I'm really confused



  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    All that nonsense you're talking about with "thigh gaps" and "collar bones" is really your inside screaming for control over your life.

    So go put your big girl pants on, put the girlie magazines with the airbrushed photos down, and take control as the adult your age says you are. You're 18. Why are you still hung up on such juvenile things?

    Go get a career and build your life, go study and make something of yourself. Go achieve something real that you can actually be proud of, because starving yourself is easy once you get used to it (been there, done that). That's no achievement and nothing to be proud of.

    I'm pretty sure you're better than this. Set better goals that actually matter and then go achieve them.
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    When I was your age I thought I was fat too. I wasn't and you're not either!! When I got married I thought I was fat. When I graduated college I thought I was fat....goes on and on. Now when I look back at pictures from those time periods in my life I can clearly see that I was not fat and actually look damn good. The thing is.....the older we get the more mature we become and less judgmental of ourselves and others. I don't know why you're confused about your body image. You look go to me and I can't see why you think you need to lose weight. Might want to take a personal inventory and see if your confusion rests with something other than body image.

    I agree with all of this. Sometimes it's hard to be objective when we look at ourselves. We look only at the negative things instead of all the positive things. Take some time to appreciate what is positive about yourself without comparing yourself to other people. Your collarbones do already show, I don't think that is something you need to be worried about.

    I don't know anything about your body fat but it would certainly not hurt you to start doing some weight lifting. It will help keep bones strong throughout your life and give you a more "toned" look by adding muscle to your frame.

    I would say that you should be eating more (probably a lot more) and I would start by adding protein. Probably try to stick to at least 100g of protein a day. Add in some weight lifting or just a resistance training program and you can build muscle.
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    I just wanted to throw in another compliment. I think you look great. Can't say hot because that would be creepy.

    Nothing else to offer.