Hi Everyone! Need motivation and Friends!



  • CinthiaF
    CinthiaF Posts: 324 Member
    Hi guys! I'm new here! DEFINATELY need some motivation/friends!!! I signed up about a month ago but am now ready to get my butt moving!!! It's hard buying healthy foods and trying to eat healthy when my hubby isn't into it. I'm hoping once he sees me REALLY getting into it he'll join me and it'll get easier! Until then, all the support i can get will help! Thanks!! :D

    i am behind you on this. I need the same thing as well. Add me if you like to
  • CinthiaF
    CinthiaF Posts: 324 Member
    Hi Everyone it has been a couple of days sense i have posted here. But i am still kinda new to all this stuff of here. Like the calories remaining thing sometime i don't understand it at all. It was explained to me but man i completely forgot how what it all meant. is there anyone out there that can explain it to my in simple simple terms so i can some back here and read it and understand it again if need
  • Nae1979
    Nae1979 Posts: 10
    Hi Cin! I've just joined too! I think this site is great so far, but, hehe, it IS day 1. I'm heading off to the gym in aboiut half and hour and then I'm going shopping to stock my cupboards and fridge with the things I'm going to need. I never usually keep lollies and soft drinks and chips and things in my cupboard, because I KNOW I'll eat them. My problem is my gorgeous husband will jump for me if I say I feel like something sweet. So I need to PLEAD with him to not give me everything I ask for! lol

    I need o work on my signature before I head off to the gym. Thanks Bru for pointing me to this! and I ALSO need to change my kilograms into pounds, or work out the ratio lol

    love to u all xxx
  • CinthiaF
    CinthiaF Posts: 324 Member
    Hi Nae i just got back from seeing my nephew and had a lot of fun too. I am glad you beside to join us here it is really great here. just had my evening snack. how are you doing today?? Ohhhh guess what you don't have a 60 sec to wait til you post again you can post as mean times as you like Yay!!!
  • Nae1979
    Nae1979 Posts: 10
    Hi Nae i just got back from seeing my nephew and had a lot of fun too. I am glad you beside to join us here it is really great here. just had my evening snack. how are you doing today?? Ohhhh guess what you don't have a 60 sec to wait til you post again you can post as mean times as you like Yay!!!

    HAHAHAHAHA the 60 second thing is a KILLER!!! but not here... hehehe... i'm feeling alright.. just having lunch.. need to add a little more to what i have to make the calories up.. otherwise i'm way down... so yoghurt it is! off to watch a movie with my man.. sleep well sunshine.. til tomoz! xx
  • CinthiaF
    CinthiaF Posts: 324 Member
    Hi Nae i have been kinda busy lately. Sorry i have not replied. Hope you have a get weekend and hope your week goes well if we do not speak for a bit i have my nephew over today. I am trying to to visit with him some because i have not seen hi about a year
  • CinthiaF
    CinthiaF Posts: 324 Member
    Been here almost a month i am i loving and having really good results. I want to thank you everyone for keeping me motivated and for just being my friends :wink: :bigsmile: