Body fat getting too low.



  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    Without pictures it's hard to tell but 14 % is low for a non athelit. I am 19% and people often tell me I should put on weight.
    I can udnerstand your fears of going back to old habbits, but all you have to do is slowly increase your calories by 100 calories each day for week until you are happy. You can add more fruit or vegatable to make sure you are norishing your body.
    Yeah, 14% is typically visible abs, really cut, etc. but with excess skin I'm not quite sure how that works. Those calculators based on measurements are wildly inaccurate and calipers probably wouldn't work too well either. The only real way to know is to get a DEXA scan. If OP is a little older it might be time to get one anyway since doctors use them to check bone density for possible osteoporosis.
  • lvtruu1
    lvtruu1 Posts: 211 Member
    If you feel like you're getting too thin just eat more. I don't understand how this wouldn't be the first idea to pop into your head lol.

    I guess I am scared I will go back to my old habits. I seem to have good willpower but who knows when I start I may not stop :-)

    You need to up your calories until you stop losing weight. Add 200 calories for two weeks and see what happens. Rinse repeat. I'm in that stage right now. Probably will need to raise my calories again in another few weeks. Underweight isn't much better than overweight. You have shown the ability to lose the weight, don't fear putting on a few pounds figuring out what maintenance level you need to be at. 14% BF on a woman is low. On guys that is low.
  • Tigermad
    Tigermad Posts: 305 Member
    Well the you are your own gym app was useless for me. You need a strong rectangular table, basketballs, a strong doorframe and door handles. That's only part of the exercises. I certainly cannot use my door for pull-ups etc so will need to look elsewhere :-(
  • furrina
    furrina Posts: 148 Member
    oops, sorry I meant this post for another board
  • minsooky
    minsooky Posts: 59
    Scales are notoriously inaccurate and shouldn't be used to measure your body fat. DEXA scans are most accurate, but for a ballpark range you can opt for calipers since DEXA scans don't run cheap. 14% is very low; if you truly are that low you should really work on eating more (think of it as a mini-bulk) because that's "low enough to develop amenorrhea" low.
  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    GuybrushThreepw00d Posts: 784 Member
    Put some pictures up here; Get an estimate off Sarah/Sidesteel

    Start eating more, even if it's just an extra 100cals a day.

    Perhaps consider speaking to a doctor.
  • BHetrick
    BHetrick Posts: 26 Member

    Thanks I used to seriously lift weights for 6 months last year doing stronglifts. Nrolfw etc but had to give up the gym due to finances. Can't really afford weights for home either plus don't have room.

    Have you considered getting some power bands?
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    According to my Aria scales, mine has gone from 39.3% (158.5lbs) at end of Oct (after 2 week cruise) down to 33.1% this morning. I'm 51, on Levothyroxine & weigh 140.7

    I know scales are not accurate, but nevertheless it's going down. Trying to get to 30%
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    1500 calories is not a maintenance amount. Even if you're eating 2600 on the weekends. If you're still losing, you aren't eating at maintenance. Up your calories, see what happens. You might gain a bit at first as your body adjusts. Give it a couple of months to even out.

    1500 is definitely not maintenance, it is only likely to be 100 or so more than your BMR.

    Eat more.
  • Tigermad
    Tigermad Posts: 305 Member
    Thanks for the replies. I am trying something different now. I am doing 5:2 fasting and enjoying myself over the weekend with the deficit I have created. I like it this way since I feel I have more control and look forward to the weekends. I will try it a few weeks and see how I get on.