Team Fit- April



  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    hi team! :happy:

    Its Thursday! Almost Friday! Thank god! I need to get paid! lol :laugh:

    Kim- I dont have a HRM but I want to get one really bad. I dont really know too much about them but Ive heard on here that the polaris for womens is a good one to get. They are kinda pricey so thats why I havent gotten one yet. I dont have 60+ bucks to spend on that.

    yesterday: 25 mins of exercise. I'm kinda taking it slow this week to get back into it. im still sore so I dont want to over do it. I'm not as sore as I was though so Im glad for that. Hopefully next week I'll be able to exercise for an hour again.

    today: 45 mins of exercise and 8 glasses of water.

    hope everyone has a great Thursday! Hang in there and be strong! Dont give up!!! :bigsmile: :drinker: :glasses: :flowerforyou: :wink:
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Good morning

    Yesterday I ended up going home because I did not feel well so I only got in 7 glasses of water, but I stayed within calories and workout for 50 min

    This morning my workout was 45 min

    Ariel - ease back in this week and then you can go for it next week.

    Hope everyone is still hanging in since we haven't heard from the others. Where are you guys?
  • DownSizin
    DownSizin Posts: 150
    Hey guys...sorry I've been MIA since Tuesday. Things have been crazy at work but I've been eating healthy and drinking my water daily. I didn't exercise yesterday, but got in 30 min on Tuesday and another 30 tonight...just having a problem getting on everyday to log progress. Things should slow down next week, so I'll be here daily (hopefully). :wink:

    Have a great evening, everyone and I 'talk' to you tomorrow. TGIAF (thank goodness it's almost :laugh:
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Happy Friday

    So I could not get out of bed this morning, so no workout. I was suppose to do weights so I will do them tomorrow and take today as a rest day.

    I was under calories yesterday and got in my water.

    I will probably not be back until Monday. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
  • DownSizin
    DownSizin Posts: 150
    Happy Friday, everyone! I'm so needing a weekend!

    Ex: 20 min last night; drank all my water and ate healthy. I'm looking forward to the weekend. I'm going to go buy a bike and start riding in the evenings to get more exercise in. :tongue: Hopefully, things at work will settle down next week and I'll be able to log food and exercise daily like I should.

    Everyone have a wonderful Friday and a great weekend! :heart:
  • Candue
    Candue Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcome!

    Yep, that's my little kitty! - and that is last years photo so he's about... oh... 15 lbs now! We adopted him from a shelter last year and had no idea he would get SO BIG! We were told he's a siamese or ragdoll but he might be a showshoe mix. His personality is unlike any other. He sleeps on his back with all paws sprawled out in all directions -no shame. ; ) He zips through the house, kisses our collie on the face who has finally decided to just put up with him, and even the vet just smirked when he saw him. We really lucked out with this little guy.

    Well, I didn't track. I was not good at all too. I stress eat and lately this is about as stressful as life can get. My daughter is gonig off to college and I don't want her saddled with huge loans but I can't get a job for the life of me and I've been trying on and off for months. I'm a graphic designer but decided I'd rather work in retail so I applied at Walmart. They called me in. It looked good and then nothing for over a week. I really thought I had the job! Also, I did my mother a favor and took down her wallpaper and patched up and painted her room to get ready to sell. We know it's a long shot, nothing is selling but she is too old to be on her own and she will be moving in with us.

    I'm an emotional eater so this is prime time for gaining and I have been. I haven't even weighed myself yet. :(

    So I didn't weigh in, track, or eat right. I'm off to a great start.... ugh But I wont give up. I will do it. With this new month starting, it will be a clean slate to begin again!

    Congrats to everyone that did so well and for trying so hard too!!
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    hi guys, heres the link to the new months thread