how long did it take you to get your goal weight?



  • KeithChanning
    KeithChanning Posts: 214 Member
    A little under eight months to lose 20Kg (44lb). No rest days, no cheat days, but a slight (2Kg) gain over Christmas/New Year period. Exercise limited to a daily walk with the dogs (3 miles, very hilly, average speed 3-3.5mph)
  • ChristinaR720
    ChristinaR720 Posts: 1,186
    I have lost 28 lbs. in 3.5 months. I should be at 30 lbs. lost by the end of this month. It is definitely getting a lot more difficult to lose the weight as I get closer to my goal, though.

    There is no need for you to rush this process, and you most likely will be absolutely miserable if you try to do so. Eat healthy, exercise, and let it happen organically. If you are patient, dedicated to the process, and work hard, it will happen.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    I have just 25 lbs to lose at 150lbs now. My goal was to get in done in 5 weeks

    Unrealistic goals lead to quitting.. That's unrealistic at your weight.. and even if you lost that much you wouldn't be happy cause you wouldn't have the body your looking for cause it would of been muscle.. keep muscle add time to your goal and eat right, exercise right.
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    I'm going to guess that you burn about 15000 calories per week including exercising a few times per week. To lose 5 lbs in 1 week, you need to have a 17500 deficit. So even if you eat nothing, you can't lose 5 lbs in one week. Did I do that math right?

    1 lb or half a lb per week is reasonable IMO.

    It took me 18 months to get to goal and about 6-7 months to get from 150 to 135

    ^^^^This is so true!! I started MFP in June 2011. By December of 2011, I loss 25-30 pounds. However, I hit a snag in 2012. All I did was kept gaining and losing the same 3-6 pounds, despite all my workout and portion control. It's only this year that the scale has started to move again. There are so many things that play a factor in weight loss. Everyone's body is different. Set realist goals for yourself and keep pushing forward. Good luck!!:flowerforyou:

    Weight loss isn't lineal. So yes people can have weeks where they lose 5 pounds or more in a week. I had one week of 9 pounds and the weight never rebounded.

    Someone of her size cannot lose 5 lbs of fat in 1 week without exercising hours per day and/or eating very little. There is just no reasonable way to build in a deficit that large with her TDEE. Someone larger certainly can lose that or more (they have higher TDEEs and can get a much larger deficit in a week).

    TDEE for 5'6" 150# 20 year old, moderate exercise = 2350. *7=16450
    1 lb = 3500. *5 = 17500
    If she ate nothing, her deficit would be 16450, so almost 5 lbs in a week but surely eating nothing would not be a good idea (for both health and long term weight).
    Let's say she ate 1500 calories per day that's 10500 in a week. 16450-10500 = 5950 deficit which is between 1 and 2 lbs.

    And, yes, people with (relatively) lower TDEEs can lose 5 lbs in a week, but not fat. I usually "lose" about 5 lbs the week after vacation. But it's not fat. :smile:

    ETA in case it's not obvious I was just guessing TDEE. If you are younger/taller, your TDEE will be higher. If you are older/shorter, it will be lower. :smile:
  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    I've lost 62 lbs in a year. But, it's slowed down a lot! I've got 38 lbs to go and I'm praying it will all be gone by end of the summer. I've lost it slowly hopefully to keep it off forever!
  • lisavirani
    lisavirani Posts: 117 Member
    As soon as I reached 150 pounds (from 199) y weight loss halted. I've been 147-151 for EVER. It's like my body has said "nope, no more losing for you" So 25 is 5 weeks is impossible, :( Sorry. My advice is to just be patient and it will come off when it comes off. Just keep making good choices and regardless if you lose the 25 pounds, you're still bettering yourself and being healthy :)
  • ckseevers
    ckseevers Posts: 11
    NOT happy today. gained 1.5 pounds over night. So....I started at 143 and now I am at 144.4. I am 2.5 weeks into this and keep asking myself WHY???? I am working out almost every day and eating well at or below my calorie intake 1200-1300 calories per day HEALTHY CALORIES too....... I am SORE and FAT instead of just FAT.
  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    About 3 months for 20 pounds.

    3 months? I might be able to handle that... what was your starting weight.

    210 lbs, 19% BF and got it down to 190, 16%BF

    Currently at 192 lbs, 14% BF
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    if each pound is worth 3500 calories, and you want to lose 5 per week, you need to have a DEFICIT of 2500 calories a day. So I guess you could eat 1200 calories and then do high intensity training for three hours per day to burn the extra 1500 calories a day you would have to burn through exercise. Sorry, my friend, it is slower than that, I am losing .5-1lb a week and working very hard at it.
  • Petrapoo45
    Petrapoo45 Posts: 271 Member
    Im coming to this realization as well. my goal since Jan has been to reach 145lbs by april 15th (my birthday) at the time when I made this goal, it was 25lbs to loose. now here we are almost a month to Dday and I sill have 10lbs to reach my goal. which would put me at a 3lb/week loss. Ive been right on track with loosing 1-1.5lbs/week since Ive started in Nov. of last year. So, yeah in conclusion I think we are just going to have to be happy with the progress we make, when we make it. and not get hung up on the numbers.
  • SweetestLibby
    SweetestLibby Posts: 607 Member
    I haven't reached my goal yet but there was that one time I lost 8 pounds in two weeks - I had the flu followed by bronchial pneumonia. Not good at all!

    Overall to lose about 92 lbs it took a year and a half. The last 10 pounds have been down and back up again for about 4 months. About a pound a week is good for me but the closer I get to my goal weight the harder it becomes to lose.