Guys perspective



  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I'm not certain what you mean about women calling men. If you don't have business to conduct, then I don't see why you would. Nor, if it's business, why you would hesitate. If you're referring to telephoning a potential suitor, then it's another matter entirely; and a matter I don't endorse! I'm not certain what sort of a woman would do that but I wouldn't like to meet her in a dark alley. There are certain rules, young lady, that are there to protect you. If you haven't been taught such things then you may well be in for a difficult life.
    With love,

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • twanthe1
    twanthe1 Posts: 407
    Yes.. Call.. Just don't be upset if we don't answer, it's good to be thought of and a call is a thought.
  • mandrade4550
    I guess in the end I just don't get men :ohwell:
  • Dulcemami4ever
    Dulcemami4ever Posts: 344 Member
    Well it just seems that when the girl starts calling the guy freaks out

    If you call or text every five minutes it's definitely a red flag...

    "*Via text*
    Her: (8:06 AM) Morning sunshine
    Her: (10:20 AM) Whatsup buttercup?
    Her: (12:48 PM) Hey, you there
    You: (1:12 PM) Hey, yeah
    Her: (1:13 PM) Hey!!!!Whatsup? What are you doing today?
    You: (1:30 PM) Not too sure, maybe going to the mall
    Her: (1:31 PM) Cool!! When? Maybe we can meet up and grab lunch ;)<3
    Her: (2:55 PM) Hey, I'm at the mall, where are u? :)
    You: (3:10 PM) McDonalds
    Her: (3:11 PM) Oh, the one by the mall? I'll be right there ;)
    You: (3:15 PM) No no, I'm at the one on the other side of town
    Her: (3:16 PM) Oh that's fine I have gas, cya soon xox
    You: (3:20 PM) No, not on the other side of OUR town. Just on the other side of a town.
    Her: (3:21 PM) Which town?
    Her: (4:00 PM) ??
    Her: (4:30 PM) :(
    Her: (10:45 PM) Hey!:)"

    More signs that you could be or are with a clinger ->

    Definitely not what I do...but this is funny..yea that would freak me out.

    Lol this made me laugh because its obvious the guy is not even into her, or she wouldn't have had to push to hang out in the first place.
  • chkn_WANG_Train
    Should girls call guys? What goes through your mind when we do call?

    being a woman of my age.... i usually text if its just to flirt, unless they ask me to call, or if i actually have something to invite them to that is specific to them... which is usually quite flattering..... like 'hey i'm going to this thing, i know its something you would dig' even if they are unavailable they are usually so flattered by the genuine thought and interest that it always leads to THEM calling ME.... its called being real... just be real girlfriend.

    or get snap chat, and suggest they get it and just send them *interesting* photos until they call you,

    or follow burt and find those rules of protection

    have you seen gone with the wind?
  • NotRailMeat
    NotRailMeat Posts: 509 Member
    Lets see.... I've been married to the same woman for 18 years now and SHE called me first.... So, I guess it's alright!
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    Okay but that didn't answer my second question...oh and does a girl calling take the fun out of the chase?

    The entire notion that a guy wants to chase is a myth perpetuated by a bunch of book writers saying what their target audience wants to hear and believe.

    Guys do not enjoy rejection any more then you do,get the princess notion out of your head and be willing to be a partner.
  • Minerva624
    Minerva624 Posts: 577 Member
    I'm not a guy but I know for a fact that most guys would not mind getting called. Equal effort from both sides needs to be given in order for a relationship to get stronger and work. If you call then they know you're interested and are sure of yourself which guys love.
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    Yes!! Definately!!! Why shouldn't they?
  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    You mean like for sex? Yes. Otherwise no.
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    When I was growing up I was taught a lady never calls a gentleman. I had a very strict and very old fashion upbringing. I do not believe this is still applicable to the current dating scene. That being said I still have a phone message on my machine from some little girl calling one of my boys singing Miley Cyrus "He could be the one" so I would recommend being very careful about the messages you leave in case they can be used against him.
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    Okay but that didn't answer my second question...oh and does a girl calling take the fun out of the chase?

    The entire notion that a guy wants to chase is a myth perpetuated by a bunch of book writers saying what their target audience wants to hear and believe.

    Guys do not enjoy rejection any more then you do,get the princess notion out of your head and be willing to be a partner.

    Awe, no princess...
  • dirtnap63
    dirtnap63 Posts: 1,387 Member
    Sexting is so much more efficient. None of those needless words that dilute the message.
  • prwhicks
    prwhicks Posts: 32 Member
    Call, definitely. Texting is okay, but a voice is better.
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    If a girl owns a phone and would like to speak to me, calling would generally be a good option. Smoke signals are so hard to see after dark

  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    You mean like for sex? Yes. Otherwise no.
  • AngelsInThighHighs
    AngelsInThighHighs Posts: 247 Member
    You mean like for sex? Yes. Otherwise no.

  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Yes. Call to meet up, make plans etc.,

    DON'T call "just to talk"
  • fervc6064
    fervc6064 Posts: 77
    Yes, definitely call me.
  • sisierra
    sisierra Posts: 707 Member
    Sexting is so much more efficient. None of those needless words that dilute the message.

    bahahaha! I dig this