Some people



  • nettip
    nettip Posts: 113 Member
    Check out your friend zoned male friends -

    THIS i married my friend zone male friend. we were mates while i was with someone we broke up and we were still mates, i went though a rough patch and several one nighters, leigh my male mate came to me one night at work and told me in no nice way and told me to sort it out ( he knew i needed it) 4 month later we got together, 10 years on we have 2 kids and 12 years on been married 2 years, look closer to home, the good ones are already looking after you!
  • zilkram
    zilkram Posts: 8
    I reckon stop looking, stay single, have fun, concentrate on your interests & friends. You're young and free, enjoy the heck out of it! :)

    It's nice to be in a couple sometimes, sure, but take the chance to be/find you, to be independent, to have no-one to worry about but yourself.
  • ijavagypsy
    ijavagypsy Posts: 109
    I had to 'take a course in marriage and family life as a degree requirement. Was divorced at the time and the course clarified the mechanics of the divorce. One of the key concepts was that your optimal mate is your mirror image (translation: lots in common, best friend). After ten years, I met and married my best friend. We are worlds apart in terms of physical abilities and professional fields, but our values are identical. We've been married harmoniously for 23 years. Just sayin'. :smile:
  • gerard54
    gerard54 Posts: 1,107 Member
    Date chubby dudes, we're funny...
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    I am not blaming you so don`t take it that way but start by examining what you expect and bring to the equation.

    If you are a princess that feels a guy has to fawn over her,wine and dine her,and plan everything out with the idea of eventually I will do the same if it works you may be the 3rd or 4th one and after nothing but wasting time,money and emotional energy he figures it isn`t worth the dance anymore to see where it goes.

    I have found that if you expect something from ANOTHER person most likely you are in for a lot of disappointment.
  • Oakley82
    Oakley82 Posts: 53
    Focus on your weight goals and workouts! *Forget men for a little while.* You're young, you have plenty of time. :heart: That's what I'm doing for the moment, and I'm 30...I shouldn't be waiting too long!! haha :wink:
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    well,,, i think life is too short,,,, i think we ALL should get out there and take what we want!
    It is what it is.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    Then focus on yourself, and respecting yourself enough not to put "one night" as an option if that's not what you want.

    Higher your standards.
    THe more you focus on yourself and meeting your goals, I think the more appropriate men you will find.