Insanity start

My husband and I are going to start Insanity together. Anyone have any advice. Would like to see others results so we can stay motivated with it. For the ones that have done it - do you follow the meal plan also?


  • tacguy
    tacguy Posts: 196
    Hi Tammy,
    Another poster had a similar question earlier today.

    Congrats on starting Insanity. It's a very tough program, I did it earlier this year. Here is my two cents:
    1. Make sure you eat enough. Follow the nutrition guide as much as you can.
    2. Don't feel like you have to keep up with the people on the video - the pause button is your friend
    3. Do the workouts on a forgiving surface. There is a lot of jumping.
    4. Do your best and don't quit, even if you have a bad day.

    Good luck! Keep us posted on how you make out!

  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    My daughter and i started this week. She is 17 and I'm 48. I've attempted before but never made it past the first week. Am really hoping to complete it this time. I've fallen off the wagon and am trying to take control of my life (again). I've got about 30 pounds to lose although im gonna really try not to focus on the number of pounds. 3 days in and I feel good and still motivated enough to continue. Plus I don't want to quit because my daughter will too. She is helping to keep me on track..

    60 days is not a long time to get in the best shape of my life. I don't need the 6 pack abs. I just want to be able to be at the beach this summer and not feel self conscience. Took before pics, can't wait to see the after :smile:
  • x3na1401
    x3na1401 Posts: 277 Member
    I did 20 minutes today as a taster. Boy. It's tough. The hardest part was keeping up. The pace IS insane ! I then did 20 mins of p90x arms and shoulders and finished with ab ripper x.

    I'm going to need more stamina to get thru plyo cardio. I will try it in the morning instead of afternoon.
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    Hi Tammy,
    Another poster had a similar question earlier today.

    Congrats on starting Insanity. It's a very tough program, I did it earlier this year. Here is my two cents:
    1. Make sure you eat enough. Follow the nutrition guide as much as you can.
    2. Don't feel like you have to keep up with the people on the video - the pause button is your friend
    3. Do the workouts on a forgiving surface. There is a lot of jumping.
    4. Do your best and don't quit, even if you have a bad day.

    Good luck! Keep us posted on how you make out!


    I started on Feb 18. I'm feeling stronger and lasting longer!

    I absolutely agree with Joe! To add to it, don't be afraid to modify the exercises if you need to. It's better to work up to it then it is to hurt yourself and have to stop while you recover!!!

    Knees over toes and keep pressing play!!!
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member

    1. Make sure you eat enough. Follow the nutrition guide as much as you can.
    2. Don't feel like you have to keep up with the people on the video - the pause button is your friend
    3. Do the workouts on a forgiving surface. There is a lot of jumping.
    4. Do your best and don't quit, even if you have a bad day.

    I second those points.. Insanity is a hard program.. just keep going, don't quit and finish the video.. you can pause it between the breaks to get your HR down...
    And I can't stress #1 enough... you need to eat correctly to see results.
  • tacguy
    tacguy Posts: 196
    I did 20 minutes today as a taster. Boy. It's tough. The hardest part was keeping up. The pace IS insane ! I then did 20 mins of p90x arms and shoulders and finished with ab ripper x.

    I'm going to need more stamina to get thru plyo cardio. I will try it in the morning instead of afternoon.

    None of my business, but you may be better off doing one of these routines and doing the entire workout rather than doing bits and peices of each. Just trying to help.
    I'll shut-up now! LOL!
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    I did 20 minutes today as a taster. Boy. It's tough. The hardest part was keeping up. The pace IS insane ! I then did 20 mins of p90x arms and shoulders and finished with ab ripper x.

    I'm going to need more stamina to get thru plyo cardio. I will try it in the morning instead of afternoon.

    DO NOT try to keep up with the people on the video!!! You will kill yourself that way! Those people have already graduate at least 1 round! And if you will watch some of the other dvd's even they are having to take breaks and go rest! Do yourself a favor and go as hard and fast as your body will let you, then it won't matter what time of day you exercise.
  • wmurdock09
    I started Insanity on monday and it is kicking my but...I am doing it in the morning and Zumba in the evening... I am one sore chick!! my goal is to loose 60 lbs at a rate of 2-3 lbs per week... gotta push through it:-)
  • LisaHagar
    LisaHagar Posts: 2 Member
    I started Insanity on Sunday evening - I had to take Wed off b/c my ankles were sore...I did Pure Cardio last night and today I am dragging big time...but this is just the first week and I know I am putting my body into shock...I have read and heard that your body will start adjusting by the second or third week...
  • MarsChallenge
    MarsChallenge Posts: 84 Member
    Starting Insanity! Did the fit test today and it was hard! Feel free to add me for additional support. Good luck everyone!
  • x3na1401
    x3na1401 Posts: 277 Member
    I did 20 minutes today as a taster. Boy. It's tough. The hardest part was keeping up. The pace IS insane ! I then did 20 mins of p90x arms and shoulders and finished with ab ripper x.

    I'm going to need more stamina to get thru plyo cardio. I will try it in the morning instead of afternoon.

    None of my business, but you may be better off doing one of these routines and doing the entire workout rather than doing bits and peices of each. Just trying to help.
    I'll shut-up now! LOL!

    I did it this was because I'm one week into jillian michaels 30 day shred. Which is great but the cardio doesn't challenge me enough and my arms needed extra work.

    I did p90x last year and I was in great shape but the workouts are over an hour and 30ds is 20 mins.

    The cardio in level 1 was not challenging enough but the intensity and length of insanity would be too long to do every day at the moment.
  • AckieJ
    AckieJ Posts: 199 Member
    I really want to try this workout. I'm afraid I'll fail miserably. LOL I mean I can't even keep up with the easy Brazil Butt Lift workout.
  • whedbeer
    whedbeer Posts: 3
    stay hydrated the first time my husband and I did it he threw up I'm pretty sure he was dehydrated :) Do the best you can don't quit the video just take a break and get back into it before you know it u will be finishing the first month hang in there! and don't forget to DIG DEEPER :)
  • lisa9803
    lisa9803 Posts: 39
    Make sure to eat enough, and make sure to stay hydrated, but don't drink too much during the workout or you will get cramps. Make sure to wear good shoes that are good for jumping in, and try to do it on a hard surface rather than fluffy carpet.
  • GoTeamMeaghan
    GoTeamMeaghan Posts: 347 Member
    I've done 2 rounds of P90X and am finishing up week 2 of Insanity tonight. Definitely follow the nutrition plan. I looooove it! Feel free to add me or check out my diary for ideas.
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    I really want to try this workout. I'm afraid I'll fail miserably. LOL I mean I can't even keep up with the easy Brazil Butt Lift workout.

    The only way you can fail is if you don't even try! Give it a try. If you can't keep up don't worry about it, just work as hard as you can. I'm finishing week 3 and am way better than I was the first week. I'm not going to say it gets easy but it does get a little easier as you get a little stronger.

    FYI, this is my first try at this. I need to lose 70 lbs, so I am by no means a fitness expert or someone who can breeze right through it. I've just put my mind to it and nothing short of serious injury is going to stop me from completing it!
  • arsan
    arsan Posts: 97 Member
    Be ready to be sore at the beginning but don't let that be an excuse to give up
  • bighouse51
    bighouse51 Posts: 30 Member
    I've seen several people refer to the pause button as your friend. DO NOT PRESS PAUSE, you can take a break when you NEED to, not when you WANT to...don't miss the whole point of INSANITY! It is MAX INTERVAL TRAINING at its best.... you take the MAX INTERVAL out of it with pause... even if you are not keeping up with them on the video... pushing pause will only further dilute your workout. Stay safe, but, trust me... DO NOT PRESS PAUSE. You will gather your breath and pick up where you can much quicker than you think. If you find yourself tinkering with the PAUSE button, do me a favor, package INSANITY up and put it in Craigslist for some lucky person to buy at a discount. Maybe that person will want to DIG DEEPER and perform the challenge the way it was intended. Don't forget, we are all on MFP because at one point or another, we pushed PAUSE on our commitment to our own health. You decided to commit yourself to INSANITY, then you owe it to yourself to do it the right way. You'll be happy you did.
  • wantingmeback
    Be ready to be sore at the beginning but don't let that be an excuse to give up

    OMG!! Are you kidding...this may sound stupid but I love being sore!! I know I did something!
  • jrompola
    jrompola Posts: 153 Member
    Do not press pause. Go to and you can listen to Shaun T chats. He mentions do not press pause. If you keep pressing pause you don't know when you're getting better. You can certainly fast forward to the cool down if you are spent, but pressing pause doesn't make sense to me for a cardio video. If you can't do a move get a drink as you will see the people in the videos do or just jog in place.