P90X started April 12th



  • MegKacz
    MegKacz Posts: 57
    I started in the middle of the week (was so excited when I finally got the DVDs) so I did plyometrics today. Loved it. I haven't done plyometrics since high school when I was in track and field! (granted, that was only 4 years ago).

    Jessica FB- Will look for the group on facebook!
  • JessicaFB
    JessicaFB Posts: 126 Member
    Week one day three today. Plyometrics yesterday was intense but I liked it (only after I was done!) Ab ripper X continues to kick my butt, hopefully one day I'll actually be able to do all those moves (those V-ups!). Yeah, I've decided to not run on my plyometrics days but I am going to run again tomorrow with yoga. It's nice to find runners on here too. I am planning on running another marathon (it's been four years since my last!) but I'm looking at November/December races. I'm currently more or less maintaining while I do the P90x but would like to get my weekend long runs back to around 8 instead of the 6 that I'm at right now. So far so good!

    Great job on plyo! You'll find it will help your running as you get stronger. So exciting to hear about your marathon goal! Let me know which one your decide on. I just found out today that I got into the Nike Women's Marathon, wooohooo!!!
  • JessicaFB
    JessicaFB Posts: 126 Member
    I started in the middle of the week (was so excited when I finally got the DVDs) so I did plyometrics today. Loved it. I haven't done plyometrics since high school when I was in track and field! (granted, that was only 4 years ago).

    Jessica FB- Will look for the group on facebook!

    Isn't plyo fun?! It's tough, but you really feel like you conquered something when it's over. Geez girl, you're making me feel like an old lady! :wink:

    I'll look for you on facebook too!
  • MegKacz
    MegKacz Posts: 57
    Hey ladies-

    So, the workouts are going really great. I feel like I'm getting a lot stronger! Can I ask what weights you guys use? I've only got 8 lb and 5 lb weights and I'm wondering if I should invest in some heavier ones or not. I also feel like my legs are actually getting thicker, which is the OPPOSITE of what I need! Any tips on getting leaner and toned rather than built and bulky? I know it's only the first two weeks but I'm curious.

    My problem is the nutrition aspect. I can knock the workouts out no problem. I don't have a lot of weight to lose (ideally, about 15 lbs) but I really would like to tone up and not bulk up. I have the traditional female trouble areas- belly, hips, thighs. I do really good with my diet during the week and then I seem to crash on the weekends. I need to get my dedication back! My weight will fluctuate anywhere from 143-148 lbs. I get down to the lower 140s and get all excited but then the weight won't budge and before you know it I'm back to square one around 148-ish. I have a big problem with yo-yo dieting. I would like to be down to 130 by the middle of July (about 12 weeks or the end of the p90x program). I still get the workouts done but I feel like I'm taking steps backward if I'm not doing the nutrition aspect 100%. I'm about to finish up week 2 and I really want to do this right!

    I just bought a dress for graduation. It's a little snug (hellooooooo love handles) so I'm using it as my motivation to keep pushing play! I'm going to try really hard to zero in on the nutrition this week and hopefully get some more runs in too!

    Do you guys have any tips for healthy snacks or any tips for staying on track with nutrition over the weekends? Do you guys follow the p90x nutrition guide or just track your intake on MFP? Any feedback is much appreciated!

    How are the workouts going for everyone else? Do you find that you're losing weight? Or do you notice more muscle or that you're getting stronger?

    Sorry if this post seems whiney. I get easily frustrated and I realize that I just need to use the motivation I have to work out to be pushed into my nutrition as well!
  • JessicaFB
    JessicaFB Posts: 126 Member
    Hey ladies-

    So, the workouts are going really great. I feel like I'm getting a lot stronger! Can I ask what weights you guys use? I've only got 8 lb and 5 lb weights and I'm wondering if I should invest in some heavier ones or not. I also feel like my legs are actually getting thicker, which is the OPPOSITE of what I need! Any tips on getting leaner and toned rather than built and bulky? I know it's only the first two weeks but I'm curious.

    My problem is the nutrition aspect. I can knock the workouts out no problem. I don't have a lot of weight to lose (ideally, about 15 lbs) but I really would like to tone up and not bulk up. I have the traditional female trouble areas- belly, hips, thighs. I do really good with my diet during the week and then I seem to crash on the weekends. I need to get my dedication back! My weight will fluctuate anywhere from 143-148 lbs. I get down to the lower 140s and get all excited but then the weight won't budge and before you know it I'm back to square one around 148-ish. I have a big problem with yo-yo dieting. I would like to be down to 130 by the middle of July (about 12 weeks or the end of the p90x program). I still get the workouts done but I feel like I'm taking steps backward if I'm not doing the nutrition aspect 100%. I'm about to finish up week 2 and I really want to do this right!

    I just bought a dress for graduation. It's a little snug (hellooooooo love handles) so I'm using it as my motivation to keep pushing play! I'm going to try really hard to zero in on the nutrition this week and hopefully get some more runs in too!

    Do you guys have any tips for healthy snacks or any tips for staying on track with nutrition over the weekends? Do you guys follow the p90x nutrition guide or just track your intake on MFP? Any feedback is much appreciated!

    How are the workouts going for everyone else? Do you find that you're losing weight? Or do you notice more muscle or that you're getting stronger?

    Sorry if this post seems whiney. I get easily frustrated and I realize that I just need to use the motivation I have to work out to be pushed into my nutrition as well!

    I have been using the Select Techs by Bowflex. Depending on the exercise, I go from 10 lbs-25 lbs. They are spendy, but are so worth it.

    As for nutrition, I eat whole unprocessed foods, fruits, veggies, eggs, chicken, fish, nuts, and good fats. I follow primal eating 80-90% of the time. Check out marksdailyapple.com to understand more about how I eat. It's not for everyone...
    Have you considered seeing a nutritionist? It would be a good idea. How tall are you?
  • JessicaFB
    JessicaFB Posts: 126 Member
    It's week 3!!! What's the plan for today?

    I did chest & back/ ab ripper this morning. I teach Turbo Kick and Core strength this evening. I plan to stay fueled to meet my energy needs.
  • MegKacz
    MegKacz Posts: 57
    I have legs and back and ab ripper X tonight. I think I'm a bit sore from the yoga yesterday! Feels good though.
  • nikiswimr
    nikiswimr Posts: 150 Member
    I'm back on plyometrics tonight (yeah!) but I'm sort of considering starting back at the beginning at week one now that I'm used to the moves, have bought an over the door pull up bar, and also because I had a LOT of diet problems this week. I'm usually fairly healthy, but this past week was my birthday and we ended up with a cake at the house that I finally had to throw away today because I couldn't stop eating it, and we ate out twice. I'm sort of feeling like I want to really commit to this and am considering starting back at the beginning. Thoughts? I overall though feel better and am really excited about how my body is going to look after all of this. I'm assuming no weight loss yet because of the birthday cake fiasco...
  • MegKacz
    MegKacz Posts: 57
    I'm back on plyometrics tonight (yeah!) but I'm sort of considering starting back at the beginning at week one now that I'm used to the moves, have bought an over the door pull up bar, and also because I had a LOT of diet problems this week. I'm usually fairly healthy, but this past week was my birthday and we ended up with a cake at the house that I finally had to throw away today because I couldn't stop eating it, and we ate out twice. I'm sort of feeling like I want to really commit to this and am considering starting back at the beginning. Thoughts? I overall though feel better and am really excited about how my body is going to look after all of this. I'm assuming no weight loss yet because of the birthday cake fiasco...

    I had a similar experience to yours. I went out to eat Friday night, went out for a bachelorette party Saturday night, then went to see my parents on Sunday. So basically- food, food, food. The scale noticed. And it didn't like me after that. And I didn't like me after that.

    Rather than get frustrated and want to start over I've been trying to do really well the last couple of days. I've been drinking a lot of water and eating lots of fruits and vegetables too (yummy salads). I forced myself to stop buying "junk" food so that I am not tempted to eat it (although sometimes that just leads to eating a lot of other things like almonds or other nutsor cereal or something like that). Either way, it's easier to just not have it in the house. I know what you mean, though- my roommate bought a bag (big bag) of dark chocolate peanut M & Ms and before you knew it the whole thing was gone, courtesy of the two of us. Not proud of that at all.

    I posted earlier about struggling with the nutrition as well. I wasn't tracking my calories much before so now that I've been logging them pretty precisely I feel better. If you want to start over with p90x I say go for it, but I think you could just use it as a lesson and keep going strong. Everyone has their setbacks but I think it's easier to view them as a bump in the road rather than an end-all. My feeling would be that if I start over now, I will want to do the same thing if I have another bad weekend down the road and it will just be a vicious cycle. I would rather learn from it and know what to do better next time! Just my thoughts. Plus, 2 extra weeks of p90x? Yikes! Haha :)
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