisD
    CoachChrisD Posts: 207 Member
    if you google those ingredients they are actually fruits and vegetables, the exotic kind that you won't fint in every day supermarket
  • yesmikan
    yesmikan Posts: 98 Member
    vital micronutrients that are deficit in many people's diet.
    There are a lot of things missing in my diet (arsenic for example) but that doesn't mean that I NEED them.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Sounds awesome!! Can you cook with it? I like to cook so if I can add a shake to soup or a salad or a sandwich that would be awesome!
  • CoachChrisD
    CoachChrisD Posts: 207 Member
    for any skeptics out there
    survey of 100 doctors who recommend shakeology to their patients
    watch the video
  • CoachChrisD
    CoachChrisD Posts: 207 Member
    Sounds awesome!! Can you cook with it? I like to cook so if I can add a shake to soup or a salad or a sandwich that would be awesome!
    no you can't since the heat will take away some of the nurtients.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Sounds awesome!! Can you cook with it? I like to cook so if I can add a shake to soup or a salad or a sandwich that would be awesome!
    no you can't since the heat will take away some of the nurtients.

    Can I double up on it to make up for the nutrient loss?
  • Sounds awesome!! Can you cook with it? I like to cook so if I can add a shake to soup or a salad or a sandwich that would be awesome!
    no you can't since the heat will take away some of the nurtients.

    Can I double up on it to make up for the nutrient loss?

    I don't know if the interstellar ninjas would approve...
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    Thanks for the "SALES PITCH"
    I'll just eat my real fruit and veggies. Thank you
    I thought this was against the rules here????
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    if you google those ingredients they are actually fruits and vegetables, the exotic kind that you won't fint in every day supermarket

    What are these superior food stuffs that I can't get anywhere else? I'm genuinely curious.
  • daphnemoon
    daphnemoon Posts: 216 Member
    If nothing else Shakeology really is a marketing triumph. I bet half the coaches flogging this stuff don't have a clue what the heck is in it.