30DS in actual 30 day timeframe??!!??



  • twoss9112
    twoss9112 Posts: 162 Member
    , and maybe just get a walk in on your days off so you don't feel guilty for not doing 'something.'

    This is exactly what I do. At the moment I am doing "Rockin' Body" (Shaun T), and the calendar that comes with it gives you a workout combo for each day except Sunday, which specifically says "Rest Day" on the calendar. I don't feel guilt about a day off, but I do know that a day of of working out doesn't mean sit on the couch for 16 hours watching tv either. You have to be active, even if it's light activity, so Sunday is long walk day. We go to the mall before the store open (biggest mall in Illinois is near us - residents of IL will know which one I mean), and it's GREAT for doing a long walk (when it's to cold for being outside) and do a moderate to fast paced walk for 60-90 minutes, then on the way back home we do out weekend errands (shopping, groceries, etc) so that's a little more walking/activity also.

    I want to make the 30DS my next goal after Rockin' Body, and no I don't plan to do it in 30.

    I know that it's divided into 3 levels, each with an increment of 10 days (right?) so I expect that's the reason it's called "30 Day" Shred, not because it is supposed to be done in 30 days without a break. Also, marketing is a part of that as well, a BIG part. "Look what kind of body you can have in JUST 30 days, order now and we'll throw in a Nu Wave Oven, a Snuggie, a Shark Steamer..." If it were called the "50 day Shred" no one would buy it because some other company would be selling a 30 day one and you'd say "well, why should I buy a 50 day program when I can have the body I want in 30!" People buy into the power of suggestion a lot more than they should and that's why marketing works.

    I already know I won't do it in 30. I do rest days, and I expect I might need a little extra time for each level because I'm not very strong to start with.