The crap people say....



  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    I have had this problem for quite some time. Many many friends have had some ****ty things to say.

    2 in particular, a male friend(400 pounds plus) and a female friend(300 pounds plus) ALWAYS, everytime I see them, ask me how I lost so much weight and what made me decide to lose the weight.

    I start out with that I was fed up with my size and that the Dr. told me that I was in danger of Diabetes, among other things.

    Early on, I would try to explain about MFP and exercise and the SIMPLER things.
    From the both of them, I would get the same response: My Dr. tells me I am the healthiest fat person they have ever met. To which I say, Excellent for you. Then they brush off the eating properly and exercise.

    The last 3-4 times the two of them have asked me about my weight loss, I respectfully told them, "I am not talking about weight loss to you." They ask why? Finally, I outright told the both of them, "You ask, but you don't listen. SO, why waste my breath." Do you know, they continue to ask me, every time I see them.
  • Can_Change_Natalie
    Can_Change_Natalie Posts: 109 Member
    Firstly Congratulation on your weight loss what an amazing achievement.

    Secondly –I personally think people get very rude/ defensive because they look at you and see how much you have lost and how healthy you have become and then look at them self’s and what they have done in that time which is either nothing or gain more weight. I think I put things into perspective for people to see that in x amount of time you have turned your life around and they have done nothing and it makes them bitter.
  • Sunny____
    Sunny____ Posts: 214

    As far as the others, it's called jealousy.

    And do you have any pictures to share? :)
  • Fortunately we have MFP to talk about neighbor brings over homemade icecream, cake and pies. I take her healthy marninades of broccoli/cauliflower. Thanks to everyone here I have the strength to pass along or toss out the 'not so' goodies.
  • Ultragirl2374
    Ultragirl2374 Posts: 390 Member
    They're just jealous of what you've been able to do and they have themselves convinced that they aren't capable of the same.
  • zillah73
    zillah73 Posts: 505 Member

    ... And the funny part is, the comments from the people who are themselves overweight/obese were some of the rudest. I don't get it. Is there anything worse than someone that's completely unhealthy, giving you health advice?

    And instead of people being happy for me, I'm getting all this crap advice, like no one can be happy for me, or with me or whatever. Why?

    You're a scary walking talking reminder if their own insecurities and failures. You have done something that they in all likelihood have tried to do an failed, and so now they're saying out loud the "self-talk" that they give themselves to continue justifying their own unhealthy lifestyle. They see you with something they want and they are trying to talk themselves in to believing they don't want it by saying those things to you.

    Feel very sorry for them; they're hurting.

  • its the "Crabs in the barrel " complex, they want to hold you back because they're jealous.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    First, congratulations on 70 pounds!

    Second, I've learned that everyone is an expert. I run a small store so I've seen the same people everyday for years and over the last few months I've got a lot of weight loss comments. Most of them just ask how I did it and all I say is, "eat better."

    People don't want a discussion where they learn, they want to give you all the knowledge that they've accumulated over the years, even though what I'm doing is working perfectly well. When someone goes off about how to lose weight better, I just say, thanks for the information.

    Keep doing what you're doing and show off your hard work. Results speak way more then words.