High BF% Women.... & Men



  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Not sure what I was when I started - probably around 48% or more. I had it tested last July at 39.2% via bod Pod. I had it tested again last week at 34%. I lose approximately 11% from LBM and 89% from fat when I lose weight. Continuing on this path, when I reach my goal weight I should be 25% BF which is right where I'd like to be as its realistic for my age and build.

    I have always followed MFP guidelines and eaten back all of my exercise calories. I tried eating more for 3 months but my weight loss greatly reduced. I am currently aiming to net 1200 a day and MFP predicts I'll lose 1.1 lbs per week. In reality I'm netting about 1300 a day and losing about .75 lbs per week.

    I had my RMR tested last July after netting below my BMR for about 14 months. It was 1662 - 10% higher than expected. Netting below my BMR was certainly not affecting my metabolism. I will have it tested again when I reach my goal.

    I need to eat more protein though. I only get about 15% of calories from protein. I'm pretty happy with my results, which go against the claims on MFP that state eating below your BMR will kill your metabolism. I've asked many times for scientific evidence for this claim and have never been given any. I certainly agree that eating too low of calories is bad, but with the idea of net calories, it's a bit different IMO. When I net 1200, I'm generally eating 1500 to 2200 calories gross per day.

    I probably average TDEE - 45%
  • Ascolti_la_musica
    Ascolti_la_musica Posts: 676 Member
    I track my actual calories burned for the day and eat 1000 less than that. Say I burn 2400 calories- I get to eat 1400.

    I do not go under 1200, though. There's too much yummy food in my house for that, and I can always burn a little extra the next day if I am under 2200 burned. :-)
  • eowynmn
    eowynmn Posts: 165 Member
    I'm 50% fat, on the dot (yay...), and I'm following about a 30% deficit. I actually have a bodymedia fit, and I'm eating a 1500 cal deficit which is a little above my 30 since I exercise a lot and average a 4000 burn.
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    My body fat was 56% when I started. Jealous?

    I have mine set to a pound and a half a week, which is pretty close to my TDEE - 30%.

    It is not below my BMR. No thanks.

    We are totally BF% TWINSIES!!!

    Mine is around 45% at this point. I eat at somewhere between TDEE - 20% or 30%. Currently, I'm tinkering with the numbers a bit. I never ever eat below my BMR. I train way too hard to mess around with that.

    YAY TWINSIES!! :flowerforyou: :love:
  • jessbbaker
    jessbbaker Posts: 9 Member
    I think many people miscalculate their BFP.

    I weigh 150# at 64.5 inches tall(5'4.5"). I have 96 lbs lean mass and a BFP of 34.5%. I wear a 6-8 bottom & medium top. Btw my numbers are via dexa scan. I just got off vacation but just got back in plan, eating 1400-1600 cal per day. My RMR is 1350 or so. I am only looking to lower my BFP. Scale not a concern at this point. I am starting a heavy lifting program next Monday (new rules of lifting for women) and may increase to 1500-1700 depending on how I feel. I will be getting another dexa scan if / when I lose 10# or when I complete the NROLW.
  • wikitbikit
    wikitbikit Posts: 518 Member
    My scale tells me my body fat is about 52% Sometimes it goes under 50 and I get excited! Until I step on it again and I'm up to 54% or something.

    Yeah, I know it's inaccurate. But I do got me some chubs, so I don't quibble. (I'm 5'5, 230ish)

    I also have a BodyMedia toy, so I can tell that over the past 28 days I have consumed an average of 1844 calories/day, and my TDEE is 2512, which means I'm effectively doing TDEE - 26%. Huh! How about that, I hadn't done the math before.

    I set my log on here to give me 1670 calories/day (It was 1600, but I was fiddling with something and it changed to 1670 and I said WHATEVER and left it) and I try to stay under/around there if I don't exercise. If I do exercise (or am particularly active), I try to stay under 2000 no matter what I end up for the day.
  • phildawson75
    phildawson75 Posts: 205 Member
    I was prob 25% or higher when I started.. got down to high12 low 13% right now I am around 16 to 17%... but I will drop back down this summer.. :)
    Same story here, used to be ~27% when i started end of last year, lost 30+ lbs and now almost into the 12% range. Its probably the most fit I've ever been and was determined not to hit the big 30 with a beer belly.

    I'm going for 10% as a goal, should hit that just in time for summer. :)
  • kae_blah
    kae_blah Posts: 180 Member
    My BF% is currently 34%. That is pretty much as low as I have seen it.

    I am only 3.6kgs from my goal weight but I know my focus needs to shift to my bf%. The only reason it has not been my focus until now is because it is so damn scary! Weight comes off with exercise and watching calories. I have know idea how it really focus on bf%.

    I am sticking to the MFP calculation for losing 1 pound a week and eat back most of my exercise calories.

    Interested in seeing suggestions on this thread.
  • jst1986
    jst1986 Posts: 204 Member
    I'm about 40% dependant on the calculation as a 6ft man weighing about 340lb. Currently eaten around or slightly below my BMR.
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    my bf is 34% abut I'm not trying to lose anymore weight. I'm going to just exercise to burn the fat off and gain muscle.
    I upped my calories to 1500 something and I'm trying to increase the amount of foods that I eat, slowly.
  • Fiesty1006
    Fiesty1006 Posts: 95 Member
    Thanks for the responses everyone. It seems like most of you are eating over BMR/RMR. I've been struggling with what calorie goal to use. My test RMR is 1950. (Sitting up in a chair, breathing into a machine for 12min, after having fasted all evening and doing nothing but talking with the tester) But the person performing the test suggested that I eat at 1514. Based on everything I read, that suggestion has me confused. So, I was curious what others with high BF% were doing... Thanks!! :-)