What's the biggest thing you struggle with as a dieter?



  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    Shopping. Luckily my husband does most of it as I work Saturdays but when I have to call into the shop on the way home from work for some little thing I still find myself being drawn to the bakery counter. Pastries, cupcakes - even freshly baked bread just sing to me! I've used my willpower to the max over the past few weeks just to avoid Krispy Kremes when all i went in for was some bottled water.

    Also, being on my own. I used to eat quite a lot and 'not mention it' which anyone knows means you didn't really eat it! I find I'm still getting cravings for 'more' when I'm home alone - thankfully that's only one day a week but sometimes it's tough but i'm hoping it will get easier with time.
  • charovnitza
    charovnitza Posts: 689
    Definitely sugary foods. I can binge on anything that has a high sugar content ... cake, candy, chocolate, ice cream, etc. I cannot have even a little because that will start a binge that lasts at least a day... usually takes me at least 3 days to pull myse4lf out of it. I know there are some who would argue whether or not sugar is an addictive substance but regardless... for me it is.
    I agree wholeheartedly. Sugar is definitely my nemesis, and flour and grains are right there with them. When I stopped eating them, I no longer even cared about eating them. But let me eat one piece of bread, or worse, one piece of cake made with flour and/or sugar, and I'm going to eat the whole cake. Bingeing for days. So now I bake with nut flours, and no sugar, and I can enjoy one piece, and forget about the rest of it. Sugar and grains are my addictions, and I choose not to include them in my way of eating.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    what I struggle with most is that last rep during strength training, i.e. trying to make that rep and not fail especially trying to beat my previous highest number of reps at that weight

    including that last inch of the last rep on pendlay rows

    which is a fun kind of a struggle
  • RobinsonDawn
    RobinsonDawn Posts: 40 Member
    Knowing that I have to keep this healthy diet up for life not just for a week lol
  • 366to266
    366to266 Posts: 473 Member
    wow. glad you were able to reduce butter consumption, def not good for your cholesterol or heart health! congrats

    Utter nonsense!
  • 366to266
    366to266 Posts: 473 Member
    Without a doubt the only big struggle is with eating out.

    If it's at someone's house, they will ALWAYS try to make me eat something off-plan, saying that "a little bit won't hurt me". But I know that it will, because I have major issues with trigger foods.

    If it's at a restaurant, the temptations are almost impossible to bear. Friday night I ate at an Indian restaurant. I saw the menu online and decided exactly what I was going to have. Sounds easy? Problem was, the waiter brought all kinds of complimentary items that we had not ordered, and stuck them RIGHT UNDER MY NOSE.

    I managed to say no to the orange slices.

    I managed to say no to the individually-wrapped chocolates.

    But when he put a glass of Bailey's topped with cream in front of me, on the house, I cracked and drank it!

    And now, predictably, I am craving Baileys in my every waking moment!

    I now feel that I should hand the waiter a rules sheet when I arrive at a restaurant, stating that I want no sugar in my food, AND no free sugary things offered to me, either!
  • haanmom
    haanmom Posts: 90 Member
    My biggest struggle is being overly disappointed when I don't see the results I expect. I eat pretty clean and have been working out HARD, and have body image issues, so I rely on the scale more than I should to reflect "how I'm doing". So when I feel like I've been working hard and then nothing happens, it is really hard for me to see the point.

    (I do know that that point is to be healthy, and that the scale is not the best way to measure progress, and all the rest, but my true inner mind doesn't "get it" yet.)
  • CaffeinatedConfectionist
    CaffeinatedConfectionist Posts: 1,046 Member
    Being patient and accepting that I wasted a lot of time at the beginning of my efforts to get fit because I didn't know what I was doing (cardio, cardio, cardio, light weights, 1200cals, meh), wishing I could go back in time and start over, knowing what I know now!

    Also, resisting temptation when I'm tired. I have kick-*kitten* willpower and determination when I'm awake, even if I'm having a terrible day, but if I get sleepy and fall asleep on the couch, it's really hard to resist swinging through the kitchen on the way to bed and grabbing a couple of the chocolates and cookies that I keep in the freezer as a treat. Or stuffing my face with peanut butter /drool

    ETA: Feeling like my head is on someone elses' body... that's a weird freakin feeling. I was looking in the mirror the other day, getting changed to go work out, and I flexed to see how my arms/shoulders are coming along, and I had this sudden feeling of revulsion because I felt like I looked like a bobblehead. My face was familiar, but none of the rest of it was. Don't get me wrong, I love that I'm developing muscles, but I've never looked this way before and it's taking my brain some time to catch up.
  • Sallybeee_fit
    Sallybeee_fit Posts: 36 Member
    Emotional eating....grrrrr!!! Board, stressed, sad, mad, happy... I am eathing through all of them.
  • MsMuniz
    MsMuniz Posts: 399 Member
    KIDS! :noway:

    Yes really.... i am perfect 99% of the time and the kids start(most of the time) and i eat sweet cr@p! just cant help it,i hate weekends and school holidays for that reason! :sad:


    Well, It looks like you've done pretty good! Congrats on your loss!!
  • fvolley
    fvolley Posts: 124
    for me it's the exercise part. I can control my portions 90% of the time. But I can't find any exercise I enjoy. I love fruits and veggies and I like to cook. I know how to cook healthy. I'm just not motivated to move my butt.

    this is me. I have been eating better for a little while now, I guess I will have to get off my butt eventually.
  • bikhi
    bikhi Posts: 175

  • Loftearmen
    Loftearmen Posts: 380
    Having people think I'm borderline eating disordered simply because I want to get in shape (I'm a healthy weight and only have a few pounds to lose - mainly for the summer to look hot in a bikini!).

    I'm not "obsessed" but disciplined (well, trying to be!)

    "obsession" is a word used by the lazy to describe the dedicated.
  • Kali2024
    Kali2024 Posts: 73 Member
    That's it. Chocolate. I don't like ice cream, or other candy, and hate donuts. so thats it for sugary stuff. Not a fan of potato chips or any other chips, puffs, or curls. Good there. Don't like fried foods, and love raw veggies and fruits. so my diet is good..Actually chocolate and cheese/dairy. : D
  • scarrletti_girl
    scarrletti_girl Posts: 479 Member
    Knowing that I live next to like 10 - 20 resaurants most of which are fast greasy food and most of which are only like 3 minutes away, so easy to go to. lol and sodium too.
  • hannyz08
    hannyz08 Posts: 31
    The constant feeling that my attempts to lose weight are futile, and the following temptation to just give upp.
  • kryscas
    kryscas Posts: 43 Member
    Not eating (chips, chocolate, everything etc etc) while watching a movie at home, the theatre, friends place . I could eat....but carrot sticks just aren't the same. :P I watch *a lot* of movies. I've taken a liking however to sipping Wild Sweet Orange tea. It's delicious, and almost tastes like candy. ALMOST. :)
  • 007FatSlayer
    007FatSlayer Posts: 132 Member
    The biggest thing I struggle with as a dieter is celebrating an event or going out on the weekends because usually people want to go out to eat. I tend to eat healthier if I make my own meals
  • akp4Him
    akp4Him Posts: 227
    I struggle with lots of things. I worry that I'm one calorie away from gaining all 90 pounds back. I struggle with not eating chocolate. Sometimes (like today) all I want to do is eat...everything...NOW! Drives me nuts! I HAVE to log everything. It is the only thing that keeps me honest!
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Picking my lazy butt up off the couch. LOL

    Seriously, chocolate. I love the stuff. that and donuts. Food is my nemesis.