SBF2 Reboot boogaloo...wk of April 19



  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    I choose "The Omnivore's Dilemma" for book club next month - I'm happy you found pasture beef, V. We have it here, but I probably see cows most days of the week, so no surprise. For book club, we make a meal or lots o' appetizers when we host - so I need to figure out things that I can get at the farmer's market. I know I can get eggs, mushrooms, and goat cheese any time of year (I already have the honey). I can get the artichokes from my yard and freeze them until late May and my parents have persimmons in their freezer. The farmer's should have blackberries, tomatoes, some sort of green - ooh, looks like I can get cow's milk and olive oil (olive oil? who knew?). So I need to figure out what I can make. Ideas? I'm thinking fruit and cream for dessert. The book club will be on May 27th.

    Vitamin D deficiency in Texas? Did she go outside at all? I know it takes about 20 minutes to get all you need in the winter (here) and about 2 seconds in August.

    Today - teach yoga and bike or walk - it was wet yesterday and may be wet today as well.

    Farmer's Market, Boogaloo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Good morning! It's Friday! And tomorrow I get to go on a short vacation! So excited!

    V, people look at my history and automatically say, "thyroid" is causing it. Whatever. Maybe it is but no one every changes the prescription or looks into it any further. I need a good doctor. I really do hope you get some answers and relief soon!

    Another busy day. I didn't get nearly as much done as I wanted yesterday. AF hit pretty hard so I didn't feel up to much. I did work out though. I'm going to try to get a work out in today if I have time. In laws coming some time this afternoon and I still have a lot of cleaning and trip prep work to do. This is the first time in probably two years that I have worked out during my girl time, so I think that's pretty cool. :smile: Just maybe I will get this weight off!
    I'd better get to it. This warm laptop is weighing me down.
    Vacation is coming boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Today I think I actually get to meet with my trainer...we haven't been able to get our schedules/health to match up for months, so I'm pretty excited.

    Yesterday, I walked to and from the farmer's market and then came home and thought "I could probably do spin a bit later." Then, I laid down on the sofa and slept for three hours. Oops. I keep doing this. I feel OK, but then become horizontal and go right to sleep. (both anemia and lack of B12 cause extreme fatigue). I really hope the doc gets me more information/industrial strength supplements soon.

    Other than that, not much on the book for today. I did all my scheduled chores yesterday (Friday is usually pay the bills, vacuum and dust, etc day) so I have the afternoon off.

    Mary, there are a few websites that will take an ingredient or two and search a database for recipes. I used to have them bookmarked, but new computer, and I can't remember any of the websites offhand. I think it would be fun, too to just have all the food in their natural states and eat them. Sort of a "what goes with what?" fun thing..."have you tried the persimmons with the goat cheese? awesome." but that's just my weird food pairing exploration self.

    Naptime is anytime, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Oh, and I'm going to Dallas today. Be back Sunday.
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    MM and Mary, safe travels! V, interesting news from the doctor - I hope they the bloodwork tells them what they need to know and that it actually helps! That would be awesome. I get to hear the results of my MRI on Thursday. I am now 90% sure that it is tendinitis, I just don't know what I need to do to treat it. Not running for 3 weeks has been a serious bummer (I've been completely missing out on that feeling of accomplishment that I would get from it, which seems to seriously help my mood), and I wouldn't say my ankle feels all that much better. I'll be really annoyed if I end up on crutches or have to completely immobilize it. :grumble:

    This week was better than last week. I still only made it to the pool once, last night. But my eating was better (I only logged part of two days, but it did help bring me back to sanity, I think). I did have a donut on Wednesday and a cookie on Thursday. The donut wasn't worth it (my local donut shop has spoiled me for any other kind), but the cookie was good (at intermission - we went to see Wicked!).

    It looks like it should be a beautiful day, so I'm about to get out there and enjoy it! Boogaloo! :laugh:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I just went to what was the best and most challenging Zumba class I've taken. The guy teaching it was Cuban, and it felt more contemporary/urban than my other one. I burned 997 calories in 50 minutes! Holy moley.

    Now, I'm all wired up with endorphins and have no idea what to do with it. My husband is holed up in his room working on a project, but the sun is out so I may find myself out walking. I need to use a bit of energy to clean my kitchen and vacuum...but I'm wired. I'm frankly not looking forward to the crash.

    I've actually had two energy levels as of late: 100% and 0%. I'm very curious to see how bouncy I'll be if the doc. can fix me. I read on the internet that people with B12 issues actually get mis-diagnosed as manic/depressive...and I can understand that for sure...

    CP, as I am a super-nerd, I will confess that I have seen Wicked five times. :wink: Also, I hope that your treatment doesn't involve immobilization. It's hard when you're used to feeling accomplished after one activity and can't do it. As cheesy as it sounds, try to recognize your other accomplishments.:heart:

    Hope everyone is having fun/safe travels.

    Over-energized boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Back from Dallas. Had a great yoga class/session. It was about knee and shoulder therapy. It's good to be home with my guys (cats) again.

    Wow on the Zumba, V - unbelievable.

    Hope you heal soon, CP.

    Still waiting on the class I'm supposed to teach Tuesday. Grrr. I went by the gym on Friday. I have to get a supervisor to call and let them know it's ok for me to have access.

    If only I ran the world, boogaloo
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I forgot to check in today.

    I did spynga this morning. It was good, nice and laid back especially the yoga part.

    That zumba was amazing. It was pretty much sprint tempo the entire going for a really groovy run.:wink: I can't wait to go back to his class. I had a moment during the class where I almost cried. I just got overwhelmed...every once in a rare while I am just amazed and grateful at what my body can do nowadays. I had this "holy moley, this class is kicking my butt." followed immediately by "in 2005, your doctor prescribed a cane for you." Wow.

    gratitude for this amazing (and groovy) body boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    double post boogaloo.
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