Any cyclists here?



  • CentralCaliCycling
    CentralCaliCycling Posts: 453 Member
    I have been riding most of my adult life (and a good deal before then).
  • dutchman24
    dutchman24 Posts: 108 Member
    Used to bike...then got busy...put on weight.... Last fall, I started biking a bit...but just too heavy, hit 280 on a "frame" that's built for 178. Now, I'm down to 210 and hope to get back in the 178 range for Spring...and biking. Plan on hitting the roads heavy this year, now that I've got less wind resistance...and I can get back into my old jerseys....
  • ForbiddenFruit
    ForbiddenFruit Posts: 62 Member
    Just started cycling semi-seriously here. It's a bit difficult to fit much in until the nights get lighter here (South Coast of the UK). We also have to try to work it around earning a living and making sure the dog gets decent long walks.

    Anyway, I know compared with some of you it's nothing, but we've done 12 miles the last couple of Sundays and I'm doing 10 miles tomorrow followed by about the same on Saturday.

    We've signed up to do a 50 mile charity ride in September so we need to start ramping it up.
  • cargilb
    cargilb Posts: 116
    I love riding. I've been riding around nyc since the early 90's. Bike riding has twice helped me lose copious amounts of weight. It is an invaluable calorie burner. After not riding much in the last 6 yrs i began to ride again and once i gained some leg strength, started counting my calories and I went on a tear and lost about 60 pounds in about 7 or months.

    Bike riding is awesome.
  • zummerzet_lou
    zummerzet_lou Posts: 159 Member
    I love cycing too .... until recently I was into road and mountain biking.

    Now, thanks to my kids I'm racing BMXs too .... I'm not very fast, but it's soo much fun - plus it's having a great effect on my road cycling!
  • ForbiddenFruit
    ForbiddenFruit Posts: 62 Member
    8.5 miles done on tracks round a local park this morning. Not a huge amount but every little helps :-)

    I could never do BMX. I'm not even any good at mountain biking. I was saying to one of the ride leaders this morning that I think it's because I didn't learn to ride a bike until I was in my 20s. I didn't learn all the balance stuff and chucking myself around on it as a kid, when you have less fear and it hurts less when you fall off lol. I was born in London and my mum never let me ride a bike as she thought the roads were too dangerous :-s

    I'm just about safe on cinder/gravel tracks, anything more challenging and I just don't feel safe.
  • lpherman01
    lpherman01 Posts: 212 Member
    Thanks everyone for responding. Looks like there is a good sized contingent here and am getting a number of friend requests. I also see someone who is local, Cyclink, who I need to ride with sometime.
  • jagi410
    jagi410 Posts: 97 Member
    Car-lite lifestyist, Mountain,long distance road, commuting, utility cycling, winter cycling, etc. I love it!
  • KickyLegs
    KickyLegs Posts: 53

    Do you ride all year long?

    I hate riding in the cold (all the extra gear). I wish I could though because I use my bicycle for transportation in the summer months (it's the most effective way for me to loose weight). Other wise I take transit but I hate it.

    In my view, if you have to get somewhere why not ride? It's usually faster, plus you're exercising which means less time at the gym.
  • olDave
    olDave Posts: 557 Member
    Cyclist here. I used to think that cyclists could get away with eating large amounts of cake and drink copious amounts of coffee but I since found that isn't the case!

    Nothing wrong with least for me. Cake is ok too as long as I account for it in my calorie budget.

    I've been cycling all my life and don't plan on stopping any time soon. For me there's nothing like riding all day on one of this country's amazing Rails-to-Trails and then relaxing with an ice cold IPA!!!

    Ride on!!!:smile:
  • lpherman01
    lpherman01 Posts: 212 Member

    Do you ride all year long?

    I hate riding in the cold (all the extra gear). I wish I could though because I use my bicycle for transportation in the summer months (it's the most effective way for me to loose weight). Other wise I take transit but I hate it.

    In my view, if you have to get somewhere why not ride? It's usually faster, plus you're exercising which means less time at the gym.

    This past year I made a concerted effort to ride all year long. Really paid benefits as I am in great shape coming ino the spring.

    BTW feel free to friend me as we cyclists have a great community and seem to have slightly different viewpoints on weightloss & fitness than others do.
  • brocksmom
    brocksmom Posts: 103 Member
    This thread makes me want to go for a ride:bigsmile:

  • Spatialized
    Spatialized Posts: 623 Member
    Car-lite lifestyist, Mountain,long distance road, commuting, utility cycling, winter cycling, etc. I love it!

    ^^^this. Year-round commuter. I also ride trails and road for fun! Weather has changed so the trails are good, the sun is out and I'm stuck in an office. At least I get to ride home!
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    I have always loved cycling, but slowly added the pounds on over the years, before ballooning after a knee op.

    Decided to do something about it and, with the help of MFP and my bike, lost 4 ½ stones in 8 months…and have kept it off.

    The real upside for me is the number of miles now covered: 2011 was 11,500 miles, 2012 was 15,250 miles. I am on track for 14,000+ again this year after cycling 3,400 miles in May & June. Insane, I know!
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    Do you ride all year long?

    I hate riding in the cold...

    When you cycle in the sun, with the wind bwhind, it makes all the winter miles well worth it. Managed to keep riding down to -9.2 this year as the road were clear and dry
  • Sailfindragon
    Sailfindragon Posts: 28 Member
    Cyclist here. Try and get out on my bike (mountain) 5-6 days a week doing a minimum of 4.5 miles at time. The weekends I tend to do more. Did 7.5m on Saturday and 14.2m on Sunday.
    I live Grampian (Scotland) So plenty of hills near me to get a good workout.
  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member
    I ride just for exercise, but I love it. So, I am the slowest person ever. Running, biking, kayaking, you name it. I can do it for hours, but I'm really freaking slow. So, that will improve as I get lighter? Is this what I'm hearing everybody saying? That would be wonderful.
  • klmmicro
    klmmicro Posts: 3
    Been riding since I was a teen and am on my mid 40's. Every time I rack the bile for more than a week, my weight starts to climb. Was rolling at 190 at the end of 2011 when an injury put my riding on hold for 8 months of 2012. Finally got back on the 237. What a difference! Am at 215 now and slowly working back in to it. Thankful to have found MFP as it has been a great tool for keeping me focused om the food part of the equation.

    Glad to see other cyclists here ????
  • reggiepe
    reggiepe Posts: 146 Member
    Just started riding on Father's day. Have only missed two days riding since then. Some days it is a quick ride after work with my son for a half hour or so. The weekends put me up at about an hour to an hour and a half. The average is about 9 miles per day. I have covered a little over 160 miles in the past 3 weeks. I impressed myself that I have ridden that many miles already from a cold start.....and.....I am really liking it. Awesome form of exercise.
  • carlosprats
    carlosprats Posts: 4 Member