What grinds my gears while running



  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    This is the plan when it gets warmer out. I start my runs at 5a, so this only happens when I run on the weekend when we are both home. I am going to start running on the weekends outside to change it up...but not until the cold weather is gone
    Don't let cold stop you! With the proper clothes, you can run in just about any weather. Winter running is actually very nice.
  • caramellattekiss
    caramellattekiss Posts: 32 Member
    People who take up the whole pavement when I'm trying to run past drive me mental. Do you have to walk three in a row, at snails pace? Two seconds and I'll be past and you can hog the pavement again. Argh!
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    My husband is very supportive, but when I'm doing my pre-breakfast DVD aerobic session it doesn't help him sitting on the sofa with his cereal saying things like "you're really going for it these days". or worse - "I lke the one on the left...."
  • KassLamb
    KassLamb Posts: 98 Member
    Oh, the interrupting SO. I have one of those. When I'm doing my JM30DS DVD, he'll turn on the faucet in the kitchen and say something. Not only can I not breathe enough to answer him, but I can't even hear what he's saying over the sounds of both the tv and running water from the faucet. And then HE acts annoyed when he has to repeat it because I didn't hear or I don't think it's important enough to stop, catch my breath, and respond.