What doesn't count??



  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I don't log water, tea (even the slash of milk I occasionally put in it, I always have leftover calories at the end of the day anyway and I have no idea how to log a tablespoon of milk?), mustard, vinegar, spices.
  • sweetnlow30
    sweetnlow30 Posts: 497 Member
    I used to be very specific but I ended up feeling overwhelmed when I came to logging. This time I a bit more relaxed and I just try to leave about 30-50 cals a day as a cushion.

    I usually don't log:

    Gum (1-4 a day)
    Black Tea
    Dashes of hot sauce
    A nibble of food when I am cooking
    The occasional hard candy
  • odddrums
    odddrums Posts: 342 Member
    I tend to log everything, coffee, tea, water, whatever. I even try to break down my food when it's homemade for a more accurate reading. Though this is more meat + bread + veggies + condiments, I never log hot sauce or spices.

    Really it just breaks down to laziness though, like sometimes I just give up and throw down 800 calories for whatever and call it a meal and snack. It gets really tedious when you have to log homemade stuff like sandwiches, pasta, burritos or whatever. Also it's all rough estimates on weight and volume anyways.
  • knwells16
    knwells16 Posts: 18 Member
    Since I just started less than a week ago, I have been logging everything. But I am thinking that I am going to stop logging my coffee intake. I drink it black, no nothing...I sometimes only drink 3 mugs a day, and that has only been equaling out to 7 calories.
  • kwilliams386
    kwilliams386 Posts: 156 Member
    costco samples.. man that can get me.. after shopping, I think, how much did I actually eat? Last week, a guy kept giving me cookies to try. I kept throwing them away but he didn't seem to care. I know it's just a bite, but 7-10 bite size samples can really add up!
  • I don't log pickles.

    I should though to monitor sodium.
  • litatura
    litatura Posts: 569 Member
    I log absolutely everything I eat and drink, even if it is supposedly 0 calories. The little bit of calories here and there can add up by the end of the day. I'm sure that people could easily be consuming an extra 100 calories a day and not even realize it.
  • LouiseH238
    LouiseH238 Posts: 199 Member
    I am bad about logging the fats I occasionally cook in (1/2 tsp of olive oil) although I'm now trying to get on top of that. I log all my water. I don't log chewing gum or my peppermint tea.

    I have just added up the things I normally wouldn't log, and they're an extra 50 calories. Not going to ruin my diet, but perhaps I'll start doing it just to keep an eye on it.
  • I don't count ice cubes :)
  • Madaly320
    Madaly320 Posts: 112 Member
    I dont log my water, and I dont ALWAYS log my vegetables, depending on what it is. Lettuce, cucumbers, celery, brocoli, I dont log. YES, I know I should. I just don't because I don't. If I start seeing an increase because of it, then I will.

    Sometimes I log all my fruit, sometimes I dont. Depends on my mood. I know I SHOULD. Most, I do, some I don't.

    I have done Weight Watchers so many times, I feel like I have it stuck in my head that produce is "free" although I know it is not.
  • simplycorey
    simplycorey Posts: 721 Member
    I log everything except gum, water and coffee (I do count creamer). Every little bite adds up so fast and I find that logging everything actually helps me from taking those little bites here and there.
  • vkw1
    vkw1 Posts: 88
    bad I know but I dont log the scraping of marg/butter on my toast but log everything else
  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    I log everything over 10 calories unless it's something like boiled shrimp where I am eating 10 of them or if I know it is high in fat or sodium in which case I log it. If I had a bite or two of something odd like a co-worked asking me to try something, then I just log a bit high on something else so as not to pollute my personal food database.

    Otherwise if it goes in, it's logged!
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    I log everything except for water, salt and pepper.

    If I get sloppy logging stuff, I'll get sloppy about keeping to the allotted calories - I know I'd 'forget' to log something sooner or later, and then I'd lose momentum.

    Got to be honest, or there's no point being here. It's not a fantasy dieting league.
  • LeahT84
    LeahT84 Posts: 202 Member
    I don't log my diet soda, because it has no calories. Otherwise, I log every single bite I put in my mouth. If I don't, I will eat way too much junk and get stuck back in my old ways. I don't want to go backwards.
  • swissbrit
    swissbrit Posts: 201
    I log everything apart from spices and herb teas and water :-)
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    I log just about every thing except spices that have no calores.. No point to.
  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    I log everything except for water, salt and pepper.

    If I get sloppy logging stuff, I'll get sloppy about keeping to the allotted calories - I know I'd 'forget' to log something sooner or later, and then I'd lose momentum.

    Got to be honest, or there's no point being here. It's not a fantasy dieting league.

    Pepper and/or other spices I can understand but how can you be strict about logging everything and not include salt? FOr me sodium is right behind calories in what I watch. Not flaming, just curious as to your thinking.
  • 13suzie
    13suzie Posts: 349 Member
    More than once, I took a bite of something and decided before I swallowed it that it wasn't worth eating!

    This happened tonight with a spoonful of chocolate shavings that I took from hot chocolate mix after I had made a batch for my son. I was just about to swallow it and decided that it would kick off a really bad evening of sugar cravings...so, I walked right over to the disposal side of the sink and spit it out. I am sure there were at least 5 calories stuck in my teeth that didn't get recorded.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I don't log "one bite" of anything because I can't find it in the database.

    I don't log mustard, salsa, tea, or "I have no idea what I ate" binges. Oh, and casseroles that my husband makes. I try to find something similar in the data base but sometimes I just can't. "Shipwreck" (mixed leftovers) isn't in there.